March 1st, 2009, 14:03 Posted By: wraggster
Updated Release from eloivanelst
PSPiton? Never heard of it before?
It's a simple application which will help you downgrading/upgrading your PSP to the firmware you need for your games. It also contains alot of real usefull information of other good apps/homebrew, such as CWCheat, Ultimate PSPTube and their links.
Hey everyone,
I updated my application with some new features, such as a rating system and I fixed some annoying bugs. Here's the full changelog:
Changelog v0.41:
- More apps added (as always);
- Fixed a bug when you pressed on the about button a error popped-up;
- Added a rating system in the info menu;
- Added a button which gives you the chance to have your app on PSPiton ^^;
- Added a icon;
- Colored text bars;
- Updated LEDA v0.1 to v0.2. (Thanks z7shaft for reporting)
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March 1st, 2009, 14:07 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release of the File browser and more from Mediumguage:
Heres whats new:
fixed a bug wrong free area was shown when using large (>4G) MS Duo.
added a feature to show GB mode. And, even in larger scale mode, small files are shown on smaller scale.
fixed a bug USB connection was failed on kernel3 using under FW 5.00.
fixed a bug at ripping UMD, to be frozen, when MS Duo was full (that happened depending on CFW version).
fixed a bug to be frozen when finishing built-inn OSK at 333MHz.
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March 1st, 2009, 14:10 Posted By: wraggster
Plugin2Flash by manatails007(Seungju Kim)
This app allows you to easily install plugins to flash0
Visit www.seungjukim.com and donate if you find this app useful;D
-Installing plugins
1.Put your plugins to ms0:/seplugins/
2.Load This app.
3.Press X to start.
4.Select the prx you want to install.
5.Toggle mode (V,G,U,P,A)
6.Watch progress.....
-Uninstalling plugins
1.Load this app
3.Select plugins you want to remove
4.Watch progress...
Check free space of flash0 before installing
v1:initial release
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March 1st, 2009, 14:18 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita
The coder jade2293 French releases Wario Ware: a homebrew written in Lua, structured in 3 mini games based on the homonymous title of Nintendo in 2003.
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March 1st, 2009, 14:22 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Auraomega
Ok, this if those of you who know what VIVA is, if you don't go search it >.>
I developed this as a "look I can do it", to prove that I could get an XMB replacement booting from the flash as well as the XMB, and all that fancy stuff. Well, I think now its time for me to hang up my PSP (metaphorically), as I have more pressing things to be doing, however I believe that someone could take this chance to either finish (ugh... might as well have said start) VIVA using the base code I have, or for a budding developer to come along and say "hey, I want to make and XMB replacement, and this guy Aura made a couple, I'll see how he did it", because believe me, first time around it ain't easy
I've included the flasher too, I'm sure you can work out whats going on there, and if you can't you shouldn't be playing in the flash. The patches however aren't included as anything more than a package, this can be used and hex edited to load any file you want. Check the small, not-very-informative readme to get a bit of a better feel for whats there and whats not.
I'm still deving for the PC, and if any kind soul wants to buy me a Pandora I'll dev for that but seriously, its been fun here, and when I get some spare cash I may get the Pandora system and work on that.
And now, I bid thee farewell.
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March 1st, 2009, 17:21 Posted By: Hard Core Rikki
PCSX2 team still unstoppable. Radical improvements, speedups, compatibility increases, etc...
-> Release announcement (PCSX2 forum)
-> Digg the story
PCSX2 0.9.6 released!!
After nearly 16 months, here comes a new Pcsx2 version.
These months were somewhat problematic for pcsx2, due to an initial slowdown of the development process. Then, last fall, the Playground branch was created, and development picked up again. Finally, with the merge of Pcsx2 and Pcsx2 playground, the emulator's development returned once again as it was before, and now we can give you a release which should (we hope!) leave you happy.
We would like to thank everyone that was still waiting for a release, and coming to our forums. We would also like to thank everyone to encouraged and otherwise supported us. This release is especially for you.
Important note: you NEED to update directx or you won't be able to use the emulator! You can do it with either of the links below:
THIS <-- DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer
or THIS <-- DirectX End-User Runtimes
What's new in 0.9.6?
- Huge rewrite, mainly from the new members of the Playground branch! Too many speedups, optimizations and other fixes to write here! Many famous games will now work.
- Dropped VM build replaced by the all new Vtlb, meaning no more 'Cannot allocate memory' errors at start up, more accurate emulation, slightly lower speeds but with many optimizations to come
- Full memcard support, working in all games
- Improved Frameskip/VU-skip
- Special Game Fixes Section
- Advanced Options Section for custom tweaking VU/FPU behavior.
- Rewritten Multithreaded GS (MTGS) mode, with as much as 15% speedup for HT machines (only 3-5% for Dual Core), and fixes many instabilities.
- Improved VU/FPU Flags and Clamping support (helps fix odd behaviors and SPS in some games)
- Improved EE/IOP synchronization (fixes many freeze-ups and vmhacks).
- Improved CDVD support.
The older versions will NOT be supported in our forums,so 0.9.4,0.9.5 and playground are not supported anymore 
Digg the news by clicking HERE!
Without further delay grab the 0.9.6 installer HERE!
For the Linux binary and source,check our downloads page HERE
Additional download mirrors kindly provided by: GoogleCode and EmuDev
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March 2nd, 2009, 01:36 Posted By: wraggster
A recent addition to the ESRB ratings list reveals an upcoming "Classic Rock" track pack for Rock Band for PS2, PS3, Wii and 360. The ESRB rated the expansion with a "Teen" rating for violence, swearing and drug use. Not that you'll see any of that stuff going on, you'll just be singing about it.
Example lyrics given by the ESRB reveal three of the track pack's songs: "The Joker" and "Take The Money And Run" by Steve Miller's Band and "Holiday In Cambodia" by Dead Kennedys. All of which have been previously released as DLC. Expect EA to announce the full track list, along with the track pack itself, within the next few weeks.
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March 2nd, 2009, 01:41 Posted By: wraggster
CNet reports on a bizarre comment from Sony's Computer Entertainment CEO in response to complaints from developers on how hard it is to develop games for the Playstation 3. 'We don't provide the "easy to program for" console that (developers) want, because "easy to program for" means that anybody will be able to take advantage of pretty much what the hardware can do, so then the question is, what do you do for the rest of the nine-and-a-half years?' Given that games heavily drive console sales, and the fact that the PS3 is already 8 million units behind the Xbox 360, I think making a developer's job harder is the last thing Sony needs.
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March 2nd, 2009, 02:12 Posted By: wraggster
The ScummVM Team have released a new version of ScummVM for nearly every system released, heres the details and whats new etc:
Information about scummvm
ScummVM is a program which allows you to run certain classic graphical point-and-click adventure games, provided you already have their data files. The clever part about this: ScummVM just replaces the executables shipped with the games, allowing you to play them on systems for which they were never designed!
Some of the adventures ScummVM supports include Adventure Soft's Simon the Sorcerer 1 and 2; Revolution's Beneath A Steel Sky, Broken Sword 1 and Broken Sword 2; Flight of the Amazon Queen; Wyrmkeep's Inherit the Earth; Coktel Vision's Gobliiins; Westwood Studios' The Legend of Kyrandia and games based on LucasArts' SCUMM (Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion) system such as Monkey Island, Day of the Tentacle, Sam and Max and more.
Todays release news:
As we turned to a 6 months release cycle, here is our newest and best ScummVM version for you!
A couple of new engines were added, and besides 2 Humongous Entertainment titles, we now support The 7th Guest and Bud Tucker in Double Trouble.
Among other notable things there is a completely new vector-based GUI, which is a merged work of our last year GSoC student Vicent Marti, as well as a General Main Menu which adds a common save/load interface to most of our engines, adding the much awaited Return to Launcher feature along the way. It was the work of another successful student, Chris Page.
release notes
0.13.0 (2009-02-28)
- Added MIDI driver for Atari ST / FreeMint.
- Added a 'Load' button to the Launcher (not supported by all engines).
- Added a new global main menu (GMM) dialog usable from all engines.
- Added the ability to return to the launcher from running games (via the GMM).
- Rewrote GUI renderer to use an vector based approach.
- Rewrote GUI configuration to use XML.
New Games:
- Added support for Blue's 123 Time Activities.
- Added support for Blue's ABC Time Activities.
- Added support for Bud Tucker in Double Trouble.
- Added support for The 7th Guest.
- Added support for Auto-save feature.
- Added support for MIDI music.
- Implemented radio-chatter effect in The DIG.
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March 2nd, 2009, 17:02 Posted By: wraggster
News via Emurussia
The Nintendo 64 emulator for Sony PSP has been updated.
[+] Added exception handler to emulation (Chilly Willy)
[+] Made UI selection wrap at top and bottom (Chilly Willy)
[+] Cleaned up the ROM preferences (Chilly Willy)
[+] ME Audio uses CPU event (CPU event system made thread-safe) (Chilly Willy)
[+] ME Audio made conditional (Async = ME, Sync = Old Audio) (Chilly Willy)
[+] Several Custom Blends Added (Kreationz, ShinyDude100, Wally)
[+] Rewrote microcode detection to fix a couple of bugs (StrmnNrmn)
[+] Added support for LOAD_UCODE, fixes a number of rendering glitches (StrmnNrmn)
[!] Fixed an assert causing some homebrew not to run (StrmnNrmn)
[^] OSEHLE Enabled with several OSHLE commands (Small speed up)(howard0su)
[^] Improved Audio ME code (Faster with Audio on) (Chilly Willy)
[^] Use VFPU to handle more transform and lighting (StrmnNrmn)
[^] Various rendering optimisations (StrmnNrmn)
[^] Various ucodes, many games show up correctly now. (Wally)
[^] Corrected many savetypes in rom.ini (Wally)
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March 2nd, 2009, 17:08 Posted By: wraggster
Air has just posted this on the PCSX2 blog:
Without a doubt, creating a public release of Pcsx2 is an exhausting affair. We just got finished posting the latest and greatest in 0.9.6 (available in our Downloads Section!), and while it's nice having everything done and over with for now, it sure feels like there should have been a better way.
This time around we tried to make use of our GoogleCode Svn in "smart" fashion, and created a branch for the Release Candidate. The jury's still out on if this proved to be successful or not. Several ground-breaking fixes were submitted shortly after the RC branch was made, so we had to merge all of that stuff in. Furthermore, I got carried away and experimented with partial merges, without fully understanding the advantages of reverse merges, so I had to undo several of my own merging errors. And just to add salt to the wound, TortoiseSvn had a bug that would frequently "forget" line breaks; merging all code changes into one super-long line.
So in the end, the merges required a lot of brain power, a lot of time, and may have led to some small mistakes. These were all things we were hoping the RC branch would help reduce, so it was a bit of a fail on that account.
The other stress tester when doing an official release is the updating of the compatibility list, which is both a lot of work for our dedicated testers and has the nasty side-effect of making us devs completely and totally aware of just how many games actually emulate worse now, instead of better. So each day was a mad dash to do regression testing on each new set of titles that came in as no longer being playable. This was made even more challenging by the fact that most of the regressions ended up being pretty old, dating back to the pre-Playground days (meaning they were attributed to 0.9.5 Svn revisions). We only managed to get a few of the riddles solved.
So yeah, it's true -- the overall "playable" number of games is lower in 0.9.6 compared to 0.9.4, due to many semi-obscure titles which are unable make it past the intro in 0.9.6. But on the other hand, games that are playable tend be much more accurately emulated now, and are certainly much faster. And 0.9.6 also runs a couple dozen games that 0.9.4 could not (most of which are big titles many folks have looked forward to for some time). In the meantime, though, you might want to keep that old 0.9.4 copy around for some of those titles that need it.
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March 2nd, 2009, 19:00 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Konami is re-releasing PSP games in Europe, offering two titles for GBP 19.99.
Available from March 27, the first two pairings will be Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops and Silent Hill Origins, and Metal Gear Solid with Coded Arms.
Sony has recently unveiled a renewed software drive for the portable device, confirming new LittleBigPlanet, MotorStorm and Buzz games are in the works, along with Assassin's Creed from Ubisoft and Rock Band Unplugged from Harmonix.
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March 2nd, 2009, 19:45 Posted By: wraggster
HDD Decryption is the very actual topic in the PS3 Scene, but what do you expect of it? A custom firmware + isoloader and choco cookies? The bad truth is that, this "hack" only removed the HDD layer encryption, but not the file encryption itself. Means: You get a few sprx, rco and xml files, possible a few more types but those are useless unless you can remove the encryption of the file itself. But you can't yet. So the only thing you can do for example is getting the firmware part which is on the HDD. But these are only UNPACKED files, NOT DECRYPTED files. You may be able to replace several firmware files ye, so if replacing some text in the XMB or an icon is a custom firmware for you, have fun with the knowledge that this may brick your PS3 and is useless as hell.
If you now ask me if this hack is even true, I would say yes. There were several very unknown (but public in some forums) HDD decryption methods in the first PS3 days which worked aswell, so why not on the new firmware...
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March 2nd, 2009, 19:48 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Guerrilla Games producer Seb Downie has stated that there are "no changes required" to Killzone 2's often-complained-about controls.
We mentioned it in our review, and it seems enough of you have made a noise about it in forums to get the developer to look into, but the sluggish analogue controls in Killzone 2 are here to stay.
"After carefully looking into this, reading the posts, talking to a lot of you directly and analysing the controls at GG we have come to the conclusion that there are no changes required to the system," affirmed Downie.
75 percent of the CVG team disagree.
"If at all, any changes to the controls would put the majority of people who have not had problems or have adapted out of whack, which may be more serious," he said, adding: "Killzone 2 is a weighty, slower, more tactical first person experience that focuses on immersion.
"It is not a twitchy, split-second gun-wielding experience like some shooters. Also, the online experience is quicker as we've made the controls and animations a little faster during design."
Downie had previously said that the slow response of the controls was "down primarily to the design decision to make the game weightier," and suggested that, instead if throwing the sensitivity right up to max, that you "work your way up the sensitivity scale slowly as you become more accustomed to the game".
75 percent of the CVG team had to whack the sensitivity up to max.
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March 2nd, 2009, 19:49 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from J3r3mie
eKaraoke is my new homebrew for the PSP that turns it into karaoke.
This homebrew works through files to MP3 music files and lyrics for the RSC. RSC files are compatible with most MP4 players and now functional with the PSP thanks to my homebrew. To learn more about the RSC and for links to download, go to Wikipedia.
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March 2nd, 2009, 19:51 Posted By: wraggster
Heres what one member of team Dar Alex has posted:
Looking at that huge console that is getting dusty on the corner of the room of the kids, so many friends have told me, "heya, why not to develop on PS3, it's kindy a cool platform and so on", and yeah, i also thought that they didn't knew about what they were talking about, being that cool-fans of Halo3.
Well, want some reasons to develop on PS3? Thinking a bit on it, i've got onto some of them.
1. It's cool. Using a cell processor to play within the SPU's like you were using a CellBlade, wtf? Too bad that it's too limited to the normal users, even using the IBM Cell SDK, and that the RSX is still too overprotected and we just can imagine the great work that it could do rendering that graphic details that some friends keep on asking for.
2. It's necessary. Ok, this point only applies for the game developers. Considering the market boost that has the rival consoles from Microsoft or Nintendo with their easy-to-play (and-to-buy) games, game developers should try to duck directly onto this console without any fear (considering that they have the funds to do this), so we can see cool games coming directly to this cool engineering piece of hardware.
3. It's not necessarily piracy-related. Well, this is a little bit of drama. At the moment, on the scene, all what you can see are fakes, "teams" that are fighting each other, and people saying that "hey, that thing was mine, not yours!" How regrettable. So, at the moment you can't find piracy and BRD Game Downloads on this console. Therefore, even though you, game developer, make an omfg-cool game that it's out at the market with a price of 70€, you'll find two kind of buyers: The ones that buy it directly, and the ones that wait till it's platinum so they can buy it for 20€.
4. It's the normal progression. Well, let's be honest. You have made cool games for PSX, then you have used the cool improvements of PS2 to move it to a next generation, and now with PS3 you have the choice to take the next step onto the third-generation consoles. Yeah, i know that it would be easier to stop, take a break and turn on your 360 and play a little of Bioshock, but that's not the point.
5. It's hard. As Sony said recently, "We don't provide the 'easy to program for' console that (developers) want, because 'easy to program for' means that anybody will be able to take advantage of pretty much what the hardware can do, so then the question is, what do you do for the rest of the nine-and-a-half years?" (Kaz Hirai, CEO, SCE). This is a good decision or what? Considering the facts, saying that is hard and saying on other hand that you need more people to go and play with your bits, it's a bit contradictory. But anyway, this is not quite a bad argument or something to make you definetly say NO to develop on PS3, but a challenge, as, having in mind the three third-generation consoles, PS3 is the one that has the better hardware, even though that usually turns onto more costs.
What do you think?
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March 2nd, 2009, 19:51 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
When the Resident Evil 5 trailer was first shown, it raised some eyebrows. Some were critical, saying the set-in-Africa game used racist imagery.
Later builds of the game showed a variety of races as the zombies, but several website reported that some of questionable imagery remained. Both Eurogamer and Kikizo described a scene depicting "a white blonde woman being dragged off, screaming, by black men."
Apparently, the version of the game submitted to the British Board of Film Classification did not contain this potentially offensive scene. Sue Clark, Head of Communications at the British Board of Film Classification, explains, "In the version [of the scene] submitted to the BBFC there is only one man pulling the blonde woman in from the balcony, and I can't say the skimpiness of her dress impressed itself on me. The single man is not black either. As the whole game is set in Africa it is hardly surprising that some of the characters are black, just like the fact that some of the characters in an earlier version were Spanish as the game was set in Spain."
The BBFC states that it does take racism "very seriously"; however, it added that the version of RE5 is not racist. "As I said yesterday, we do take racism very seriously," said Clark, "but in this case there is no issue around racism."
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March 2nd, 2009, 19:55 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release of Doom for the PS2 from pedroduarte0 :
Time for updates:
Version features USB keyboard support, so if you own a keyboard compatible with the PlayStation2 (not all USB keyboards are, unfortunably) it’s time to try it! It was as simple as enable it at the SDL makefile
Now it’s possible to change the weapon at will Select previous/next weapon with the Square and Circle buttons, respectively.
Also, gamma correction, run, and map view are accessible. L1 button now results in ‘n’ key instead of a ‘x’ key, which is good for confirmation input.
Saving and loading is still only possible via host: device.
Dualshock Joystick mappings:
Left Analog Stick : Move
Cross: Shift / Run
Square : o / Previous weapon
Circle : p / Next weapon
Triangle : Escape
L1 : n
L2 : y
R1 : Fire
R2 : Space / Open doors
Start : Enter
Analog Left click : Map
Analog Right click : Brightness (gamma)
Please note: Enter key action (required to menu operations like starting new game) is a bit clumsy for now. For bringing up the menu, use the Cross button but to select items, use the Start button. This will be fixed.
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March 2nd, 2009, 19:57 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
A crown for Sackboy. Sony's spelled out some new ways to earn one in LittleBigPlanet, but that's not to say getting crowned is any easier. Sony expects only 50 will be handed out this year.
The latest "Sack It to Me" update identifies these three ways to win the rarest piece of DLC in the LBP community. (Words are theirs)
• A "Gold Star" on the LittleBigWorkshop
Frequently, when we're on LittleBigWorkshop.com, every so often, we come across a submission, whether it is an inspiration, workshop or forum post that makes us smile. As a small token of our appreciation, we like to put a smile on your face too by giving you a Community Prize Crown.
• Raising our Eyebrows
Every once in awhile, LBP fans do something that immediately grabs the attention of a few people, spreads on the web, and eventually is talking about it. We love it when this happens, and as a sign of thanks, you may just get a Community Prize Crown in your mail box.
• LittleBigChallenges
We're in the process of coming up with more LittleBigChallenges, so get your creative thoughts together and stay tuned next week for LittleBigChallenge2.
So, the first two are more or less, impress us, or do something that goes viral, and the standard seems arbitrary. The third, complete a LittleBigChallenge, was the only way to get a crown going back to its origins in November. Guessing LBC #2 won't be any easier than the first.
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March 2nd, 2009, 19:58 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from hitchhikr
I recently (today as a matter of fact ;D) made a psp replay routine for my softsynth tracker program available here:
The tracker is tailored for much faster machines so this is more an experiment than anything else.
If you intend to use it to create music for the PSP you'd better go very easy on the dsp effects and channels polyphony, especially the flanger fx is a really heavy toll because the media engine doesn't have any integrated hardware sin/cos or pow instructions.
The replay routine of the tracker uses the 2nd processor so the occupation time of the main CPU is really minimal.
Samples depacking with the PSP codecs isn't implemented yet (so samples packing should be set to "none" in that case).
The tracker itself is open source and available on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.
- Modified the behaviour of the ring mod stereo filter.
- Added a few more constants for the replay.
- Song name wasn't displayed in the plugin infos.
- Fixed a bug in the flanger (early cut).
- Right mouse button on the "Lock / All" button to locked/unlock
all instruments at once.
- More granularity in constants generation (potentially smaller replay).
- Mp3 samples packing bitrate is now selectable between:
64, 88, 96, 128, 160 & 192 kbps.
- LSHIFT+I: Show instruments list / LSHIFT+S: Show synths list.
- Forgot to include LameACM.inf in the windows distribution
(without that file the codec couldn't be installed
and samples using mp3 packing scheme weren't packed at all, shame).
- Added At3 samples packing scheme (Windows users need to install
the atrac3 codec located in the install directory in order to pack samples).
Rates are: 66, 105 & 132 kbps (depacker not yet implemented on PSP, tho).
- Added the ability to select a range of positions for songs rendering to .wav.
- The nasty click occuring when loading a module while another one
was still playing should be gone.
- Added mouse wheel navigation support in samples editor.
- Cubic interpolation can now be disabled
(should increase speed a bit but at the expense of lower quality).
- Added ADPCM packing scheme.
- Added an option to pack & lock instruments and use them directly
in the tracker. (unpacked versions of the instruments are kept safe
and are saved in .ptk files as usual).
These instruments can't be modified in the samples editor.
This should come in handy to finetune a module prior to a .ptp export.
- Fixed a bug with TrueSpeech packed samples.
- Introduced small tracks
(right click on the 3rd icon of a track or globally via the sequencer).
- Added 3 commands in the sequencer to zoom all tracks at once.
- Filesizes are now displayed beside names.
- Added an instruments remapper in the sequencer tab.
- Added some colors for the notes
(also changed the font so patterns should be a bit easier to read now).
- Added volume ramping for the 303 units.
- The 2nd 303 unit wasn't triggered correctly.
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March 2nd, 2009, 20:00 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
Here's an object lesson in the importance of timing. Just one week ago, the announcement that a port of the Wii's Tenchu: Shadow Assassins would be coming to the U.S. in March would have sounded like manna from Japanese heaven to game-starved PSP owners.
But now, in the light of Assassin's Creed, LittleBigPlanet, Rock Band: Unplugged and MotorStorm: Arctic Edge being in the pipeline for Sony's portable, today's announcement is a little more like ... well, it's like a Tenchu game being announced. See? It's all in the timing.
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March 2nd, 2009, 20:04 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Kehon
this app lets you read the bible on your psp i've finished new testament but old hasnt been done yet might do it might not here you go
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March 2nd, 2009, 20:09 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from jojojoris
Hi everyone,
I made this little text based game at school. I was bored.
When you start this game it first asks you for a number. the psp then choose a number between 0 and the chosen number.
Then you have to guess the number. You psp will say if your guess is TOO HIGH or TOO LOW.
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March 2nd, 2009, 20:10 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
The next iteration of Sony's PSP handheld will feature a sliding screen, will no longer carry a UMD drive and will allow shoulder button-only games to be played when the screen is in its 'closed' position.
That's according to a development source close to Sony, speaking to Eurogamer on condition of anonymity. We first broke the news of a new update to the system late last year, revealing that PSP-4000, the third incremental hardware revision of the console, is planned for release later this year.
While Sony has refused to comment so far, further rumours have emerged in the past week claiming that 4000 will represent the first major overhaul of the system, with a sliding screen added and the UMD drive removed.
Our development source today confirmed these reports, adding: "The screen is basically the same as the one in the 3000 - except it slides." When 'closed', we were told, the screen won't cover the entire face of the console, but the unit will be "significantly smaller in width" as a result.
With the console in its 'closed' state, most controls will be inaccessible. However, our source claims that games which use the shoulder buttons exclusively - such as LocoRoco - will be playable, as these inputs will still be accessible. It's expected that the unit can also be used for media playback in this configuration.
Eurogamer further understands Sony is approaching developers for ideas for games that only require the shoulder buttons.
Sony said this afternoon it does not comment on rumour or speculation.
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March 2nd, 2009, 20:13 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from nct2k
Hi all,
I've modified bookr V0.7.1 to support viewing CHM/HTML file using PSP's Internet Browser.
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March 2nd, 2009, 20:23 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from raing3
I was originally going to post this on the CWCheat forums but I am still waiting for my account to be activated so I can post therefore I am posting it here. I'm hoping I can get some help.
Ok, don't expect much from this at the momment, I only bothered starting this because no-one else has done it yet and many of the PSPAR cheats are not available in the CWCheat database.
Basically it can only convert "some" standard 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit type cheats to CWCheat format. I'm releasing this now because I have very little idea of how to fix the issues I am having. If you think you can help please post any information here.
Please DON'T post a list of cheats which don't work as I can quite easily see which cheats don't work and until it can convert the cheats better I DON'T care about reports of cheats which don't work. Also when you do convert the cheats you must place the PSPAR code file in the root of the Memory Stick and call it "pspar_codes1.bin". The difference between conversion mode 1 and 2 is that mode 1 will try to convert the addresses and values if needed to CWCheat format and save the file to "ms0:/cheats.txt". Whereas mode 2 will simply dump the addresses and values as they are written in the original PSPAR code file to "ms0:/cheats_nomod.txt".
Since I am unable to solve these issues further releases will be unlikely unless I can get some help fixing the issues which I am having.
However that is fixed in version 0.21.
Here is another quick update to fix a few issues.
Changes in version 0.21:
- Fixed: Crash if CIRCLE is enter
- Fixed: Issue converting various DMA cheats (thanks to haro and NoEffex)
Version 0.21 can be downloaded here.
With this version I have tested ~235 cheats and this is the compatibility results:
- version 0.10: 71.30%
- version 0.20: 87.75%
- version 0.21: 90.13%
As you can see that is quite close to the 100% however I still need help fixing the codes which aren't converted correctly. I've attatched all of my notes with version 0.21 and there is quite a lot more than there was before. I've also added a few links to some useful information and a useful java PC application to the first post.
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March 2nd, 2009, 20:24 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Nick Swardh
It's wrapped, packed and ready for action - PSPVC v3.60 is here!
In this version, a new "logo" section has been added that enables you to add your very own logo/watermark to the video - in any size - anywhere on the screen - and in any transparency level you want A new "Line Darkening" option has also been added to the "Tweak Image" options, which (as the name implies) darkens the lines in the video (useful and effective in animated videos). Other things has been changed/updated/improved as well, here are the changes in v3.60:
Added a whole new "Logo" section that enables you to add your own logo/watermark
Added a new "Line Darkening" option to "Tweak Image" which makes the lines... eh... darker
Added a memory stick space-check when uploading a video to the PSP
Updated the sharpening filter LimitedSharpen to LMFmod
Increased the "Custom Resolution" limit from 3 to 4 digits
Fixed a subtitle-extraction bug when converting
fixed bug causing some subtitles to show up incorrect while previewing video
Fixed a screenshot-marker bug
Misc improvements
Downnload Here --> http://pspvc.nswardh.com/download.php?file=pspvc
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March 3rd, 2009, 01:02 Posted By: wraggster
Samsung's new value priced Blu-ray player managed to fly under our radar at CES in favor of its better equipped brethren but that hasn't stopped Dave Zatz and others from stumbling into them at retail lately, like this one sitting on a Best Buy shelf. By making BD-Live required 1GB storage and WiFi dongle aftermarket accessories, you can grab a slim, Netflix streaming, fast Blu-ray loading box for $299. Right now we'll probably wait until the whole product line appears and prices slide down a bit more before considering picking one up, but depending on your needs this could be a good option, more pics of this bird in its unnatural habitat beyond the read link.
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March 3rd, 2009, 01:11 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has spent over a year trying to convince third-party developers to support the PSP again. Their recommended recipe for success: bigger names and shorter games.
How does Sony go from making the darling of portable gaming devices to an afterthought?
And, more importantly, how did Sony spend 2008 privately working with publishers to turn that situation around and line the PSP up for its best gaming year ever?
“We did have a bit of a downturn last year in terms of software quality and quantity.â€
John Koller, head of marketing for PSP, told MTV Multiplayer that story as part of a wide-ranging interview about Sony’s four-year-old gaming machine. The topic of today’s portion of the interview: Sony’s pitch to bring the PSP back to the gaming forefront.
“We did have a bit of a downturn last year in terms of software quality and quantity,†Koller told me as we began our interview with a look back on how the PSP fared in 2008. “We had a few big games like “God of War†and “Crisis Core,†but we knew going in that there were going to be some quantity issues and we wanted to ensure that 2009 and 2010 would see a tremendous resurgence. This has been about a year-and-a-half roadshow project in talking to the publishers and making sure they understand how best to create games for the PSP.
Koller said the 2008 PSP gaming line-up was soft because the PSP hardware sales had been soft 18 months earlier. He recalled feedback he was hearing nearly two years ago. “A lot of the publishers were looking at that and were saying, ‘Is the installed base going to be near where I need it to be in order to recoup my costs?’ That all changed when we launched the PSP 2000 in September of 2007. The sales have been on a very strong trajectory ever since.â€
But how to get publishers back on board? It wasn’t as simple as showing them a graph with an inclining ascent of PSP hardware sales numbers. Publishers had reasons to prefer making games for PSP’s rival, the Nintendo DS. “If you look at it just from a strict unit sales metric, PSP games outsell the DS counterpart,†Koller explained. “But the DS games require much less development investment, because the graphics aren’t as good, the gameplay isn’t as deep. In general it’s just not created for a more sophisticated, mature gamer, but usually [someone who is] under 12.†The result, Koller said, is that publishers felt they could make more money making games relatively cheaply for the DS.
According to Koller … almost every first-party PSP game has been profitable.
Koller said that Sony’s PSP team spent 2008 “making the rounds†with every major third-party game publisher, sharing data and showing how PSP games could be more profitable for publishers. According to Koller, Sony was backed with evidence that almost every first-party PSP game has been profitable, a “positive gross margin,†to put it in his words.
The trick would be how to convince other game makers that they could have the same experience.
Sony presented a “recipe†for success, suggesting marketing budgets and even offering ideas about which publisher franchises might best suit the PSP. “The number one request we had was: look at franchise games, and don’t port them.†Koller mentioned, as he did last year in an interview with MTV Multiplayer’s Patrick Klepek, that the high-selling “Transformers†and “Iron Man†games were cited as successes.
PSP fans might shudder at Koller’s mention of “Transformers†and “Iron Man†games, neither of which received good reviews. That’s not lost on Koller. “We did get into quality, and we did get into size. So quality is very important, obviously… Size is another thing. Many of the publishers had gotten caught up in the idea that ‘We have to make a console-sized game’ and it’s just not true. We launched ‘God of War‘ last year in March with eight hours of gameplay. When we launched it there was an immediate reaction [against that]. But when you realize how a PSP is used, you use it for 10 minutes, put it down for an hour, pick it up for 15 minutes — eight hours was a very deep game. If you look at that size, that translates into development investment.†Translation: it’s cheaper, publishers, if you make shorter PSP games.
“Many of the publishers had gotten caught up in the idea that ‘We have to make a console-sized game’ and it’s just not true.â€
Another thing the Sony PSP team pushed to publishers was PSP-PS3 connectivity. Make the games talk to each other, they urged. “If you have a big franchise, think about ways you can connect it to the PSP,†Koller said of the pitch to third parties. “Of PSP owners, 30% own a PS3, so that cross-ownership rate is growing. It’s a very strong loyalty. And there’s a really good opportunity for a publisher — or even us on the worldwide studios side — to have two sales, plus the consumer loving the interaction between both of them.†Sony’s connections between the PS3’s “Resistance 2″ and the PSP’s upcoming “Resistance Retribution†offer a showcase for this kind of two-system/two-games link.
“It’s kind of hard to ignore a 15 million-plus installed base,†Koller said. But the time to talk hardware is past. If 2009 is the year of the PSP game resurgence, it is the “LittleBigPlanet,†“Rock Band,†“Assassin’s Creed†and other major games coming to Sony’s portable that will need to be hard to ignore.
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March 3rd, 2009, 01:13 Posted By: wraggster
Do you know the exact number of Trophies you have ... off the top of your head? We know how tedious it is loading up your PS3 every time you want to remind yourself of your in-game accomplishments. Thankfully, this is now a thing of the past. Once PlayStation.com updates with its new Trophy tracking features, you'll be able to check your PSN level, Trophy count and lists for each individual game from anywhere with internet access.
The update is due to go live tomorrow. The functionality will be very basic at launch, allowing you to simply check your own Trophy stats. After a later update, you'll be able to compare your Trophies against friends' and "look at your Trophies in new and interesting ways." We're hoping the info will be made available for third-party applications and websites to access at some point in the future, too.
In the meantime, check out our gallery below to see what your Trophies will look like on PlayStation.com and visit the PlayStation Blog for a video walkthrough of the new site features.
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March 3rd, 2009, 01:14 Posted By: wraggster
A sliding screen and no UMD drive for the rumored PSP-4000? If Eurogamer's "close to Sony" source is to be believed, these are the changes you can expect to see in the next iteration of portable PlayStation. The screen is supposedly the same as the PSP-3000, with the only difference being that it can slide. When in the "closed" position, the unit will be "significantly smaller in width" and most controls will be inaccessible; however, shoulder button-only games like LocoRoco will be playable while in this state.
The noted hardware change, which would make the PSP a UMD-less device, mimics statements made by former COO of Acclaim Dave Perry last week -- to which Sony's PSP marketing head John Koller offered a vague non-denial. With the PSP-4000 rumored to arrive later this year, it won't be long before we get more verifiable information.
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March 3rd, 2009, 01:22 Posted By: wraggster
The Playstation Blog sat down with Resistance: Retribution to talk about the upcoming Playstation Portable's multiplayer modes.
The game includes five multiplayer modes:
Team Deathmatch: Eliminate the players on the opposing team. The team with the highest score wins.
Capture The Flag: Grab the opposing team's flag and deliver it to your base to score the capture. You flag is required at your base to score.
Containment: Capture coolant nodes to overheat and destroy the opposing teams reactor. Controlling both coolant nodes increases the overheat time
Assimilation: The Cloven must eliminate the Maquis forces and assimilate them to their team. The last Maquis to be eliminated ends the round. The player with the highest individual score wins.
Free For All: All players are out for themselves. Eliminate the opposition and the player with the highest score wins.
Tons more information can be found in this video, as well as a look at multiplayer gameplay.
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March 3rd, 2009, 01:38 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released :

Gameplay simulates the perceptual effects of fear, drugs and your shell-shocked state due to combat. Experience the true chaos, horror and disorientation of the Vietnam War
Every shot counts, and every bullet is precious. Fight off fear and push forward not knowing what unspeakable horror could be waiting to claim your life
Fight a cunning and elusive enemy that takes every advantage of everything at their disposal. Napalm attacks, intricate tunnel systems and vicious homemade traps - cruel, violent and unfiltered war
Fight the victims of WhiteknIght - an enemy that has no side, one who is brutal, insane and ready to rip you to shreds
ShellShock 2: Blood Trails is a violent, first-person, survival horror game set against the backdrop of the Vietnam War. Gameplay centers on the use of psychological horror and fear, relying on the power of suggestion, mood, tension and foreshadowing - implying the notion of danger, potential danger, imminent danger, and horrifying acts that have or are implied to have occurred or will come to pass.
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March 3rd, 2009, 01:42 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released :

The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match is a 2D arcade-style fighting game in which players compete in one-on-one combat with a large international cast of selectable characters. Players engage in hand-to-hand battles by mostly kicking, punching, and blocking their way to victory until the opposing player's life meter runs out. Some female fighters wear clothing that exposes their posterior and cleavage, while bouncing breasts are depicted during battles.
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March 3rd, 2009, 19:48 Posted By: wraggster
Pirate from haxnetwork.net posted a tutorial how to decrypt a retail PS3 HDD. Here's what he posted:
1.) Make a dump of your PS3 HDD (connect to your PC via SATA)
2.) Plug HDD back to your PS3
3. Copy a large-dummy file to the HDD
4.) Unplug HDD from PS3, and plug it back into your PC
5.) Dump the HDD image againt, it
6.) Compare the two dumps you know have, and locate the encrypted dummy data (use HxD or any hex editor to do this)
7.) Replace the encrypted dummy data with sections of the data you want to decrypt
8.) Place the HDD back into your PS3
9.) Copy dummy data from PS3 to external media (USB drive/flash drive)
10.) Inspect the dummy file on PC from USB stick/flash drive.
Try it if you want, it's not confirmed yet.
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March 3rd, 2009, 22:08 Posted By: wraggster
Outspoken developer David Perry is adamant the next iteration of the PSP will not include a UMD drive – despite Sony claiming continued support for the format.
The latest teasing from Perry comes as numerous rumours of a PSP 4000 and a true PSP 2 do the rounds across the internet.
Perry had originally posted on his Twitter feed that the PSP 2 was due soon, and Sony had ditched the UMD drive. Sony's John Koller responded by denying any such console is in development, refusing to discuss whether UMD will feature in future PlayStation Portable hardware.
"John Koller is publicly questioning my post about PSP 2," wrote Perry yesterday. "So I confirmed with top PSP 2 developers. John, state that PSP 2 will have UMD," challenged Perry.
Sony is unlikely to respond beyond the usual corporate line, but many in the industry are expecting the continued evolution of the PSP, and key developers are believed to be creating for new Sony hardware.
According to our sister site Eurogamer.net, Sony could be releasing the PSP 4000 this year, and announcing a PSP 2 in 2010.
The PSP 4000 is expected to drop the UMD format, as well as feature a new sliding screen. All eyes are now on E3 in June, where Sony is expected to reveal the new handheld.
Sony has embarked on a renewed push for the PSP, after a quiet 12 months for the format.
New LittleBigPlanet, MotorStorm and Buzz titles are due for the system this year, and publishers such as MTV and Ubisoft have recommitted to the system with titles such as Assassin's Creed and Rock Band.
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March 3rd, 2009, 22:11 Posted By: wraggster
Having the most expensive console on the market by a distance during a global recession is unlikely to have featured in Sony's original PlayStation 3 masterplan. But that is where the company finds itself today, and declining hardware sales, contrasting with rivals' fortunes, have increased pressure on the Japanese firm.
But rumours of an imminent price cut are circling, which, if correct, would be music to the ears of retailers and publishing partners. Not least Electronic Arts, one of many firms to have invested heavily in the future success of the platform.
Speaking to GamesIndustry.biz, Redwood Shores general manager Glen Schofield revealed his fears over the positioning of the console in the market, agreeing that the pricepoint placed PS3 as a luxury item in difficult economic times.
"I'm really not sure what's going on with Sony," he said. "They've been such a great, great partner and PlayStation 2 being such a great machine that, God, I hope they get out of this and they figure it out and they're around for a long time."
He refused outright to call for a price cut, stating: "You know, I can't tell them what to do. I don't know their finances." But Schofield added that it was good for health of the whole industry to have three successful home consoles in the market. "I love having the three major machines like that."
Redwood Shores' most recently released Dead Space to critical acclaim. The next title from the studio will be Dante's Inferno.
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March 3rd, 2009, 22:15 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has been talking to publishers about bringing classics from beyond the Sony console family to the PSP’s download service.
The PSP may not just be (legally) a system for PlayStation games anymore.
Sony is in discussions with game publishers for companies to bring their back-catalogue to digital download on the PlayStation Network and is interested in past games from beyond the PlayStation family.
“In general there’s a lot of discussion about [publishers'] back catalogs that will finally find its way to PlayStation Network in the back half of this year,†John Koller, Sony’s head of U.S. marketing for PlayStation hardware said in an interview with MTV Multiplayer late last week.
“PSOne is included, but everything is on the table…We look for some of those big hits from all of the past games in their history and look for ways we can bring them over. It’s not always easy. There’s obviously technical areas that need to be bridged. But when those are solved, consumers will see a wide variety of retro games and brand new games coming to PSN.â€
Sony’s talks with publishers is part of a 2009 goal to greatly improve the offering of digital games available to PSP users through the PlayStation Network. To accomplish this, a few tactics are being employed:
Sony’s internal studios are preparing more internally developed download-only titles.
Sony is working to bring more of its PSOne back catalog to the U.S. market, to catch up with the flood of PSOne releases available digitally in Japan. (â€Those are being worked on now,†Koller said. Of the regional disparity, he added: “That’ll change.)â€
The company is preparing to being more PS3 PSN titles to PSP for download, in the vein of “Flow†and the upcoming “PixelJunk Monsters.â€
And Sony is reaching out to other publishers for their back catalogues, now appearing to expand their interest to non-PlayStation platforms, a broader multi-console appetite seen elsewhere in services like GameTap or Nintendo’s Virtual Console.
The drive to digital content is backed up by Sony’s sense that this is what consumers want. “We know that 50 percent of our base, plus, is interested in downloadable games for pay, not for free, from the network,†Koller said. “That’s something that needs to be acted on.â€
Naturally, many non-Sony games are being played on the PSP already anyway. The system has been hacked since the day of its release to play pirated games from many classic systems, including those from Sony rival Nintendo. It’s impossible to fathom Sony bringing Nintendo games to the PSP, but any efforts short of that may finally reach hackers — and millions of paying consumers — more than halfway.
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March 3rd, 2009, 22:31 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo USA

Copy all your Playstation 2 game saves and data onto your Playstation 3 hard disk with this plug and play adapter. A very useful accessory!
- Compact design and easy to set up
- Compatible with all Playstation 3 systems
- Compatible with all Playstation 2 memory card and games
- High quality and efficient product
- High speed transmit signal USB 2.0
- Transmit all PS2 games data and storage in PS3 hard disk
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March 3rd, 2009, 22:33 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China
Compatible with PSP-3000, PSP Slim and PSP console, this airfoam pockect offers maximum protection against scrtch and shock. Its mega capacity lets you store the console and the crystal case inside.
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March 3rd, 2009, 22:38 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

A dream comes true! Use your Xbox 360 wired controller on your Playstation 3 with XCM Cross Battle Adapter. Also feature a Rapid Fire function and Plus version supports rumble and all PS3 versions.
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March 3rd, 2009, 22:47 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Square has released more so-good-they-could-be-CGI screenshots of Final Fantasy XIII, that'll make the inevitably long wait for its launch seem even longer.
We won't be seeing it any time this year, as Square unfortunately confirmed recently. So the only hope you have of playing it is speed-learning Japanese within the next 10 months and grabbing that version which should be out before Christmas. Easily done, right?
Let's just hope there aren't any further delays. Shots are here, and there's more where they came from on Famitsu.
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March 3rd, 2009, 22:51 Posted By: wraggster
God of War III could truly be a killer app for the PlayStation 3, as one analyst's data indicates that one in three potential buyers of the game don't own the console yet.
Speaking to Gamasutra, OTX analyst Nick Williams suggests that a price drop is in order before God of War III hits retails store shelves, as data indicates a substantial number of potential purchasers who have yet to invest in the newer console.
The launch of God of War III in late 2009/early 2010 will mark a pivotal moment for Sony. But in order to ensure that this game is a hardware sales driver, the cost of the base-level PS3 will need to be in the same ballpark as the Xbox 360 and Wii. According to our latest consumer tracking study, only two in three people who plan to purchase God of War III currently own a PS3."
If their numbers hold true, it could either mean a substantial jump in PlayStation 3 sales towards the end of the year, or less than expected sales of God of War III if too many players still can't scrounge up the cash.
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March 3rd, 2009, 22:55 Posted By: wraggster
Before they became known for Moon and Major League Eating: The Game (ugh) Mastiff brought us quirky games from Japan like Gurumin and La Pucelle Tactics before NIS America set up shop. Are they going back to their roots?
Gamefly says yes with a listing for a generically named “Tactical RPG†coming out for the PSP. While there is a healthy supply of tactical RPGs for the PSP most of them have been picked up. What game does Mastiff have hidden in their lineup? One possibility is Vantage Master Portable since Mastiff worked with Falcom in the past, but we haven’t seen Mastiff pick up any Falcom titles aside from Gurumin so take this speculation with a grain of salt. Another thought is this might not be a localized game. Mastiff could commission the development of a brand new tactical RPG for the PSP too. In any case it looks like PSP owners will have another tactics game to look forward too in the future.
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March 3rd, 2009, 22:57 Posted By: wraggster
Sunday x Magazine Shuuketsu! Choujou Daikessen is the PSP’s Jump Superstars counterpart without the Shonen Jump license. Konami’s game brings together icons from Weekly Shonen and Shonen Sunday, two popular manga mags in Japan, and throws them into a Street Fighter-like fighting game.
Characters from Air Gear, Inuyasha, Fair Tail, Hajime no Ippo, Cromartie High School, and Flame of Recca are in the roster. However, Sunday x Magazine Shuuketsu! Choujou Daikessen doesn’t just cover recent series. Konami dug deep into the history of both magazines and brought classic characters like Yaiba and Devilman into the game. The list of characters is enormous if you consider the selection of support characters that flash by in this video. Anyone you’re looking forward to playing as when the game comes out on March 26?
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March 3rd, 2009, 23:07 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

E.R.S. is in-game technology that helps turn novice aviators into elite pilots of the future. The Enhanced Reality System is the core of the HAWX flight experience: aircraft interception trajectories, incoming missile detection, anti-crash system, damage assessment, tactical map, and weapons trajectory control. E.R.S. also allows players to issue orders to their squadron and other units, making this system as iconic to HAWX as the Cross-Com system is to Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter®!
Players can ease into their flight missions and gain a level of comfort with the use of the assistance mode. Once employed, players can take full advantage of their technological support through the E.R.S and gain maximum piloting security. If the situation calls for the player to unleash the full potential of the aircraft, the assistance mode can be switched off and all safety features will be deactivated. This comes with increased risks, but allows the player advanced dogfighting maneuvers and stunning third-person views
For the first time ever in the air-combat genre, players will be able to experience the entire solo campaign with seamless JUMP IN/JUMP OUT functionality. In PVP mode, players can challenge each other in intense dog-fighting sessions and find out who's the top gun. Winning players are rewarded with experience points and money to unlock more weapons
Players have the opportunity to take the throttle of over 50 famous aircrafts, and take them over real world locations & cities in photo-realistic environments created with the best commercial satellite data on the civilian market
As the era of the nation-state draws toward its end, the world of warfare is evolving rapidly. New challenges demand new solutions, sometimes with unpredictable outcomes.
For many years, state-sponsored militaries have struggled to maintain and modernize their forces. Increasing budget restrictions and difficulties in recruiting skilled personnel have led many countries to seek other solutions. More and more nations now rely increasingly on Private Military Companies (PMC) – elite mercenary groups staffed with equally elite personnel - to support their field operations.
PMCs have proven to be excellent partners in respect to efficiency, skills, low prices, and reliability. They’ve been able to fulfill most of the mission normally handled by regular armies, without risking political fallout.
In time, these private military corps diversified their field of operations, from mere securing land objectives to motorized assault and counter-intelligence. It was not long before a few of these PMC secured enough resources to require being involved complete support air and sea-bound operations.
With each passing year, the PMCs expand their influence and scope of activity. Initially just consultants, they are now involved in surveillance, logistics, site security, and other essential roles. In order to keep the war machine going most of the PMC warranted firms dealing with other sources of income such as mining, oil extraction, airliners, goods manufacturing etc. Ensuring a steady flow of currency allowed these companies to operate a tighter game against their opposition. Each year, they come closer to serving as fully operational field units, and their services are so widely used they’re already essential. Pandora’s Box has been opened. There’s no getting rid of the PMCs now.
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March 3rd, 2009, 23:12 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

Once again MLB 09 The Show is the only game where fans can play offense and defense from a custom-created player’s perspective. This year, Road to the Show includes interactive training, a new steal/ lead-off system, updated presentations, and coach interactions. Interactive training will consist of a set of mini-games designed to improve a player’s ability and performance in various areas of baseball
MLB 09 The Show has boosted the number of overall animations with more than 700 new gameplay animations, more than 400 new presentation animations, and more than 150 personalized pitcher and batter animations
Fielders will now have more dynamic reactions and take different routes to run down hit balls. New “hotshot†plays are included, and depending on a player’s attribute level, they can misplay balls and drop a ball too hot to handle. Additionally, players can experience more realistic barehanded flips and the ability to dive with the ball in the fielder’s bare hand for the putout
MLB 09 The Show introduces Online Season Leagues to allow players to hold fully functional drafts and utilize a flex schedule, allowing players to play games ahead of the schedule. Users can also access a new Roster Vault to tweak player attributes, appearance, and accessories to create the ideal roster.
Additionally, MLB 09 The Show raises the overall level of detail and realism from customizable fan chants, to jumbotron animations, to crowd atmosphere. Accurate lighting transitions, including realistic afternoon to dusk to nighttime effects provide more realism than ever before. Mascots are available for all teams and each will show off signature moves throughout the game. End of game replays are also available to provide players with an instant post-game visual replay of exciting plays, much like a true-to-life MLB broadcast.
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March 3rd, 2009, 23:14 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

Once again MLB 09 The Show is the only game where fans can play offense and defense from a custom-created player’s perspective. This year, Road to the Show includes interactive training, a new steal/ lead-off system, updated presentations, and coach interactions. Interactive training will consist of a set of mini-games designed to improve a player’s ability and performance in various areas of baseball
MLB 09 The Show has boosted the number of overall animations with more than 700 new gameplay animations, more than 400 new presentation animations, and more than 150 personalized pitcher and batter animations
Fielders will now have more dynamic reactions and take different routes to run down hit balls. New “hotshot†plays are included, and depending on a player’s attribute level, they can misplay balls and drop a ball too hot to handle. Additionally, players can experience more realistic barehanded flips and the ability to dive with the ball in the fielder’s bare hand for the putout
MLB 09 The Show introduces Online Season Leagues to allow players to hold fully functional drafts and utilize a flex schedule, allowing players to play games ahead of the schedule. Users can also access a new Roster Vault to tweak player attributes, appearance, and accessories to create the ideal roster.
Additionally, MLB 09 The Show raises the overall level of detail and realism from customizable fan chants, to jumbotron animations, to crowd atmosphere. Accurate lighting transitions, including realistic afternoon to dusk to nighttime effects provide more realism than ever before. Mascots are available for all teams and each will show off signature moves throughout the game. End of game replays are also available to provide players with an instant post-game visual replay of exciting plays, much like a true-to-life MLB broadcast.
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March 3rd, 2009, 23:16 Posted By: Shrygue
via Gizmodo US

It's not that I don't enjoy an Alien PS3 as much as the next guy. It's just that I would have gone with the famed stomach scene instead.
One tattoo artist/case modder molded this Alien PS3 out of super heated epoxy putty—a material that required a few sacrificial burns before becoming immortalized as a 1979 horror flick creature.
Apparently the material cools to become as hard as metal, so it's impossible to remove it from the PS3's case. Can you imagine the face on some Sony tech who opens a box to find this system for repair? Well I can. And it's hilarious.
Photographs at Gizmodo
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March 3rd, 2009, 23:16 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

Once again MLB 09 The Show is the only game where fans can play offense and defense from a custom-created player’s perspective. This year, Road to the Show includes interactive training, a new steal/ lead-off system, updated presentations, and coach interactions. Interactive training will consist of a set of mini-games designed to improve a player’s ability and performance in various areas of baseball
MLB 09 The Show has boosted the number of overall animations with more than 700 new gameplay animations, more than 400 new presentation animations, and more than 150 personalized pitcher and batter animations
Fielders will now have more dynamic reactions and take different routes to run down hit balls. New “hotshot†plays are included, and depending on a player’s attribute level, they can misplay balls and drop a ball too hot to handle. Additionally, players can experience more realistic barehanded flips and the ability to dive with the ball in the fielder’s bare hand for the putout
MLB 09 The Show introduces Online Season Leagues to allow players to hold fully functional drafts and utilize a flex schedule, allowing players to play games ahead of the schedule. Users can also access a new Roster Vault to tweak player attributes, appearance, and accessories to create the ideal roster.
Additionally, MLB 09 The Show raises the overall level of detail and realism from customizable fan chants, to jumbotron animations, to crowd atmosphere. Accurate lighting transitions, including realistic afternoon to dusk to nighttime effects provide more realism than ever before. Mascots are available for all teams and each will show off signature moves throughout the game. End of game replays are also available to provide players with an instant post-game visual replay of exciting plays, much like a true-to-life MLB broadcast.
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March 4th, 2009, 17:23 Posted By: wraggster
Every word's a winner in this revamped digital version of everyone's favorite word game! SCRABBLE on the Nintendo DS and PSP will offer something for every crossword puzzle fan. Fans of the traditional version of SCRABBLE can get the authentic SCRABBLE experience in Classic mode, and more experienced players can race the clock in Speed mode. Those who want a new twist on the classic SCRABBLE experience can battle it out against friends or the computer in the fast-paced SCRABBLE SLAM mode, based on the upcoming spring 2009 card game from Hasbro in which players try to be the first to discard all their SLAM cards by making four letter words. SCRABBLE SLAM will be available for the first time digitally on the handheld versions of SCRABBLE.
With six difficulty levels, SCRABBLE will also serve up a Training mode with six training exercises that enable new or rusty players to polish their skills before their first big showdown. SCRABBLE comes loaded with extras such as the Official SCRABBLE Players Dictionary, SCRABBLE Word Finder, which provides hints on best words, and Wi-Fi multiplayer capability (both single and multi-cart play for Nintendo DS).
Three Modes of Play
Choose Classic mode to play the timeless, traditional version of SCRABBLE.
Race the clock as you take on the computer or friends in Speed mode.
Put your skills to the test in the SCRABBLE SLAM card game, the newest take on the classic SCRABBLE experience.
Your SCRABBLE Trainer!
Like never before, you can strengthen your vocabulary, pattern recognition, and point strategies through fun and interactive training exercises.
You then can apply your newfound skills in real games against your friends and family as well as our adaptable computer A.I.
Track your progress with the game's built-in Skill Tracker and see how you've improved in each training category.
Wi-Fi Multiplayer Fun
Challenge your friends and connect with up to four players in Classic, Speed, or SCRABBLE SLAM modes.
Nintendo DS multiplayer modes include Hot Seat (multiple players passing one console), DS Download play (one-cartridge multiplayer) and Multi-Cart play (multiple cartridges allow players to customize game rules and enable additional game features).
PSP multiplayer modes include Hot Seat and Ad Hoc play (head-to-head multiplayer).
EA Brings SCRABBLE Full Circle
In 2008, EA launched authentic digital versions of SCRABBLE online at Pogo.com, three separate mobile versions on iPod, iPhone and mobile phones as well as social networking sites.
2009 rounds it out with SCRABBLE on the Nintendo DS and PSP handhelds as well as a version for Xbox LIVE Arcade.
Pricing, Rating and Availability
SCRABBLE on DS and PSP is rated "E for Everyone", will carry as MSRP of $29.99 and be in stores on March 17, 2009.
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March 4th, 2009, 17:27 Posted By: wraggster
Ignition Entertainment sent out word today that is sure to please fighting game fans here in the U.S. The King of Fighters XII, the next installment in SNK Playmore's popular franchise, is heading to the states this July for the PS3 and 360. According to the press release, this three-on-three fighter features a "complete graphical overhaul. The antiquated character sprites used over the past 14 years have been dropped in favor of all-new, high-resolution fighters fluidly animating across painstakingly detailed, 100% hand-drawn backgrounds."
Masaaki Kukino from SNK Playmore comments: "our development slogan for KOFXII is 'KOF Re-Birth' and we've aimed to create an entirely new King of Fighters game." Although no other details are given in the press release, this news is sure to please long-time King of Fighters enthusiasts, especially in the wake of Street Fighter IV's notable success, both critically and commercially.
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March 4th, 2009, 17:29 Posted By: wraggster
World in Conflict was first announced as coming to Xbox 360 back in 2007 by publisher Sierra Entertainment. Later, the ambitions shifted to the sequel, World in Conflict: Soviet Assault and the PlayStation 3 entered the picture. When Vivendi, parent company of Sierra, merged with Activision, many of Sierra's projects were canceled or dropped, including Soviet Assault. It was later saved by Ubisoft when that company purchased the World in Conflict developer, Massive Entertainment.
However, it seems that Ubisoft's ambitions are not as grand as Sierra's were. When contacted for an update on the console release, Ubisoft provided this statement, "World of Conflict: Soviet Assault will be released for the PC later this month. A console version of World in Conflict is not planned for release at this time."
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March 4th, 2009, 17:30 Posted By: wraggster
For those who found Street Fighter IV to be a little bit too 3D, Arc System Works may have the game you're looking for. The latest issue of Famitsu has first word on a home version of the publisher's latest arcade fighter, BlazBlue. Both the PS3 and Xbox 360 will get a conversion of the game, with a Japanese release planned for summer.
BlazBlue is a high definition 2D fighter from the makers of Guilty Gear. Known for its sharp visuals, the game is now available for play in arcades. Be sure and check out all our coverage of the arcade version.
The home versions will see some big additions. Most notable is an all new story mode, with individual stories on offer for each character. This mode promises branching stories based off both battle results and player choices, along with full voice for all dialog. Arc has even gotten Studio Gonzo to work on animated sequences!
It appears that this story mode will be huge in terms of volume, with general director Toshimichi Mori joking with the magazine that the staff complained about there being too much content! Players can expect the equivalent of a full Japanese-style dialog-based adventure game, with over 30 hours of play time.
Also new for the home is network compatibility. Players throughout the world can look forward to online matches along with online rankings and a viewing mode. Download content is also being planned.
The game will also see a few gameplay changes, most notably the addition of Astral Heat special moves for all characters. In the arcade version, only a few of the boss characters had access to these moves.
Since online play is confirmed to be worldwide, we're going to assume Arc has some plans for BlazBlue in international markets. We'll let you know once something official is announced outside of Japan.
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March 4th, 2009, 19:53 Posted By: wraggster
Kreationz posted this news concerning the next Beta of the N64 Emulator for the PSP:
Sorry, I haven't posted here in a long while. With Beta 2 successfully out the door over the weekend. I thought it was time for an update from myself as far what my plans are for Beta 3. I wasn't as active this time around, except in the background this time around, but Howard and Strmn's work was amazing. Having fallen way behind, I plan to start on the new GUI (a Coverflow kinda of GUI with some extra ideas I had.) I also am going to try to get as many of the bugs in the Bug tracker closed as possible and take a look at why Async audio is unstable. Finally, I am going to look at making all the Buffers Dynamic based on ROM size, PSP type, etc... Howard plans to move at least part of the CPU to the ME. Wally and Salvy are going to make sure the Microcodes are correct. Not sure about Chilly's or Strmn Plans, but I know Strmn, plans on some code clean-up. Well that's it for now enjoy the release. Don't know when I'll update this next, probably when I get started on the parts I plan on working on.
What would you like to see addressed in future betas of DaedalusX64 ?
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March 4th, 2009, 19:58 Posted By: wraggster
news via psphacks
Look who’s back: it’s Quake with a brand new version of Extreme Link. Veterans know what’s up and newcomers must know; Extreme Link for Windows simplifies the whole CISO creation process and acts as a USB/NetHostFS front end. In addition, Extreme Link packs other useful elements making its complete feature set very handy.
Extreme Link 1.6.1 changes:
Extreme Link: MAIN
Extreme Link: Records
Extreme Link: SETTINGS
FIXED: Timer Changes - B2
Extreme Link: PNG Imager
Fixed: Header TEXT - B1
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March 4th, 2009, 20:40 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
As anticipated as it was, the Resident Evil 5 demo was met with some degree of criticism from fans who were not quite happy with a few aspects of Capcom's latest effort - notably the controls.
RE5 plays much like RE4, which may please some, but it can feel a little clunky and restrictive for a game so action-orientated. But producer Jun Takeuchi says that's all part of increasing tension levels.
"We went in knowing that we weren't making a typical third- or first-person shooter; we were making a Resident Evil game," said Takeuchi.
"It was important for us to go with the design choices that would make the best Resident Evil game that we could. When it comes to Resident Evil, we feel that by imposing a restriction on the player you actually increase the tension that they feel while playing," he explained.
"Finding the balance between that and the player's frustration is very important when approaching the design of a game like this. I think that by imposing certain restrictions on the player you actually help to heighten the fear and the tension, and, ultimately, you create a better horror game."
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March 4th, 2009, 20:46 Posted By: wraggster
We're pretty sure a good lot of you with PSPs have used them for, shall we say, less than reputable means -- like playing 16-bit era games using emulators. Soon, there might be a more legit outlet for that fix, as Sony's head of US marketing for PlayStation hardware John Koller tells MTV Multiplayer it's looking to bring classics from before Sony entered the arena to the handheld, Ã* la Nintendo Wii's Virtual Console. The company's also expanding North America's library of PSOne downloads to eventually match the plethora of titles available to the Japanese market. It's all part of a greater initiative to make more digitally-distributed, download-only titles, which we wholeheartedly support -- now, about those pesky UMD-less PSP2 rumors...
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March 4th, 2009, 20:56 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
Demon's Souls - a JRPG that's sold like hot pork buns in Japan - is only out in Asia. And may never be released in the West. Doesn't mean you can't play it!
Because decent JRPGs are few and far between on Sony's latest console, fans of the genre may want to look at importing the Asian edition (not the Japanese one, the Hong Kong/Taiwan one) of the game, which features full English language support. And yes, that includes the voice acting.
Sure, the game doesn't look great (least to me), but then, with bigger-selling (Tales of Vesperia) and better-looking (Star Ocean 4) games somehow turning up exclusively on the 360, beggars can't afford to be choosers.
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March 5th, 2009, 18:08 Posted By: wraggster
A few months ago, Age of Booty sailed onto the PlayStation Network and brought pirate-themed real-time strategy to land-lovers everywhere. However, the title was missing the treasure PlayStation 3 owners hunt the most -- Trophies. As of this moment, a patch is like that adds ten Trophies to the game for feats such as winning 50 public games online and beating challenges. If you didn't pick up Age of Booty when it first dropped anchor, Capcom's also posting a free demo on the PSN today
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March 5th, 2009, 18:14 Posted By: wraggster
Deep Silver Inc., a publisher of interactive entertainment software and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Koch Media, today released new background information behind the two different factions in their upcoming turn-based strategy game Mytran Wars.
By the mid 23rd Century, Earth stands united under the rule of a high presidium of multinational corporations. Fossil fuels, drinkable water and other natural resources are all but depleted.
The Kondor Corp. began investing in space research and development in the hopes of exploiting much needed resources. When the planet Pythar is discovered it soon becomes clear that the planet's most valuable resources are not its ore reserves. Instead, it is a network of naturally existing energy running in criss-crossed lines (called lay-lines) across the surface of the planet: the junctions where two or more of these lines meet form energy pools that concentrate the energy into a mass. These pools are home to the Mytrans forming what Humans would describe as the equivalent of cities.
But the Kondor Corp. shareholders have seen far too much money be poured into this project. They expect returns on their investment and if that means plundering the planet for every resource it can give up, then plunder they will. But the energy is the lifeblood of the Mytrans. They need it to survive. Without it, they will surely perish. Thus war becomes inevitable.
The Mytrans
The Mytrans are both majestic and ethereal. They are described by Humans as resembling ghosts with elegant movements that mimic a being swimming through the air. They see their planet, Pythar, as a bright surging vortex of energy. Being a part of the environment also makes reproduction an easy task for the Mytrans. In fact, there is no reproduction as humans understand it. Instead, for Elders, death is dissolution of energy back into the energy flow and birth is nothing more than a forming of energy into a whole sentient being. So this energy is the "life essence" of the Mytrans and there are great ramifications if the Humans extract it and take it back to Earth. Mytran society is split on how to address this problem with the Humans. The Elders, who knew of the Old Wars, want peace and coexistence with the Humans. The younger rebels on the other hand, wish to drive them out by any means necessary.
"Mytran Wars" is being developed exclusively for PSP (PlayStation Portable) system by Stormregion, creators of the highly-acclaimed Codename: Panzers games.
About Deep Silver
Deep Silver develops and distributes interactive games for all platforms. The Deep Silver label means to captivate all computer and video gamers who enjoy and share a passion for thrilling gameplay in modern game worlds. Deep Silver works with its partners to achieve a maximum of success while maintaining the highest possible quality, always focusing on what the customer desires. Deep Silver products are designed to equally appeal to professionals and beginners, children and adults.
Deep Silver has published around 40 games since 2003, including the most successful adventure of 2006, Secret Files: Tunguska, the bestseller ANNO 1701 (co-published with Sunflowers), the challenging CrossworDS knowledge puzzle game, the horse simulation Horse Life DS, and the soccer MMO World of Soccer Online. Current developments include Warhammer - Battle March (in cooperation with Namco Bandai), the action role-playing game Sacred 2: Fallen Angel (in cooperation with Ascaron), S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky, the sinister Chernobyl shooter for PC, and the new game from the Piranha Bytes team. Deep Silver's own developing studio Deep Silver Vienna opened in 2007. For more information please visit www.deepsilver.com
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March 5th, 2009, 18:29 Posted By: wraggster

Newly released today
The biohazard threat has not ended: Just when it seemed that the menace of Resident Evil had been destroyed, along comes a new terror to send shivers down player’s spines. Chris Redfield, returning Resident Evil hero, has followed the path of the evil literally around the globe.
After joining a new organization, Chris heads to Africa where the latest bioterrorism threat is literally transforming the people and animals of the city into mindless, maddened creatures.
Chris must take on the challenge of discovering the truth behind this evil plot. In Resident Evil 5, Capcom will teach players to fear the daylight as much as they have feared shadow in previous games.
Co-producer and series veterans Jun Takeuchi (Lost Planet) and Masachicka Kawata (Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition, Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles) unleashes an unprecedented level of fear for the next generation in Resident Evil 5, the sequel to one of the highest-rated videogames in history, according to Metacritic.com and Gamerankings.com.
Now take a look at the battle grounds you will fight in the menace you are up against:
Resident Evil, or Biohazard is available for both Xbox360â„¢ and PlayStation3â„¢ today:
Biohazard 5 JPN US$ 86.90
Resident Evil 5 ASIA US$ 59.90
Resident Evil 5 US US$ 64.90
Biohazard 5 JPN US$ 86.90
Resident Evil 5 ASIA US$ 59.90
Resident Evil 5 US US$ 64.90
The US version is coming on March 13th, right on time for Black Friday.
There is a whole array of Limited Editions for this game, choose the one with the goodies that you want.
The e-capcom version comes with a waist pouch to contain your artillery, an artbook and a memory stick.
This Japan only edition has been presold, but we are expecting a few more units to go back on sale tomorrow. If you are looking for a copy of this item, make sure to constantly hit the reload button of your browser for the next 24 hours as the remainder is expected to be sold within minutes.
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March 5th, 2009, 18:56 Posted By: wraggster
Today 2 new colours for the PSP have been released, heres the colours:
Radiant Red

More details - http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-38n0.html
Vibrant Blue

Both systems have the following:
Box contents
PlayStation Portable System (PSP-3000VB)
Battery Pack (1200mAh)
AC Adapter (100-240V)
Today has also seen the release of the following:
Sony PSPâ„¢ Consoles and Accessories
PSP PlayStation Portable Battery Pack (2200mAh) (Radiant Red) JPN US$ 59.90
PSP PlayStation Portable Battery Pack (2200mAh) (Vibrant Blue) JPN US$ 59.90
PSP PlayStation Portable Slim & Lite - Radiant Red (PSP-3000RR) JPN US$ 249.90
PSP PlayStation Portable Slim & Lite - Radiant Red Value Pack (PSPJ-30001) JPN US$ 299.90
PSP PlayStation Portable Slim & Lite - Vibrant Blue (PSP-3000VB) JPN US$ 249.90
PSP PlayStation Portable Slim & Lite - Vibrant Blue Value Pack (PSPJ-30002) JPN US$ 299.90
PSP Pouch (Radiant Red) JPN US$ 19.90
PSP Pouch (Vibrant Blue) JPN US$ 19.90
Select Pack Portable 3 (Black) JPN US$ 19.90
Select Pack Portable 3 (White) JPN US$ 19.90
Details - http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...-1z5-84-n.html
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March 5th, 2009, 20:27 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sony Computer Entertainment UK has revealed that the PlayStation 3 has broken through the 2 million unit milestone in the UK, ahead of the second anniversary of its release in Europe, while the PlayStation Portable has now passed the 3 million mark nationally.
But the company's senior VP and MD for SCE UK, Ireland & Nordic, Ray Maguire, has admitted to GamesIndustry.biz that Sony is going through a tough time at the moment, partly due to overarching issues that the company has no control over - although he is confident that its flagship console will continue to grow by around another 1 million units in the next 12 months.
"I think it's a tough time for everyone," he said. "Probably more so in the UK, because we're hit by the effects of currencies - euro, pound, yen and dollar - and the weakness of the pound is definitely an issue that affects us more than the rest of SCEE.
"We have to do as much in this office as we can to make sure that we can build on the success we had last year in terms of the units we sold, great IPs that we had to bring to market.
"This year we've got even more, even better product to put out there - but trading is difficult, it's really tough. Just credit insurance - credit limits are going to be challenging for the whole of the year.
"These are things which are completely out of Sony's control - it's about the environment in which we trade, but we have to be responsible, we have to do what we need to do to make sure we give back to the shareholders what they need."
He was bullish about the PS3's premium price point, noting that the sales performance was strong, despite an ailing economy in which people might look to cheaper alternatives.
"For any product to gain an installed base it needs two things - a great product, and a good price," he said. "We've clearly got the best product you can get, so there's a big tick in that box. The price - it's a premium product, so therefore it costs a premium price, and that does give us issues in terms of the expected sell-through that analysts and the media want, but actually when you look at it in isolation: close to a million units in a year which is really tough, at a premium price, actually shows that's a great number.
"If you look at the RRP that we've had out there for 2 million units, and compare it to PlayStation One and PlayStation 2, it's amazing that we've got to this kind of level. Actually, I'm really pleased with that - it does show that the premium product was the right strategy to have.
"It also shows that we have potentially more longevity in PlayStation 3 than we had in the previous PlayStations, simply because if the price goes down we've still got a massive market place to sell in to. Really that's testament to the risk that was taken - do you have a fully-loaded feature-set, or do you just go for price?
"If you just go for price at the moment it must mean, by looking at the stats, that the cycle will be shorter for those which are not so forward-facing, compared to PlayStation 3 which has clearly got many years to run."
The first part of the interview with Ray Maguire is available now. Part two will follow next week.
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March 5th, 2009, 20:32 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
In a shocking display of timeliness, Capcom's Resident Evil 5 game space has been added to PlayStation Home today.
We just went onto PSN to check, and there it is: the Studio Lot, with a facsimile of the game's African village level to explore, and some interactive features - although it's not yet complete, according to good old Ted the Dog. There's free Resident Evil gear available in the mall, too.
Also added in the latest update are complete Street Fighter costumes, a new multiplayer game in Home Square (Helicopter Hit), and some new Watchmen stuff.
Resident Evil 5 joins Far Cry 2 as the only Home game spaces available in Europe. Sony has yet to add its long-promised spaces for Warhawk, Uncharted and Resistance.
Resident Evil 5 is out next week.
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March 5th, 2009, 20:40 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Ubisoft's slapped an April release on Tenchu: Shadow Assassins for PSP.
"Master the art of death on the PSP playing as Rikimaru and Ayame, elite ninjas who must use their lethal skills to keep the peace in feudal Japan," says the publisher.
"The accuracy of the PSP system's control buttons lets players battle enemies quickly and attack them with katanas, throwing stars, smoke bombs and more. Expect to find the original Tenchu villain Onikage wreak havoc through dangerous territories," it adds.
Additional PSP game features include:
- 17 historically accurate ninja weapons and tools
- Manipulate your environment to hide and to sneak in behind your targets
- Unlock special artefacts including Rikamaru's original costume
- Experience the epic adventures of Rikimaru and Ayame and put your true ninja skills to the test in a world of fierce combat and authentic tradition
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March 5th, 2009, 20:56 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
Multi-platform title Resident Evil 5 went on sale in Japan. Big game on sale in Japan means one thing: Lines of Japanese people.
At the Yodobashi Camera in Akihabara, sales were healthy. Japanese game site Famitsu reports that the PS3 version sold at a pace of 100 copies in the hour after the shop's doors opened. The game sold steadily throughout the morning. The sales rate breaks down as 80 percent software sales and 20 percent PS3 Resident Evil 5 bundle sales.
A line of thirty people or show waited for retailer Bic Camera in Tokyo's Ikebukuro to open.
There was a line in front of the Shinjuku Yodobashi Camera as well, and sales were also steady. Both the PS3 and Xbox 360 RE5 bundles did well, reports Famitsu. The PS3 bundle did better, selling out in the first 20 minutes.
Besides RE5, new PSP colors went on sale as well. Sales are reported to be strong with the chances of sell-outs today at selected stores.
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March 5th, 2009, 22:35 Posted By: wraggster
The PS3 and PSP have passed a new sales milestone in the U.K.
Sony Computer Entertainment U.K. head Ray Maguire tells trade paper MCV that the home and handheld consoles have sold over 2 million and 3 million units in the region, respectively.
The announcement comes after the late February release of the highly-anticipated PS3 exclusive first-person shooter, Killzone 2.
"[Killzone 2] certainly has helped drive hardware," Maguire said. "I think there were a lot of people out there who wanted something which really showed the power of PlayStation 3 – and now they can see a reason for them to get on board," Maguire said.
He also surmised that the PS3's sales performance in relation to its higher price tag "suggests more longevity of the PS3 because we have chipped away at the top end of the triangle."
Sony announced that the PSP passed the 50 million unit sold-in mark earlier this year. The company has big plans for the handheld, having announced major franchises for the platform in 2009, including Rock Band, Assassin's Creed and MotorStorm.
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March 5th, 2009, 22:38 Posted By: wraggster
PSP is "always going to win out" as a dedicated games machine, says UK boss.
Sony Computer Entertainment UK MD Ray Maguire has shrugged off any perceived threat to the company's PSP handheld from Apple's iPhone, and mobile gaming in general.
Speaking in an interview with ME sister magazine MCV to be published tomorrow, Maguire also says Sony is actively targeting the kinds of 'snacking' games that are prevalent in mobile.
Asked if Sony is feeling any pressure from iPhone, he said: "The mobile phone market for games has been around for a number of years, [but] the overall quality - despite some strong titles there - has been limited because of the different handsets and infrastructure in that business.
"The iPhone has the advantage of being a single device and is growing a reasonable installed base, but [it] doesn't have the production power that a PSP has. As a specific games machine, the PSP is always going to win out.
"We're in a great position to take on the interest in these snacking games and produce them at better quality, lower prices, with lower cost of development - that's a great business model."
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March 5th, 2009, 22:53 Posted By: wraggster
Sony is looking at both sides of the fence when it comes to digital distribution. On one hand they are simultaneously releasing first party PSP games on the PlayStation Store and in retail. On the other they are bundling PlayStation Network games onto UMDs.
The same strategy was applied to PlayStation 3 software with games like Gran Turismo 5: Prologue and Siren: Blood Curse netting dual releases (well for some regions) and packing PSN games like the PixelJunk series on Blu-ray discs. The next game getting the PlayStation Network to retail treatment looks like The Last Guy.
Japanese retailer Game Star says a retail version of The Last Guy is scheduled for release in May at the suggested retail price of 3,480 yen ($35). Order directly from Game Star and you can shave 300 yen off your purchase. (Yeah?) Even at 3,180 yen The Last Guy is an expensive purchase. Yes, games are more expensive in Japan and this price falls in the “budget release†category. However, the digital version only costs 2,000 yen ($20) in Japan and $8 domestically. The extra ten bucks over the Japanese price goes towards video features and three exclusive maps.
This package doesn’t have nearly enough content for me to buy the Last Guy again, but people who prefer their games on physical media may want to be on the lookout for these kinds of re-releases.
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March 5th, 2009, 22:56 Posted By: wraggster
Capcom, and pretty much only Capcom when it comes to third party PlayStation 3 retail games, continues to support the Home Rewards system. Like Street Fighter IV you can earn virtual items for your avatar by blasting zombies, mutants, and chainsaw wielding horrors. This feature, first announced for Japan, will also be in the domestic release so you can loiter in a Chris Redfield or Sheva Alomar costume. Details on how to unlock the items were not revealed.
I’m not an achievement hunter or a trophy collector, but juxtaposed to the other systems Home Rewards sounds better since you get stuff. Virtual trinkets yes, but at least these are things you can play with. Then again I’m not much of a virtual world explorer either so I can’t see myself getting much use out of an avatar costume. Perhaps, other publishers could expand on this concept by taking a cue from mobile games and offer unlocking console themes. A special NXE dashboard and PlayStation theme for beating Resident Evil 5 without dying would be a neat treat.
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March 6th, 2009, 20:34 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Konami has announced that the Metal Gear Online SCENE expansion will be released on 17th March in Europe for EUR 17.99.
The pack consists of playable Vamp and Raiden characters, along with three new maps, a new Solo Capture gameplay mode and a range of accessories.
If you're really keen on it, Konami will begin pre-orders on 10th March, and anyone who pays out then gets exclusive Cardboard Box Man headgear for use in the game as a loyalty bonus.
Check out how it's all looking in our Metal Gear Online SCENE Expansion screenshot gallery.
Playing as Raiden and Vamp, then, ought to be fun. Raiden has his High Frequency Blade, which he can use as you'd expect, or non-lethally, and he also has throwing knives he can use to headshot enemies.
Not content with that, he has superhuman jumping skills, takes no falling damage, and can detect traps using his VISOR. Since he has no nano-machine implants, he can also use SOP Link, SOP Destabiliser and SOP system information-gathering.
Vamp does have nano-machines, of course, so he is susceptible to SOP stuff, but he is also terrific in hand-to-hand combat, has throwing knives (also headshottable), and a touch of immortality, which allows him to respawn in the spot where he dies (although, as Wired points out, won't that make it a bit easy to spawn-camp?).
The new maps, meanwhile, are Outer Outlet (an industrial wasteland with above and below-ground areas suited to long-range attacks), Hazard House (a three-story building better for close kills) and Ravaged Riverfront Clock Tower (with underground and underwater bits).
As for Solo Capture, it sees one player trying to hold a hostage for a specific amount of time, while rivals try to seize him from you.
Beyond that, there are other quirky add-ons - a clown suit, bikini, wig, hockey mask, and the option to where Robbie's hat from Silent Hill.
To get an even better sense of all this, be sure to check out the SCENE trailer that went up on PlayStation Network yesterday afternoon.
And finally, Konami notes that various other add-ons have now been reduced in price in the MGO Shop, and that from the middle of this month you will be able to use the PSN wallet system as an alternative payment option.
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March 6th, 2009, 20:50 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has updated the PlayStation Network store with PS3 demos of Wanted and WWE Legends of WrestleMania, along with downloadable content for Street Fighter IV, Lumines Supernova, Prince of Persia, Burnout Paradise and Skate 2.
The expected POP Epilogue pack (also on Xbox 360) costs GBP 7.99 / EUR 9.99 on PSN, while SFIV's new Femme Fatale Pack, featuring alternate costumes for Chun-Li, Cammy, Sakura, Rose and C. Viper, is GBP 3.19 / EUR 3.99.
Lumines Supernova, meanwhile, benefits from the Classic Pack, featuring 20 skins from the original Lumines PSP release for GBP 3.19 / EUR 3.99, while Skate 2's Throwback Pack introduces retro clothing, accessories and gestures to New San Vanelona for free.
Elsewhere, Burnout Paradise continues to swim in new content thanks to the new Toy Cars pack, which costs GBP 7.99 / EUR 9.99 for nine toy versions of cars like the Hunter Manhattan and Nakamura Firehawk. Alternatively, there are two smaller collections for GBP 3.99 / EUR 4.99 apiece. Check Criterion's in-game Burnout news service for more specifics.
And that's about your lot, apart from the usual burst of Guitar Hero and Rock Band tracks, a few trailers and some wallpaper. You can also download a LocoRoco 2 theme for the PSP if you've got nothing better to do.
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March 6th, 2009, 21:53 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
Sony has narrowed down the release date for its upcoming PlayStation 3 exclusive inFamous, announcing that the game would launch worldwide in June. The game is Sucker Punch Productions first PlayStation 3 release.
Its last was way back in September of 2005, the PlayStation 2 game Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves. Obviously, inFamous is huge departure for Sucker Punch, whose previous work was more cel-shaded anthropomorphic raccoon Sly Cooper and less lightning-wielding bald bad-ass Cole McGrath.
Greg Phillips, producer at SCEA, writes on the official blog that Sucker Punch will be readying a demo for the game, but didn't provide specifics on when that will hit the PlayStation Store.
Also not specified: why the game is curiously capitalized as inFamous in print and as inFAMOUS on the game's newly released box art. Maybe because it's a PLAYSTATION 3 game? Your theories on why this is is welcome in the comments.
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March 6th, 2009, 22:16 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation 3 owners looking to get their hands on Red Alert 3 have been a patient bunch. And their patience looks to have been rewarded with a superior version of the game.
Along with a bunch of free stuff that was only previously available to those who picked up the special edition of the PC version, EA have revealed that the PS3 version of the game looks better than the 360 one, a rare treat for games that are essentially "ported" over from Microsoft's console
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March 6th, 2009, 22:29 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:
Australia (~Hugh Jackman, Nicole Kidman, ...) US US$ 39.98
Bee Movie (~Jerry Seinfeld, Renee Zellweger, ...) JPN US$ 51.90
Beverly Hills Chihuahua (~Drew Barrymore, Piper Perabo, ...) US US$ 34.99
Chatmonchy Restaurant Main Dish (~Chatmonchy) JPN US$ 63.90
Control (~Samantha Morton, Sam Riley, ...) US US$ 56.99
Halloween (~Malcolm Mcdowell, Brad Dourif, ...) JPN US$ 51.90
Halloween [Unrated Collector's Edition] (~Malcolm Mcdowell, Brad Dourif, ...) JPN US$ 74.90
Hayate The Combat Butler / Hayate No Gotoku Atsu Ga Natsui Ze Mizugi Hen (~Ryoko Shiraishi, Rie Kugimiya, ...) JPN US$ 65.90
Hayate The Combat Butler / Hayate No Gotoku Atsu Ga Natsui Ze Mizugi Hen [Limited Edition] (~Ryoko Shiraishi, Rie Kugimiya, ...) JPN US$ 74.90
HD Moods: Fire US US$ 17.99
I've Loved You So Long (~Serge Hazanavicius, Kristin Scott Thomas, ...) US US$ 39.95
In the Electric Mist (~Tommy Lee Jones, John Goodman, ...) US US$ 35.98
Paco And The Magical Book / Paco To Maho No Ehon JPN US$ 52.90
Shrek 3 (~Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, ...) JPN US$ 51.90
Stargate: The Ark of Truth / Continuum (~Claudia Black, Ben Browder, ...) US US$ 59.99
The Silence of the Lambs (~Jodie Foster, Anthony Hopkins, ...) US US$ 34.99
Virtual Trip Sakura Nostalgia JPN US$ 51.90
Watchmen: The Complete Motion Comic + Digital Copy (~Tom Stechschulte) US US$ 35.99
Wonder Woman (~Keri Russell) US US$ 29.99
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March 6th, 2009, 22:32 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Written by 2008 Writer’s Guild Award winner, Dave Ellis, Eat Lead is a side-splitting ingenious storyline and setting that’s never been explored before in the shooter genre. Both Will Arnett and Neil Patrick Harris deliver perfectly timed punch lines that will make gamers laugh in hilarity with their solid voice performance as Matt Hazard and Wallace Wellesley
Help classic videogame stars such as Master Chef and Captain Carpenter redeem their dignity against enemy foes like Sting Sniperscope and Sonny Tang and get to the bottom of why all these iconic characters’ worlds converge
Attack enemies with everything from plasma rifles, to sniper rifles and old-west six shooters, the sniper rifle turret, or use a number of different interactive melee moves to help Matt destroy Wally’s legion of back-catalogue videogame characters
An expansive level environment design reflects years of videogame history in a next-gen package including levels that are radically transformed via precisely timed “hack effects†to challenge Matt Hazard with new scenarios throughout each battle
Eat Lead uses a strategic point and cover system that allows gamers to go far beyond simply hiding behind walls when they can move up to, over, between, and around any cover objects with a fluidity never before seen in a game
Eat Lead makes use of the intelligent physics system that includes destructible items and smart objects, where items can be destroyed or moved to blow through cover or act as temporary safe havens throughout the game environment
In the world of Eat Lead, however, everything stops being a game and becomes reality when it is clear that Wally is using the new game to bring about Matt’s death once and for all. With only the mysterious “QA†to help him, Matt must fight against zombies, cowboys, space marines and more to keep his game from being over.
With an original storyline by 2008 Writers Guild of America Videogame Writing Award winner, Dave Ellis, Eat Lead’s unique blend of comedy and action will provide gamers with a shooter experience like no other where hardcore gunfire may kill their enemies, but laughs may bust our bellies.
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March 6th, 2009, 22:43 Posted By: wraggster
Nick D has released a new Beats of Rage Mod called Final Fantasy I
Heres some info:
I made this, why? Because I love the original NES Final Fantasy! It was so unique for its time, and is a very deep game despite its simplicity. Plus, it is also started a worldwide famous video game franchise, that has produced some of the greatest gaming experiences made thus far. So, I made this for two reasons: 1) as a tribute to the origin of the series and 2) because I just plain have an addiction to making these things !
~Game Modes~
-Story Mode (Classic): Play through the story of Final Fantasy! Features the original NES music for all stages (and WonderSwan music for boss battles)!
-Story Mode (Arranged): The exact same thing as (Classic) mode, only this one features the PSX remixes for all stages!
-Arcade Mode: For quick play. Fight through the main villains of Final Fantasy, arcade style!
This is a ONE BUTTONED MOD! Meaning that you'll play with only ONE BUTTON! And that button is: the Attack button. Of course you still move around with the directional keys, but, that's a given really.
There are 6 playable characters, and they are divided into two groups: close-range and long-range. Close-range characters actually have to walk up to an enemy and attack it to defeat it, but there is little to no lag inbetween their attacks. Long-range characters can attack from farther away but have much more lag inbetween their attacks, so are more vulnerable to being hit.
Push up or down in the Character Select screen to scroll through multiple colors for your character.
~Close-range Characters~
(All close-range characters can attack up to 3 consecutive hits)
-Fighter: The "default" character. You can't go wrong using this guy.
-Thief: Has shorter range than a Fighter, but moves a lot quicker.
-Red Mage: Practically the same as Fighter.
-Black Belt: Practically the same as Fighter.
~Long-range Characters~
(All long-range characters can attack up to 2 consecutive hits)
-Black Mage: Launches a fireball that goes a good distance then disappears. Because of this, he can kill multiple enemies in a row as his fireball travels, but he cannot move until it disappears.
-White Mage: He can attack just as far as Black Mage can, but his magic is a set distance. What I mean is, it doesn't travel like the BM's fireball. Because of this, it may make him the harder character to play as you have to "aim" with him, but what he has over the Black Mage is shorter attack time, meaning he could almost attack twice in the time it takes the BM to attack once.
-Orb: Pick this up to automatically kill all enemies on the screen.
-Crystal: Pick this up to fully heal the player that picked it up.
~OpenBOR Version~
I personally tested this on OpenBOR 2.2038... however, this mod doesn't use many new commands, so it may even work on previous versions (NOTE: This mod does NOT use the Jump button, so pressing the Jump button on older versions may make the game crash). But really, you should always use the latest version available, can't go wrong with that.
Now, contrary to what I've recently been releasing, you will not find fancy-shmancy combos here. Nope, this a very simple mod... every character has one attack, and all normal non-boss enemies die in one hit. I recommend playing with 2 or more players!
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March 6th, 2009, 23:54 Posted By: wraggster
TV Show King, a family quiz title that was released as WiiWare early last year, showed up on an ESRB ratings update as a PlayStation 3 product. Although we haven't been given official confirmation from a publisher that the game will arrive on a Sony platform, this seems to indicate that the game's arrival on the PlayStation Network or as a full boxed product is inevitable.
Originally a Gameloft title, TV Show King gave four players the opportunity to compete in a game show format by answering multiple choice questions. If the game is in fact released on Sony's current-gen console, only time will tell how it compares to fan-favorite games like Buzz! and other similar franchises.
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March 6th, 2009, 23:56 Posted By: wraggster
Yesterday IGN officially announced Keith "The Dean of Mean" Jardine as a playable character on the UFC 2009 Undisputed roster, and today we're thrilled to announce that three more fighters on the UFC 96: Jackson vs. Jardine card will be joining him on the roster. We've also got an awesome new trailer featuring in-game footage of Jardine and his opponent in UFC 96's main event, Quinton "Rampage" Jackson.
And, be sure check back in to IGN tomorrow night, as I'll once again be blogging live from Octagon-side at UFC 96: Jackson vs. Jardine, and come back Monday for a full recap of the event, including coverage of the post-fight press conference and video interviews with more of your favorite UFC fighters. Also, be sure to mark your calendar for Friday, March 13, when the release date for UFC 2009 Undisputed will be revealed exclusively on IGN.com!
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March 7th, 2009, 10:07 Posted By: wraggster
In an interview with Play magazine, BioWare CEO Ray Muzyka called the PlayStation 3 "a really amazing platform to work on." He also said that BioWare might consider joining the growing MMO presence on PS3 if the studio could overcome some of the challenges with console interface design. However, that doesn't mean the company's current, PC-only MMO project, Star Wars: The Old Republic, would appear on PS3 sometime down the line; Muzyka says BioWare might explore "other MMO games in the future."
For now, the EA-owned dev studio should probably focus on getting its first game on PS3 out the door, which happens to be the multi-platform Dragon Age: Origins. That title is expected to be released sometime later this year.
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March 7th, 2009, 10:58 Posted By: wraggster
News via PSPitaly
The developer cristianoH issue LuaAPP, an application for all programmers homebrew.Con this application because we could program in Lua by PSP, although in this first version there are few functions.
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March 7th, 2009, 11:00 Posted By: wraggster
News via PSPitaly
The coder levon releases an update for the Power Manager, a program that can handle the brightness and frequency of the CPU of your PSP, which leads to version 2.1
More in the changelog below.
Changelog v2.1:
-Added the possibility to enable / disable the maximum level of brightness each time
-Added the option to set a brightness level of personalized
-Added the option to set a lower brightness level when the battery is low
-Added an option to set their own percentage of the low level of battery
-Added the option to activate automatically the maximum level of brightness when PSP is connected to the power supply
-Compatible with CWCheat
New config-file
Released version-PMI (Power Manager Interface)
-Other improvements
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March 7th, 2009, 11:04 Posted By: wraggster
News via PSPitaly
The coder Hotter Releases Update to PSPConsole, plugins for the XMB, which includes some interesting features including the presence of a calculator, the game Snake and a file browser.
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March 7th, 2009, 11:06 Posted By: wraggster
Apple's iPhone is quite the success story, and some of that success must be attributed to the AT&T-subsidized price tag. AT&T keeps the cost of the iPhone down at $200 in exchange for a two-year contract that locks consumers to the device (and AT&T). The company is very pleased with this approach.
"The economics for us are terrific," Glenn Lurie, AT&T's president of emerging devices, told investors.com. "We're willing to invest to get a customer."
AT&T is extending this service to netbooks from Acer and Dell, and eventually to "portable videogame machines." The only portable videogame machines we know of, besides mobile phones, are the Nintendo DS and PSP. Presumably, consumers could purchase a DS or PSP at a lower cost in exchange for signing a contract for an AT&T service of some kind.
"It's hard to pass up the siren song of subsidies," says Craig Moffett, an analyst at Bernstein Research. "The iPhone demonstrates nothing if not that American consumers will gladly sign up for higher monthly fees in return for a lower upfront sticker price on the piece of metal that service is connected to."
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March 7th, 2009, 11:08 Posted By: wraggster
Patapon is a greatly loved game here at the IGN office, and Patapon 2 looks to be just as promising -- if not more so -- than the groundbreaking original. Over on the official PlayStation Blog, SCEA Associate Producer Chris Hinojosa-Miranda made a post recently confirming the price of Patapon 2. For a mere $19.99, PSP owners will be able to partake in yet another musical, strategy-filled journey with everyone's favorite tribe of one-eyed warriors. Hinojosa-Miranda also reminds players in the blog post that the game is set for launch on May 5th.
Fans of the game will certainly appreciate the low price point, as this was the same price as the original Patapon when it launched last year.
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March 7th, 2009, 11:24 Posted By: wraggster
First off please take this as a rumour until its actually out but the person who divulged the information is well respected in the Homebrew Community and is word should be taken seriously.
Anyway theres a new Console coming out soon that has a CPU thats either the same as or in the same family as the Sony PSP, infact this console already plays some emulators for the PSP, namely exophases GPSP, now as to whether it will play most PSP Homebrew well ive no information at this time but if i hear more and indeed get some screens ill post them asap.
Now the interesting thing for me is that if this all comes true then we could see a continuation of the PSP Homebrew scene without the worry of Sony blocking the PSP, a strange scenario if ever.
What are your thoughts on such a console appearing ?
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March 8th, 2009, 11:43 Posted By: wraggster
news via psx scene
ScummVM has been ported to PS3. It runs on Yahoo Dog Linux version 6.1.
The ScummVM version is version 012.0-1 . I have Yellow Dog Linux 6.1 and I tested this version of ScummVM and it works good. Tested it Beneath a Steel Sky, Flight Of The Amazon Queen, Lure of the Temptress & Drascula: The Vampire Strikes Back. And the games play good.
Haven't tested any other games yet. I do own most of Lucasarts games but I haven't tested them yet.
Games are played via keyboard/mouse. I heard that there is a why to use the PS3 controller as a mouse but I haven't found a way to make it work yet.
This version can be downloaded from http://pleasantfiction.ipower.com/ps...ors.group.html. But remember, this is Yellow Dog Linux version 6.1 only.
This is a good thing because the only other version of ScummVM ported to PS3 Linux was version 0.9.1 .
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March 8th, 2009, 11:52 Posted By: wraggster
Gonna be a busy day, 3 days ago a new release of Mess for the PS3 Linux was released, heres the details:
MESS is an acronym that stands for Multiple Emulator Super System. MESS will more or less faithfully reproduce computer and console systems on a PC. MESS emulates the hardware of the systems and sometimes utilizes ROM images to load programs and games. Therefore, these systems are NOT simulations, but the actual emulations of the hardware.
* Thu Mar 5 17:00:00 2009 Bill Blake <billb{%}ydl{*}net> - 0129-1
- Rebuild for YDL 6.1 / PS3 using modified spec from rpmfusion
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March 8th, 2009, 11:55 Posted By: wraggster
PS3Bodega has released a new version of the Arcade emulator for PS3 Linux, heres the release details:
MAME stands for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. When used in conjunction with an arcade game's data files (ROMs), MAME will more or less faithfully reproduce that game on a PC. The ROM images that MAME utilizes are "dumped" from arcade games' original circuit-board ROM chips. MAME becomes the "hardware" for the games, taking the place of their original CPUs and support chips. Therefore, these games are NOT simulations, but the actual, original games that appeared in arcades. MAME's purpose is to preserve these decades of video-game history. As gaming technology continues to rush forward, MAME prevents these important "vintage" games from being lost and forgotten. This is achieved by documenting the hardware and how it functions, thanks to the talent of programmers from the MAME team and from other contributors. Being able to play the games is just a nice side-effect, which doesn't happen all the time. MAME strives for emulating the games faithfully. NOTE: This version includes an unsupported patch that adds the ability to display games at their original (-nativeres) resolution in fullscreen mode. Users of this version are not eligible for support on the official forum. Get support for this version here: http://forums.ps3bodega.com
* Thu Mar 5 17:00:00 2009 - Bill Blake <billb{%}ydl{*}net> 0.129u6-1.ydl6.bdg
- Updated to 0.129u6
- Changed default scalemode to none instead of async
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March 8th, 2009, 12:03 Posted By: wraggster
A few days ago a new version of the Macintosh Emulator for PS3 Linux was released, heres the details:
Basilisk II is an Open Source 68k Macintosh emulator. That is, it enables you to run 68k MacOS software on you computer, even if you are using a different operating system. However, you still need a copy of MacOS and a Macintosh ROM image to use Basilisk II.
* Thu Mar 5 17:00:00 2009 Bill Blake <billb{%}ydl{*}net> - 1.0-0.20060501.3
- Rebuilt for YDL 6.1 / PS3 using modified RPMForge spec
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March 8th, 2009, 12:13 Posted By: wraggster
Bill Blake has released a new version of Megamario for PS3 Linux:
MegaMario is a clone of a well know platform game, featuring 25 new levels. In the game you play Mario and your task is to free his brother Luigi, who was captured by the evil Bowser.
* Fri Feb 27 17:00:00 2009 Bill Blake <billb{%}ydl{*}net> 1.5-1.ydl6.bdg
- Rebuild for YDL 6.1
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March 8th, 2009, 12:17 Posted By: wraggster
Bill Blake has released a new version of Snes9x for PS3 Linux:
Heres the details:
Snes9x is a portable, freeware Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) emulator. It basically allows you to play most games designed for the SNES and Super Famicom Nintendo game systems on your computer.
* Tue Feb 24 17:00:00 2009 Bill Blake <billb{%}ydl{*}net> 1.51-1
- Updated to snes9x-gtk 66
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March 8th, 2009, 12:23 Posted By: wraggster
Bill Blake has released a new version of the Neogeo emulator for PS3 Linux:
Heres the details:
GnGeo is a NeoGeo emulator for Linux (and maybe some other UNIX). It use the following cpu core: - The 68k core from the Generator project by James Ponder. - Starscream 680x0 emulation library by Neill Corlett. - Raze Z80 emulator by Richard Mitton. - Z80 Mame core from the Mame project. - YM2610 Mame core by Tatsuyuki Satoh. You need to unzip the NeoGeo romset in /usr/share/gngeo in order to make it work. Please see the /usr/share/doc/packages/gngeo/sample_gngeorc for more information on how to use NeoRageX style Hotkeys. AUTHORS -------- pepone <pepone@altern.org>
* Tue Feb 24 17:00:00 2009 Bill Blake <billb{%}ydl{*}net>
- First release for YDL 6.1
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March 8th, 2009, 12:26 Posted By: wraggster
Bill Blake has released a new version of the Commodore Systems emulator for PS3 Linux:
Heres the details:
An emulator for a variety of Commodore 8bit machines, including the C16, C64, C128, VIC-20, PET (all models, except SuperPET 9000), Plus-4, CBM-II (aka C610)
Fri Feb 20 17:00:00 2009 Bill Blake <billb{%}ydl{*}net> 2.1-1
- Update to 2.1 and rebuild for YDL 6.1
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March 8th, 2009, 12:30 Posted By: wraggster
Bill Blake has released a new version of the Multiple Console emulator for PS3 Linux:
Heres the details:
A portable command-line driven, multi-system emulator which uses OpenGL and SDL. It emulates the following: * Atari Lynx * Famicom * GameBoy (Color) * GameBoy Advance * Neo Geo Pocket (Color) * NES (NTSC & PAL) * PC Engine * TurboGrafx 16 (CD) * SuperGrafx * PC-FX Mednafen has the ability to remap hotkey functions and virtual system inputs to a keyboard, a joystick or both simultaneously. Save states are supported, as is real-time game rewinding. Screen snapshots may be taken at the press of a button and are saved in the popular PNG file format. To play Atari Lynx games you will also need lynxboot.img which is not included for legal reasons.
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March 8th, 2009, 12:37 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from mrafenne
After my loins defects in PES 2009 online, I finished my third verssion HB Calculmp3 with this Foit a scientific calculator.
How does it work?
-Press the direction buttons to move through the calculator and X to confirm.
-Press the L allows us to move to the music before.
-Press the R button lets you go to the music below.
-The button allows you to start / stop playing music.
- The square button allows you to stop playing music.
- The triangle button allows you to stop playing music.
-END button to exit and return to the homebrew XMB
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March 8th, 2009, 21:54 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspitalia
JDawson The coder has just released a new version of its iPod portal for the PSP, the PSPPOD that reaches the 2G version with the addition of new features.
-new design and new icons
-fixati some minor bugs
-Improved compatibility with pc
-Adding a text editor and paint
-added feature of online gaming
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March 8th, 2009, 22:20 Posted By: wraggster
Petr Stehlik has released an emulator for PS3 Linux:
Atari800 is an emulator for the 800, 800XL, 130XE and 5200 models of the Atari personal computer. It can be used on console, FrameBuffer or X11. It features excellent compatibility, HIFI sound support, artifacting emulation, precise cycle-exact ANTIC/GTIA emulation and more. Authors: David Firth and Atari800 Development Team (see CREDITS for a full list)
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March 8th, 2009, 22:23 Posted By: wraggster
Hans de Goede has released an emulator for PS3 Linux:
SheepShaver is a MacOS run-time environment that allows you to run classic MacOS applications. This means that both Linux and MacOS applications can run at the same time (usually in a window on the Linux desktop). If you are using a PowerPC-based system, applications will run at native speed (i.e. with no emulation involved). There is also a built-in PowerPC G4 emulator, without MMU support, for non-PowerPC systems. Available rebuild options : --without : mon --with : sdl
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March 8th, 2009, 22:27 Posted By: wraggster
Dag Wieers has released an emulator for PS3 Linux:
DOSBox is a DOS-emulator using SDL for easy portability to different platforms. DOSBox has already been ported to several different platforms, such as Windows, BeOS, Linux, Mac OS X... DOSBox emulates a 286/386 realmode CPU, Directory FileSystem/XMS/EMS, a SoundBlaster card for excellent sound compatibility with older games... You can "re-live" the good old days with the help of DOSBox, it can run plenty of the old classics that don't run on your new computer!
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March 8th, 2009, 22:29 Posted By: wraggster
Bill Blake has released an emulator for PS3 Linux:
E-UAE is an Amiga Emulator based on UAE which attempts to bring all the features of WinUAE to non Windows platforms. E-UAE includes almost complete emulation of the custom chips, including AGA, bsdsocket emulation, JIT compilation for X86 processors, emulation of the 68000 to the 68060 as well as the FPUs.
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March 8th, 2009, 22:35 Posted By: wraggster
Bill Blake has released an emulator for PS3 Linux:
The Atari 2600 Video Computer System (VCS), introduced in 1977, was the most popular home video game system of the early 1980's. This emulator will run most Atari ROM images, so that you can play your favorite old Atari 2600 games in GNU/Linux.
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March 8th, 2009, 22:37 Posted By: wraggster
Bill Blake has released an emulator for PS3 Linux:
Xe is a multi system emulator that emulates many console and handheld video game systems of the are no longer on the market.
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March 9th, 2009, 17:20 Posted By: wraggster
Update 1.20 hit Killzone 2 over the weekend, bringing with it a bunch of stability fixes and some gameplay tweaks.
Here's the breakdown:
* Stability issue regarding randomly named games has been resolved.
* Stability issue where rapidly tapping (X) causes a crash on spawn-select has been resolved.
* Stability issue regarding the Saboteur's disguise ability has been resolved.
* Stability issue regarding game creation with a blank name has been resolved.
* Stability issue with repeatedly entering/exiting game has been resolved.
* Ignore list functionality has been corrected.
* Unlocking of the "Front Runner" Medal has been fixed.
* Incorrectly awarding victory to clans who don't show has been fixed.
* Battle Replay for Corinth Crossing not appearing correctly on Killzone.com has been fixed.
* Issue with not being able to defuse the Search and Destroy objective has been resolved.
* HUD issue when playing as a Medic during Assassination mode has been corrected.
* Controller input has been slightly tweaked and modified.
* Exploit of shotgun auto-lock on has been fixed.
* Issue with D-charges in Campaign mode has been fixed.
I spent the weekend playing Resident Evil 5 in preparation for our review, so I haven't had a chance to get back on Killzone 2 for a bit. How has online play been shaping up?
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March 9th, 2009, 19:30 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://emu-russia.net/en/
New beta version of Sony Playstation 2 emulator for Windows has been released.
- Improved block managers for EE/IOP recompilers. Basic asm optimizations combined with a technique of replacing NULL/invalid pointer checks with a direct link to a JIT dispatcher.
- IOP Fixes and Optimizations.
- A couple of important VIF fixes.
- Started some work on the pcsx2 emitter.
- Usual opcodes fixes.
- More recompiled opcodes added.
- New EE rec "full" clamp mode, for a few picky games.
- Usual code cleanups and reorganizations.
- Usual speed optimizations (varies from game to game).
- Some EE interpreters fixes.
- Added new, temporary gamefix for God of war and persona 3. Ifyou have missing textures with this beta, you can try that.
- Major GUI API Cleanups.
- Savestate version upgrade and stability fix.
- New yuv2rgb decoder which is up to IPU spec (which differs slightly from MPEG spec). Improves color hue/saturation on many vids, and is a bit faster too.
- Many other small bugfixes and optimizations.
Also included, gsdx, spu2-x and lilypad as of 9th of march 2009. Don't expect huge gains, as always.
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March 9th, 2009, 21:20 Posted By: wraggster
A new beats of rage game has been released that should be compatible with PSP/gp2x/dreamcast.
The girlfriend of Billy was kidnapped and the Lee brothers will rescue her from the hands of the villain ..
This mod follows the same story of the original, but with the style of SNK. A mod made for fans from fan ...
I hope you enjoy!
Download over at lavalit: http://lavalit.com:8080/index.php?action=tpmod;dl
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March 9th, 2009, 22:02 Posted By: wraggster
Bill Blake has released an updated version of the Snes emulator for PS3 linux:
Snes9x is a portable, freeware Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) emulator. It basically allows you to play most games designed for the SNES and Super Famicom Nintendo game systems on your computer.
- Updated to snes9x-gtk 67
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March 9th, 2009, 22:03 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Bill Blake
fscaler is a two-pass scaling program that allows you to combine up to 2 algorithms with different scaling factors to scale the image on the screen using the least possible cycles from the main PPU. All the scaling algorithms are implemented as SIMD algorithms making them very efficient. Right now it supports the following algorithms: near2 Nearest pixel algorithm (2x scale) near3 Nearest pixel algorithm (3x scale) near4 Nearest pixel algorithm (4x scale) scale2x Scale2X algorithm scale3x Scale3X algorithm scale4x 2 passes of Scale2X algorithm s2xsai Super2XSAI algo
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March 9th, 2009, 22:06 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from Bill Blake
A portable command-line driven, multi-system emulator which uses OpenGL and SDL. It emulates the following: * Atari Lynx * Famicom * GameBoy (Color) * GameBoy Advance * Neo Geo Pocket (Color) * NES (NTSC & PAL) * PC Engine * TurboGrafx 16 (CD) * SuperGrafx * PC-FX Mednafen has the ability to remap hotkey functions and virtual system inputs to a keyboard, a joystick or both simultaneously. Save states are supported, as is real-time game rewinding. Screen snapshots may be taken at the press of a button and are saved in the popular PNG file format. To play Atari Lynx games you will also need lynxboot.img which is not included for legal reasons.
- Rebuild for YDL 6.1 / PS3
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March 9th, 2009, 22:57 Posted By: wraggster
news via pspita
The coder Mickael2054 issue PSPlugin Info, a plug-One will allow us to see the battery level, turn on or turn off the power LED and display information on PSP.
To follow all the characteristics of the prx and the link to download.
Features of the plugin:
-Viewing the Battery Level
-Menu contains information on the PSP
-Function to enable or disable the Power button
-Function to enable / disable the LED Power
If the battery level is below 10% and you plug the AC power supply, the low battery message will disappear
-Improved the code prx
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March 9th, 2009, 23:11 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita

The coder festi updates Guitar Star, PSP clone of the famous Guitar Hero, which leads to version 1.02
The main feature of this homebrew is compatible with the trace amounts of Fire Freats which provide hours of fun anymore.
This release is not accompanied by a changelog, but it can be deduced that it was improved the overall stability of the program.
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March 9th, 2009, 23:22 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe announced today that SPIL GAMES will host an exclusive Patapon 2 mini-game across many of their online game portals for one week only from March 9th to March 16th 2009. This official flash mini-game is fully playable on both PC and Macs, showcasing the musical fun and inventive gameplay of the newly released Patapon 2 – Out now on PSP (PlayStation Portable).
The Patapon 2 mini-game, developed by Kerb to promote the launch of Patapon 2, allows you to try your hand at banging out beats to command your tiny tribesman with the rhythm of your drum. Patapon 2 is the follow-up to the hugely popular Patapon, a fun-filled adventure that combines unique gameplay with rhythm and music, requiring you to create cool drumming combos and lead your tribe to victory. There's plenty of musical fun to be had – whether you want to play with your mates or enter a cool music carnival! With its funky rhythms, cool graphics, and a brand-new team mode, it's a title you'll want to get your hands on when it arrives this March.
SPIL GAMES is the world's ultimate online game destination, providing online games through more than 50 game portals localized in 20 languages worldwide. As a primary distribution partner, SPIL GAMES launched the LocoRoco 2 mini game across all 50 of their gaming portals.
Test out your drumming skills with the Patapon 2 mini-game – it goes online at www.agame.com from March 9th to March 16th 2009. You can also visit www.gamesgames.com/game/Patapon-2.html.
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March 9th, 2009, 23:39 Posted By: wraggster
news via psphacks
Don’t let the title fool you — PSPi works under just about any version of Windows — it’s not NT only. So with that said, get your hex hack attack on with RainMotorsports’ PSPi.
Quoting Rain –
It’s a little rough around the edges but it’ll do for now. I didn’t have the time to implement removable drive or PSP detection for this version so you have to type the drive letter, and I recommend using a capital letter.
Available functions include: Standard SCSI Query, Format Memory Stick (Device Level), Retrieve Unknown Data, Retrieve USB String, Retrieve Firmware Version, Retrieve Nickname.
NOTE: Submitting a Query for Format Memory Stick will format your memory stick.
NOTE: Firmware Version and Nickname can only be pulled on Firmwares 2.00 and newer.
If bytes to pull is less than what’s put out the command fails, the app is currently only setup to handle 128 bytes as none more is needed but I will allow more in the future. The app will select the known length when you change queries.
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March 10th, 2009, 00:41 Posted By: wraggster
The undead burst into flames this month, as Doublesix announces a March 26th release date for their PlayStation Network exclusive shooter, Burn Zombie Burn!
Rack them up and knock them down. That's the core strategy behind Burn Zombie Burn! - gather together as many zombies as possible, killing them en mass, amassing the highest score possible in the process. It's classic arcade action with a shiny new coat of paint, like Robotron with zombies. Zombietron. Something like that.
Doublesix is pulling out all the stops for the game's release, with high score and trophy competitions in which players can win a horror-themed holiday, framer Burn Zombie Burn! artwork, and limited-edition t-shirts. They've also got downloadable content on tap, with a strategy guide, an 8-page comic, and music tracks from the game ready to go up on the PlayStation Store once the game hits later this month.
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March 10th, 2009, 01:12 Posted By: wraggster
The wait is almost over. At 2 a.m. PST on Tuesday, March 10, 2009, IGN will review Resistance: Retribution, the latest PSP title from the folks who brought you the portable's award-winning Syphon Filters. Bridging the gaps between Resistance: Fall of Man and Resistance 2, Retribution will cast you as Chimera-killin' badass James Grayson and set you loose on a continent torn apart by ungodly warfare.
Will it live up to the hype or be massive disappointment? You'll know soon enough.
Still, while you feverishly click refresh on IGN PSP and wait with bated breath, we here at IGN thought we'd bring you one last behind the scenes video after the success that was the original Resistance: Retribution Reconnaissance. Below, you can get the inside scoop straight from the developers on the single-player campaign as well as the multiplayer options in Resistance: Retribution. Think of it as a primer for what we have coming your way at 2 a.m.
See you then…
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March 10th, 2009, 01:28 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHk

Get ready for a fictional account of the world’s most popular video game hero…of the 1980s. Matt Hazard is coming out of retirement and makinghis next-gen“comebackâ€against all his old enemies in a hilarious parody of the last 25 years of gaming.
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March 10th, 2009, 01:31 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHk

MLB 09: The Show is back for the 2009 baseball season with expanded features and more of the classic baseball that The Show always delivers. New features include Road to the Show 3.0, Franchise Mode 2.0, Online Season Leagues, and many more
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March 10th, 2009, 01:33 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Longtime fans and new players to the series will enjoy the original content from PSU and PSU: Ambition of the Illuminus
Phantasy Star Portable players will experience a whole new storyline and meet new characters, while the new record book feature keeps track of the over 150 new items the player can collect
Players can create their own avatar with the rich Character Creation system, or port in their character from the Phantasy Starâ„¢ Portable downloadable demo
Up to four party members will team up via Sony wireless
Fans of the acclaimed Phantasy Star Universe™ series can now explore Gurhal on-the-go via the PSP (PlayStation®Portable) system. Up to four friends will team up to unravel the exclusive new storyline that picks up where Phantasy Star Universe ends and before the start of PSU: Ambition of the Illuminus™.
The infestation of the alien SEED was thought to be under control by the end of PSU, but a new menace has stricken the Gurhal system. Alongside a new character named Vivienne, players must investigate the contamination and clear out the affected wildlife. In this intriguing new installment, players will delve deeper than ever before into the mysteries of Phantasy Star Universe.
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March 10th, 2009, 01:39 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

12 official SBK tracks featuring locations all around the world
22 real riders, with each rider’s AI reflecting their true-to-life riding style
Players can choose pick-up-and-play Arcade mode or the more technical, ’Extreme Simulation Mode’
Interact with other Players through online racing
In-depth bike customization tools
4 Variable Weather Conditions
The SUPERBIKE WORLD CHAMPIONSAMPIONSHIP is truly a global event. SBK Superbike World Championship is a unique experience in motorsports featuring ultra-realistic close-up shots of the riders hugging ’tight turns’ while their bodies hang inches away from the track. Closely fought battles are guaranteed and unlike MotoGp, ’Superbike’, promises these battles will have frequent lead changes. Spectators have easy access to both the paddocks and the racers themselves. SBK is the natural choice for both bikers and racing game enthusiasts alike!
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March 10th, 2009, 01:40 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Reach new heights with the broadest range of acrobatic abilities and utilize objects within the environment to uncover new paths to explore
Discover ancient mysteries of the underworld hidden within the coast of Thailand, frozen islands of the Arctic Sea, the jungles of Mexico, and more
Each level is an elaborate multi-stage puzzle masked within an interactive environmental playground offering more flexibility over how the area is solved
Choose to pacify or kill, target multiple enemies at once with the new dual-target system, and shoot with one hand while suspended with the other
Utilize the latest technology in Laras upgraded inventory to navigate the world
A new advancement in exploration-based gameplay. As fearless adventurer Lara Croft explore exotic locations around the world, each designed with an incredible attention to detail resulting in breathtaking high-definition visual fidelity that creates truly believable world and delivers a new level of challenge and choice.
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March 10th, 2009, 01:41 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Once again MLB 09 The Show is the only game where fans can play offense and defense from a custom-created player’s perspective. This year, Road to the Show includes interactive training, a new steal/ lead-off system, updated presentations, and coach interactions. Interactive training will consist of a set of mini-games designed to improve a player’s ability and performance in various areas of baseball
MLB 09 The Show has boosted the number of overall animations with more than 700 new gameplay animations, more than 400 new presentation animations, and more than 150 personalized pitcher and batter animations
Fielders will now have more dynamic reactions and take different routes to run down hit balls. New “hotshot†plays are included, and depending on a player’s attribute level, they can misplay balls and drop a ball too hot to handle. Additionally, players can experience more realistic barehanded flips and the ability to dive with the ball in the fielder’s bare hand for the putout
MLB 09 The Show introduces Online Season Leagues to allow players to hold fully functional drafts and utilize a flex schedule, allowing players to play games ahead of the schedule. Users can also access a new Roster Vault to tweak player attributes, appearance, and accessories to create the ideal roster.
Additionally, MLB 09 The Show raises the overall level of detail and realism from customizable fan chants, to jumbotron animations, to crowd atmosphere. Accurate lighting transitions, including realistic afternoon to dusk to nighttime effects provide more realism than ever before. Mascots are available for all teams and each will show off signature moves throughout the game. End of game replays are also available to provide players with an instant post-game visual replay of exciting plays, much like a true-to-life MLB broadcast.
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March 10th, 2009, 01:43 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

E.R.S. is in-game technology that helps turn novice aviators into elite pilots of the future. The Enhanced Reality System is the core of the HAWX flight experience: aircraft interception trajectories, incoming missile detection, anti-crash system, damage assessment, tactical map, and weapons trajectory control. E.R.S. also allows players to issue orders to their squadron and other units, making this system as iconic to HAWX as the Cross-Com system is to Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter®!
Players can ease into their flight missions and gain a level of comfort with the use of the assistance mode. Once employed, players can take full advantage of their technological support through the E.R.S and gain maximum piloting security. If the situation calls for the player to unleash the full potential of the aircraft, the assistance mode can be switched off and all safety features will be deactivated. This comes with increased risks, but allows the player advanced dogfighting maneuvers and stunning third-person views
For the first time ever in the air-combat genre, players will be able to experience the entire solo campaign with seamless JUMP IN/JUMP OUT functionality. In PVP mode, players can challenge each other in intense dog-fighting sessions and find out who's the top gun. Winning players are rewarded with experience points and money to unlock more weapons
Players have the opportunity to take the throttle of over 50 famous aircrafts, and take them over real world locations & cities in photo-realistic environments created with the best commercial satellite data on the civilian market
As the era of the nation-state draws toward its end, the world of warfare is evolving rapidly. New challenges demand new solutions, sometimes with unpredictable outcomes.
For many years, state-sponsored militaries have struggled to maintain and modernize their forces. Increasing budget restrictions and difficulties in recruiting skilled personnel have led many countries to seek other solutions. More and more nations now rely increasingly on Private Military Companies (PMC) – elite mercenary groups staffed with equally elite personnel - to support their field operations.
PMCs have proven to be excellent partners in respect to efficiency, skills, low prices, and reliability. They’ve been able to fulfill most of the mission normally handled by regular armies, without risking political fallout.
In time, these private military corps diversified their field of operations, from mere securing land objectives to motorized assault and counter-intelligence. It was not long before a few of these PMC secured enough resources to require being involved complete support air and sea-bound operations.
With each passing year, the PMCs expand their influence and scope of activity. Initially just consultants, they are now involved in surveillance, logistics, site security, and other essential roles. In order to keep the war machine going most of the PMC warranted firms dealing with other sources of income such as mining, oil extraction, airliners, goods manufacturing etc. Ensuring a steady flow of currency allowed these companies to operate a tighter game against their opposition. Each year, they come closer to serving as fully operational field units, and their services are so widely used they’re already essential. Pandora’s Box has been opened. There’s no getting rid of the PMCs now.
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March 10th, 2009, 01:44 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

12 official SBK tracks featuring locations all around the world
22 real riders, with each rider’s AI reflecting their true-to-life riding style
Players can choose pick-up-and-play Arcade mode or the more technical, ’Extreme Simulation Mode’
Interact with other Players through online racing
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March 10th, 2009, 20:11 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Teaser images on the website for Noby Noby Boy suggest that the PSN game will be updated with an offline, four-player multiplayer mode soon.
If you visit the suitably unconventional site with the cute URL - o--o.jp - and click on 'BOY's daydream #1', you'll see a series of images that shows four BOYs playing together while BOY says, "Even though it may be offline... I want to play multi-BOY!"
When we interviewed creator Keita Takahashi last month, he suggested that the game would get a "big update" around two months after release.
There's also a suggestion that some new music will be added, in 'BOY's daydream #2'. Noby Noby Boy currently only has one background theme, a gently plucked acoustic guitar.
"Guiter music are good," says BOY in the second strip, ungrammatically, "but music from castanets, triangles, and maracas is something I'd like to listen."
Namco declined to comment on BOY's daydreams.
The site also reveals that the game has 47,685 players, and that GIRL has already reached the moon - but Mars is still some way off, so get stretching.
If this news item means nothing at all to you, visit our review and interview with Takahashi for an explanation - of sorts - of this unhinged PSN gem.
Takahashi will give a talk on Noby Noby Boy at the Game Developers Conference later this month - Thursday 26th March, to be exact - so check back for more Noby Noby News then.
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March 10th, 2009, 20:12 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
David Seeholzer, senior development director for Red Alert 3, has revealed that a demo of the PS3 version "should" be with us within a couple of weeks.
Speaking of recent developments, Seeholzer said: "We have been hard at work on a demo, and it should be available for download in a couple of weeks.
"We sincerely hope that all of you download the demo and try out the Ultimate Edition of Red Alert 3; we know you will not be disappointed," he said on the PS Blog.
He also teased: "We have plans for more exciting content for the PlayStation Store so check back often," and posted a dev diary video, which you can watch below.
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March 10th, 2009, 22:26 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita
The coder j13dj French issuing the first PSP version of Live TV, homebrew that will allow us to see some streaming to your PSP channels Tv sfuttando the WiFi connection of the console.
More information about this first release to follow.
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March 10th, 2009, 22:58 Posted By: wraggster
Good news for Playstation 3 owners -- NBC and Sony have just announced that NBC Universal content is now available on the PlayStation Network. In addition to NBC shows like The Office, 30 Rock, and Heroes, new movie releases like Milk and Role Models will hit PSN day and date with the DVD release, and back-catalog titles like The 40-Year Old Virgin and The Big Lebowski should already be up. Pricing is ballpark with the competition: $2.99 to $5.99 for SD and HD rentals, and $9.99 to $14.99 for SD and HD purchases. Not bad, but we won't be happy until these fools drop the shenanigans and give us what we really want: Hulu. Make it happen, guys.
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March 11th, 2009, 16:58 Posted By: wraggster

Not a ton of details to go on here, but it looks like Citroen and Sony are set to team up on a PSP-themed version of the C-Crosser SUV. The C-Crosser Exclusive PSP Edition will come with a black PSP Slim, two games, a 4GB Memory Stick PRO Duo, and a special headrest speaker mount so rear-seat passengers can catch up on some awesome UMD movies. Europe-only, obviously, and those stickers won't come cheap -- prices start at €33,990 ($43,340.)
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March 11th, 2009, 17:02 Posted By: wraggster
2009 is set to be a strong year for the PlayStation Portable as Sony brings its focus to bear on the powerful handheld console, which has now passed the 3 million unit sales mark in the UK and the 50 million mark worldwide.
The company is talking up the platform now, with key software releases announced for this year including PSP versions of MotorStorm, LittleBigPlanet, Resistance and Buzz! from first party, as well as Assassin's Creed, Final Fantasy and Rock Band games from third party publishers.
However, as Sony's senior VP and MD for UK, Ireland and the Nordic region Ray Maguire admitted, the corporation has been guilty of letting the PSP drift in the past year.
"It was slightly under-supported, mainly because a lot of the energy was going into stuff we're doing for PlayStation 3," he explained to GamesIndustry.biz. "There was an added complication in that the UMD model wasn't brilliant for third parties, either.
"But I think as the installed base has grown - we're now at 50 million globally - the PSP has become one of the best-selling formats ever, and I think people are seeing that they need to get back into it. I think we had a bit of a barren year last year, and this year we seem to have a bumper crop.
"I think it's one of those formats which has just, almost silently, grown and grown and grown. Now people are looking at 3 million installed base in the UK, and seeing it's a healthy number - that they can sell product against that.
"Retailers are looking at it as well, realising that they haven't supported it as much as maybe they might have done, and they're also thinking about how we almost reintroduce the PlayStation Portable into the market place, with the confidence that we should have had last year, but didn't.
"We do have that confidence this year - many things are happening with the PSP. The online side of it is developing nicely, and there are clearly lots of great games for it this year, but also we're introducing new colours - so it starts to become much more desirable for a wider range of consumers."
The newest iteration of the console, the PSP-3000, features a brighter screen than its predecessors, although Maguire doesn't expect this to be the key factor in the purchasing decisions of new customers.
"I think the hardware specs are probably the lower part of the decision-making process now," he said. "The hardware does what it says, so that's great, but people don't buy hardware for hardware, they buy it to get to content. The content was where we were weak last year, but it's where we're strong this year, and the services around it are getting better as well.
"I think people will buy into it because of the overall package, rather than just because it's got a brighter screen than it had before."
And while the UMD format is still something that the PSP hardware utilises, Maguire expects to see a greater prevalence of downloadable content becoming available on the platform.
"My gut feeling though is that people are looking for more snack-type content, and the downloads side of it will increasingly become a bigger part of its future," he said.
"It's also something that development can get into at a much, much lower entry cost, and I think we can see this everywhere, whether it be iPhone applications, whether it be mobile phones - there is an appetite for smaller, snack-type games."
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March 11th, 2009, 17:09 Posted By: wraggster
Scanning my PS3 retail box of “Resident Evil 5†today I spotted the requirement that the game will require sstem owners to have 5GB free on their hard-drive. Will that shorten load times compared to the 360 version? I haven’t tested it yet. But free some room, Sony owners. And don’t gloat, 360 fans, you guys don’t get Home support
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March 11th, 2009, 17:11 Posted By: wraggster
It’s time to weigh in on a line from the “Resistance Retribution†script that, well… you tell me if it’s good or bad.
I don’t think many games are bought or returned because of the quality of their scripts. But that doesn’t mean that a game’s script should go un-commented on. Just yesterday, for example, I was playing “Resistance: Retribution,†the upcoming 1950s sci-fi shooter, when British game hero James Grayson uttered the following line:
“I’m James Grayson, bitches!â€
This was one of those one-liners uttered while the player is controlling the action. In this case, Grayson is using a very powerful weapon to fend off hordes of approaching Chimera enemies.
Was it a call-back to Dave Chappelle’s “I’m Rick James, bitch� Or to Britney Spears‘ “It’s Britney, bitch†line from her last album? Just a cool one-liner? Or a lame anachronism?
Let me not be the judge of this line. Let it be you.
What do you think of the line, "I'm James Grayson, bitches!"
Love it. It's perfect for "Resistance Retribution."
Like it, but not for "Resistance Retribution."
I don't care.
Hate it, that line's too lame for my video games.
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March 11th, 2009, 17:16 Posted By: wraggster
Epic has pressed the Go button on the huge DLC pack for the PS3 version of Unreal Tournament III - over a week earlier than previously announced.
The patch was delayed from its original March 5 release back to March 19, apparently owing to the certification process taking longer than expected.
Update: Apparently, the patch released doesn't have everything in the list below, namely the maps or the Titan Mutator - that's apparently coming in a second patch soon. The one live now has the trophies, split screen play and other tweaks. We've left a message with Epic for clarity on the matter. Update ends.
Things must have sped up though because, as Tawkn reports, the 93MB patch is now live and ready to be leeched.
Here's the list of added features:
16 environments - four Warfare, three vCTF, six Deathmatch, and three CTF maps - that are new to the PC and PS3 versions
Three bonus pack maps, CTF-Face, CTF-Searchlight and DM-Morbias
The namesake Titan mutator, which lets players overwhelm opponents as a 15 foot tall titan, or crush them as a 30 foot tall Behemoth
Greed and Betrayal, two gametypes that breed new-found fervor throughout the competitive UT3 arena
Two powerful weapons, the Stinger Turret and Eradicator Cannon artillery
Two valuable deployables, the X-Ray Field and Link Station
The Slow Field power-up, a portable version of the Slow Field deployable
Stealthbender, a new vehicle that carries two spidermine trap deployables, one EMP mine, and one each of the new Link Station and X-Ray Field deployables
Two new characters, Nova and Kana
57 awards attainable as Steam Achievements and PS3 Trophies
Broad improvements for PC and PS3: Significant AI enhancements, especially in vehicle gametypes; networking performance upgrades; greatly improved menu flow and UI usability; better mod support
Client-side demo recording, highly improved Server Browser, a new maplist system, plus mid-game mutator and gametype voting functionality for PC
High demand PS3 features including PS3 Trophy support, two-player split-screen support, and mod browsing
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March 11th, 2009, 22:59 Posted By: wraggster
Need some additional scares as you attempt to stop Alma in the city of Auburn? Monolith Productions and Warner Bros Interactive will soon provide you with exactly what you're looking for. Earlier today, the first downloadable content for F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin was announced, which should expand on the paranormal experience. The Toy Soldiers map pack will augment the multiplayer experience as well as provide premium themes and a picture packs. No price was provided for the pack, although it will be available in mid-April. F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin is available for the PS3, Xbox 360 and PC.
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March 11th, 2009, 23:02 Posted By: wraggster
SEGA Corporation today announced an exclusive partnership with International Sports Multimedia (ISM), the official licensee of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to develop Vancouver 2010 - the Official Video Game of the Olympic Winter Games. The game is being developed by Eurocom Entertainment Software for the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, PLAYSTATION 3 computer entertainment system and for Windows-based PC. Vancouver 2010 is an authentic simulation of a host of events from the upcoming Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games, focusing on the adrenalin rush that comes from the extreme speed of winter sports. Including an all new challenge mode, the game allows players to immerse themselves in the world's greatest sporting event like never before.
"Vancouver 2010 will set a new standard for the Olympic-themed video games genre," commented Hugh Binns, Director of Eurocom Development Ltd., developers of Vancouver 2010. "With the innovative first person mode to immerse players even more in the game, an all new challenge mode providing hours of entertainment and stunning high definition graphics, Vancouver 2010 will be a fantastic experience."
"Extending our relationship with SEGA to include the Official Video Game of Vancouver 2010 strengthens the opportunity to build upon the success of Beijing 2008, thereby delivering what will be an outstanding, quality gaming experience," stated Raymond Goldsmith, Chairman & CEO of ISM.
In addition to the new challenge mode, Vancouver 2010 also offers revamped online gameplay and brand new control schemes new to an official video game of the Olympic Games. With this, Vancouver 2010 will be the new benchmark for the Olympic-themed videogames genre and truly allow gamers to experience the "Olympic Spirit".
Vancouver 2010 for Xbox 360, PLAYSTATION 3 system and Windows-based PC is set for release in the winter of 2010. Further information relating to the content of the game will be available over the coming months from the official website of the game – www.olympicvideogames.com.
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March 12th, 2009, 00:07 Posted By: wraggster
Apparently the folks at Sony Computer Entertainment UK are experiencing some time anomalies of late, with Senior VP Ray Maguire talking about PSP's much-abused UMD format in the past tense. It might not be the biggest blunder on earth -- he stated that "The UMD model wasn't brilliant for third parties," and it certainly hasn't been -- but with rumors all over about Sony dropping the format in the near future, it's not looking good for those little ill-fated discs. Maguire went on to add, "The downloads side of it will increasingly become a bigger part of its future," so it looks like either way we know where Sony's emphasis lies, and we won't be shedding too many tears if / when it comes to pass.
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March 12th, 2009, 00:13 Posted By: wraggster
Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce will hit European stores on May 1.
While previous Dynasty Warriors titles pitted a lone warrior against thousands of enemies, PSP exclusive Strikeforce lets you and three mates join forces and head into battle together in a four player co-op mode.
"Working as a team, players can plan coordinated assaults to conquer massive armed fortresses and colossal beasts," says publisher Koei.
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March 12th, 2009, 00:15 Posted By: wraggster
If you somehow thought that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 wouldn't make it this year, then this trickle of news will put your worries to rest. Activision CFO Thomas Tippl confirmed today that Infinity Ward's shooter will definitely be arriving this holiday season and is, apparently, "looking incredible."
He said at an annual Wedbush Morgan Securities meeting (via Kotaku) that Activision expects Modern Warfare 2 to be "the most anticipated game of the year," going so far as saying "Perhaps [it'll be] the number one game of the year despite the fact that it's only going to launch in the holiday season." That's a lot of bold statements coming from an executive. Hopefully, Infinity Ward's sophomore Modern Warfare game will live up to Tippl's hype.
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March 12th, 2009, 00:22 Posted By: wraggster
Last year Sony released Secret Agent Clank on the PSP. Chances are it’s coming to the PlayStation 2 later this year. Gamefly has the game a PS2 version of Secret Agent Clank in their database and they are usually reliable when it comes to leaks. It’s not hard to believe either considering High Impact Games, the developer, made a PS2 port of Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters too.
Sony also has a PS2 port of Wipeout Pulse in the works, but we haven’t heard much about it outside of Europe. There are a lot of first party PSP to PlayStation 2 ports and all of them originate in the West. We haven’t seen Sony port any Japan developed games like Patapon or Coded Soul. I’ll take one of each, please.
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March 12th, 2009, 19:28 Posted By: AdamRav
Resistance: Retribution Collector's Edition Details

Sony Computer Entertainment Europe has revealed the finer detailsElectronic Theatre Imageof the Resistance: Retribution Collectors Edition, ahead of the game’s release on March 20th, 2009.
The highly-anticipated PlayStation Portable exclusive entrant into the Resistance series brings a third-person perspective into play through a storyline bridging the gap between Resistance: Fall of Man and Resistance 2. The standard edition will launch with a Recommended Retail Price of £24.99, whilst the Collector’s Edition will launch day-and-date for the same price, and include a handful of bonuses.
The main attraction has to be the four concept art postcards that come included in the package. Vividly depicting some of the war torn landscapes the player will venture through in the game, the artwork will undoubtedly be a big draw for hardcore Resistance fans. Additionally, however, those who purchase the Resistance: Retribution Collectors Edition will receive a promotional code to download an exclusive Resistance: Retribution theme for their PlayStation Portable system.
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March 12th, 2009, 19:29 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Call of Duty 4 has racked up 11 million unique players since launch on Xbox Live, and over 4 million on PlayStation Network, according to Infinity Ward's Rob Bowling.
Bowling revealed the sensational figures when accepting one of COD 4: Modern Warfare's three BAFTAs in London on Tuesday night.
"I'm delighted that we just reached 11 million unique players on Xbox Live and we've got over 4 million on PSN," Bowling said, according to eyewitnesses (who'd had a bit to drink so don't blame us if the wording isn't exact).
We've confirmed with Activision that the figures relate to COD 4 alone, not the entire Call of Duty franchise.
According to Microsoft, Xbox Live has 17 million users overall, meaning two-thirds of them have played Infinity Ward's first-person shooter. The figures track all players, not just those who've played online multiplayer (necessarily so, since the word is that only 9.5 million people pay for Xbox Live Gold).
Add the untold number of players out there who haven't connected their 360s to the internet, and you get a sense of the true scale of Infinity Ward's success - and that's not even counting PC and PS3 players. As a comparison, MMO king and Activision Blizzard stablemate World of Warcraft has 11 million players worldwide (although, unlike the COD figure, these are all currently active).
Infinity Ward is currently working on a Modern Warfare sequel, due for release at the end of this year.
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March 12th, 2009, 19:32 Posted By: AdamRav
Here's the latest PlayStation Store updates for Japan (12/03/09)
• Crystal Defenders - 31 MB
• Killzone 2 - 1242 MB
• Crystal Defender - ¥900
• Resistance Retribution (PSP) - ¥3800
PS One
• Neo ATLAS II (¥600)
• Chou Aniki: Kyuokyoku Muteki Ginga Saikyou Otoko (¥600)
• Yamasa Digi Guide: Umekagetsu R (¥300)
Idolmaster SP (PSP)
- Songs (Â¥150 per karakter)
• Meisou Mind
• Start Star
• Tonarini
• Extend Costumes - Cocktail Dress (¥1000), Trainer Wear (¥300)
• Cool & Sexy Collection - Night & Day AMCG (¥500)
• Head Accessories - Hat (¥200)
• Body Accessories - Pendant (¥200)
• Hand Accessories - Rose Pedal Bracelet (¥200)
• Leg Accessories - Rose Pedal Ankle Bracelet (¥200)
• LittleBigPlanet - St. Patrick's Day Costume
• Lumines Supernova - Classics Pack (¥500)
• Minna no Golf 5 - Additional Character: Sackboy (¥500)
• Steet Fighter IV - Classic Pack (¥400)
Trailers & Video’s
• Crystal Defenders - Promotional Video
• Minna de Spelunker - Promotional Video
• Lumines Supernova - Promotional Video
• Minna no Golf 5 - New Update Information Movie! 2nd shot
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March 12th, 2009, 19:32 Posted By: AdamRav
Here's the latest PlayStation Store updates for Japan (12/03/09)
• Crystal Defenders - 31 MB
• Killzone 2 - 1242 MB
• Crystal Defender - ¥900
• Resistance Retribution (PSP) - ¥3800
PS One
• Neo ATLAS II (¥600)
• Chou Aniki: Kyuokyoku Muteki Ginga Saikyou Otoko (¥600)
• Yamasa Digi Guide: Umekagetsu R (¥300)
Idolmaster SP (PSP)
- Songs (Â¥150 per karakter)
• Meisou Mind
• Start Star
• Tonarini
• Extend Costumes - Cocktail Dress (¥1000), Trainer Wear (¥300)
• Cool & Sexy Collection - Night & Day AMCG (¥500)
• Head Accessories - Hat (¥200)
• Body Accessories - Pendant (¥200)
• Hand Accessories - Rose Pedal Bracelet (¥200)
• Leg Accessories - Rose Pedal Ankle Bracelet (¥200)
• LittleBigPlanet - St. Patrick's Day Costume
• Lumines Supernova - Classics Pack (¥500)
• Minna no Golf 5 - Additional Character: Sackboy (¥500)
• Steet Fighter IV - Classic Pack (¥400)
Trailers & Video’s
• Crystal Defenders - Promotional Video
• Minna de Spelunker - Promotional Video
• Lumines Supernova - Promotional Video
• Minna no Golf 5 - New Update Information Movie! 2nd shot
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March 12th, 2009, 19:34 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sony has shot down rumours that it could release a PS3 without Blu-ray functionality.
"That would pretty much destroy the PS3's backbone, our games were built on Blu-ray." Sony marketing manager Kim Nguyen said. "Quote that: Blu-ray will always be part of PS3."
Nguyen gave the comments to SAI after analyst Mick Hickey voiced speculation that "Sony is working on a non-Blu-ray PS3 console" that would enable it to make hardware price cuts.
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March 12th, 2009, 21:17 Posted By: wraggster
Last year, Electronic Arts introduced players to a world of mercenaries, co-operative gameplay and gold plated automatic weapons. Army of Two took players on a globetrotting adventure where you needed to use co-op strategy with your partner to survive various hotspots. As Salem and Rios, two ex-Army Rangers turned mercenaries, you battle through different warzones to uncover a conspiracy that could threaten America and the world. But there's no rest for these two soldiers, as today Electronic Arts announced the sequel to the co-op action game. Army of Two: The 40th Day reunites Salem and Rios as they're forced to survive in a city under siege.
The story of The 40th Day places Salem and Rios in the middle of Shanghai, China, as a disaster of epic proportions strikes the city. While they happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, they are the right men to react to the chaos. As they fight their way through ruined districts of the city, they discover more and more catastrophes are being orchestrated to devastate Shanghai piece by piece. It's up two Salem and Rios to uncover the secret of the 40th Day and survive the chaos.
Salem and Rios are back to shoot their way out of Shanghai.
"With Army of Two: The 40th Day, we're pushing the tactical two-man military team into new battlegrounds offering a completely organic and rich co-op experience to deliver an action-packed co-op shooter this winter," said Reid Schneider, executive producer at EA Montreal. "As chaos blankets Shanghai, China, you must rely on your partner to survive as you weave through a broken city left devastated in a mysterious wake."
Army of Two: The 40th day will include more co-op moves for players to use at any time, which will allow for completely different strategies and options in battle. According to EA, the expansion of co-op moves will create a bigger, more organic and immersive co-op experience. Army of Two: The 40th day will be available for the PS3, Xbox 360 and PSP this winter.
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March 12th, 2009, 21:17 Posted By: wraggster
Last year, Electronic Arts introduced players to a world of mercenaries, co-operative gameplay and gold plated automatic weapons. Army of Two took players on a globetrotting adventure where you needed to use co-op strategy with your partner to survive various hotspots. As Salem and Rios, two ex-Army Rangers turned mercenaries, you battle through different warzones to uncover a conspiracy that could threaten America and the world. But there's no rest for these two soldiers, as today Electronic Arts announced the sequel to the co-op action game. Army of Two: The 40th Day reunites Salem and Rios as they're forced to survive in a city under siege.
The story of The 40th Day places Salem and Rios in the middle of Shanghai, China, as a disaster of epic proportions strikes the city. While they happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, they are the right men to react to the chaos. As they fight their way through ruined districts of the city, they discover more and more catastrophes are being orchestrated to devastate Shanghai piece by piece. It's up two Salem and Rios to uncover the secret of the 40th Day and survive the chaos.
Salem and Rios are back to shoot their way out of Shanghai.
"With Army of Two: The 40th Day, we're pushing the tactical two-man military team into new battlegrounds offering a completely organic and rich co-op experience to deliver an action-packed co-op shooter this winter," said Reid Schneider, executive producer at EA Montreal. "As chaos blankets Shanghai, China, you must rely on your partner to survive as you weave through a broken city left devastated in a mysterious wake."
Army of Two: The 40th day will include more co-op moves for players to use at any time, which will allow for completely different strategies and options in battle. According to EA, the expansion of co-op moves will create a bigger, more organic and immersive co-op experience. Army of Two: The 40th day will be available for the PS3, Xbox 360 and PSP this winter.
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March 12th, 2009, 21:21 Posted By: wraggster
On the official PlayStation Blog, a number of announcements were made this morning regarding upcoming downloadable titles exclusive to the PlayStation Network. The first post announced the imminent launch of the arcade shooter, Red Baron, which will be available for purchase today on the PlayStation Store. A final price is not confirmed in the post, but PlayStation 3 owners will find out the whole story soon enough.
The second post announced the upcoming launch of Rag Doll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic, which will be released on the PlayStation Store on April 9th. This news will sit well with PlayStation enthusiasts, as game variety is a great thing to have on Sony's downloadable service.
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March 12th, 2009, 21:24 Posted By: wraggster
Capcom will add a Versus mode to Resident Evil 5a few weeks after the game becomes available according to a release put out this morning by the publisher. Versus mode will pit players against each other in a survival contest, allowing up to four players to play in two different game types. The first, called Slayer's Rule, is a point-based game where each player tries to kill Majinis. The other, called Survivor's Rule, is closer to a typical deathmatch type of game where players fight each other. Each game type can be played one-on-one or two-on-two with Chris, Sheva, and other character models up for grabs.
Update: Capcom has confirmed the proper pricing of the download. It will cost 400 Microsoft points (US $5.00) on Xbox Live and US $4.99 on PlayStation Network.
In Japan, the mode release on March 26 for 160 Microsoft points on Xbox Live or 250 yen on PS3.
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March 12th, 2009, 21:34 Posted By: wraggster
News via PSPita
Moscas user of our forum, updates its Goblins PSP, utlity-One PC that comes with version
Goblins PSP will allow you to perform backups of data on your memory stick, load and / or delete the backup of your UMD, launch programs like the RemoteJoy and USBIsolader, update your Custom Firmware and manage your plugins.
Following the changelog for this release and the link to download.
Changelog v2.3.0.0:
-If you are upgrading from a version lower than v2.0.0.0 you must remove GoblinPSP
-Improved management of the icons assigned to the PSP visible in "My Computer"
5-Added icons
-Management of 2 additional colors GoblinPSP: Standard Color (color of the windows operating system), Color Blue, Color Bordeaux
-Improved the creation of the Directory of Saving the Backup User memory (by doing more administrative panel)
-Improved the creation of the Directory of Saving Rescue User (browse by Administrative Panel)
-Possibility to choose the order of appearance in the PSP programs in the folders GAME (all directories) and ISO (file. ISO. CSO). It is not yet possible to use this application with the plugin to split files into categories, but you can move applications to folders standards (ISO and GAME) choosing the order and then reinsert the plug-in folders
-Fixed the library dell'Usb Iso Mode
-Fixed the closure of RemoteJoy with GoblinPSP
Auto-search for new versions of GoblinPSP
Auto-import of CF lists via button in "Manage Custom Firmware"
Auto Download Files (Firmware / Custom Firmware) in a temporary folder. To continue with the upgrade / installation of Custom Firmware unpack archives as in earlier versions (THE ARCHIVES ARE MADE AVAILABLE BY WWW.PSP-ITA.COM)
-Ability to site navigation WWW.PSP-ITA.COM and portal through GoblinPSP Tool including GoblinPSP
-For new features Download / Search / Shipping you need at least Internet Explorer 6
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March 12th, 2009, 21:43 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from bWWd
Hi,first post here,i making Marvel beatem-up ,i decided to relase demo ,originally it has 5 characters ,Hulk,Spider-Man,Juggernaut,Wolverine and IronMan its playable on PC and PSP but PSP version for now cannot have all 5 chars to choose so i uploaded 3 versions ,one with hulk,one with juggernaut and last one is iron man , i can upload later spider-man and wolverine if somebody wants.
Every character have uppercut launcher (when you do combo and press forward with last hit) ,then you can pull special Forward,Down,Attack to attack enemies in air.
Super attack (require full blue bar)is for all characters - Down,Down,Up,Attack.
Other special moves(require blue bar too but less)... Juggernaut ,D,D,A ,Hulk ,D,D,A ,Spidey D,F,A and D,D,A/D,U,A. Wolverine D,F,A Iron Man D,F,A /D,D,D,A.
All chars have running (F,F)and run attacks ,you can move in air while jumping.
Only 2 stages .
You can play to the end with Juggernaut and IronMan ,Hulk crashes on second stage on phat PSP.
It barely fits on PSP phat memory but still i had to take out some stuff compared to pc version to gain some memory.
Tomorrow ill make a video from gameplay.
Unpack And copy to the game folder in your psp.PC version wont work on PSP.
Download Here 44MB
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March 12th, 2009, 21:52 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from xDeaglex
Hello everybody, this is a new fresh Vista project - Vista Portable (VP). Our point is to create a useful shell for people with ability to download updates, newest homebrews, plugins, emuliators and roms sraight from internet. Now it's Open Beta just showing how it will work, created is enough to get opinion about this project.
Created (Percents):
- Updating via internet (100%)
- File Browser (60%)
- Homebrews downloading from support center (80%)
- Settings window (80%)
- Vista Interface (90%)
- Mouse menu, menu moving (20%)
- Windows controling: minimize, restore, close (80%)
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March 12th, 2009, 21:57 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from NCT2K
Hi all,
I've built Bookr V8.1 with following changes:
- Fixed crash when opening PDF file which has many pages.
- Enhance MuPDF, uses less memory.
- Merged with latest source code from CVS with following enhancements:
+ DJVU support by Yang.Hu
+ Control/GUI enhancements by Christian Payeur
Links are in enclosed file.
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March 12th, 2009, 21:58 Posted By: wraggster
News from tinmanx
A simple finder bar application.
To use:
Open the folder with your makefile.
Click PSP Build.
Terminal will open.
Compile your project.
Move all files to a new release folder
Quit the Terminal
To install:
Copy PSP Build.app to your applications folder.
From your applications folder drag and hold to your Finder bar. It will stick.
Download Here
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March 12th, 2009, 22:48 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo USA

Copy all your Playstation 2 game saves and data onto your Playstation 3 hard disk with this plug and play adapter. A very useful accessory!
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March 12th, 2009, 23:27 Posted By: wraggster

We were able to spot a few of Panasonic's latest innovations in the home theater space back at CES 2009, but we got a much more intimate look at things during a recent New York showcase. The new Blu-ray decks look nice, if not a touch plain. Not that everyone wants an Alienware-esque BD deck or anything, but we digress. The Blu-ray HTIB systems were particularly of interest, as these things are perfect for sneaking BD into homes that are currently DVD-only, and while we longed for more information on the portable DMP-B15, the on-hand reps didn't seem too anxious to gush over technical specifications with us. Their loss, totally.
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March 13th, 2009, 17:02 Posted By: AdamRav

This is another minor update for bug fixing and introducing support to Dark_AleX's LEDA. The advancded multi-tasking feature is now in beta testing and will be released when it's ready. I got emails from various people asking if there is any way to join the iR Shell beta testing. I'll make an official announcement here. For donators who donate US$15 or more, you will receive an invite email to the private forum which you can download iR Shell SE releases (Special Editions / Betas) and also obtain technical support.
New Features:
- Added support to Dark_AleX's LEDA. Pls note iR Shell only supports LEDA version 0.2. To enable LEDA support within iR Shell, enable the option "Legacy Homebrew Support via DA's LEDA" under iR Configurator.
- Increase remotejoy framerate to around 30 FPS while running PS1 games.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed most game audio stuttering while mp3 is playing.
- Fixed PPA plugin crashing with nethostfs/usbhostfs access.
Special thanks to:
- Dark_AleX for the M33 custom firmwares and his assistance during iR Shell development.
- Tyranid and other developers in ps2dev.org for creating the pspsdk.
- F34R, Osgeld, StoneCut and other moderators who keep irshell.org running and providing technical support to the community.
- All iR Shell beta testers, donators, skins & plugin contributors.
- M33 Custom firmware & popsloader are developed by Dark_AleX/M33.
- remotejoy & usbhostfs are developed by Tyranid.
- iR Shell bundled skins & plugins are developed by their corresponding authors.
- iR Shell Manual & FAQs are written by StoneCut.
Paypal Donation Link:
https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/websc...lick&business= ahmanhk@hotmail.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Installation Instructions:
- This is an update, unzip and merge to your previous 4.9 or 4.91 release.
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March 13th, 2009, 17:18 Posted By: AdamRav
Another PSP test kit spotted on eBay
Remember that PSP dev kit that showed up on eBay in 2006? Nobody got that one since Sony managed to get it removed before a final deal was set, but now here's another guy selling a test kit.

The seller says that it already comes with everything you need to get it up and running, including a PSP test unit that has one dead pixel. No mention of how the seller got his hands on this thing since as far as I know, Sony just licenses dev kits to game developers.
The current bid is at US$ 811.00 (£587.30) with the bidding ending on March 16. Let's see if someone manages to buy this before Sony gets it taken down as well.
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March 13th, 2009, 19:46 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
Unsurprisingly, Capcom's recently announced "Versus" DLC for Resident Evil 5 is raising quite a stink from players who are convinced they're being nickeled-and-dimed, paying for content that should have been included in the game in the first place. Capcom recently braved the slings and arrows of their incensed fanbase to defend the five-dollar update -- they claim that the price covers development of the new features which go "above and beyond the initial scope" of the game, as well as bandwidth costs associated with implementing additional online multiplayer offerings.
Capcom explained the "Versus" pack, which will bring four-player co-op and competitive online modes to the game within "a few weeks," isn't just an unlock patch for content already included on the RE5 disc -- despite the fact that it's composed entirely of assets from the core game. How about it, gang? Have you come down from your blinding, Majini-esque rage?
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March 13th, 2009, 19:49 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
2K has reaffirmed that Bioshock 2 is bound for PS3, following speculation over the possibility of it being a 360 exclusive.
Rumours on the internet claim that Microsoft has been gunning for another timed exclusive with the sequel, fueled by a recent release schedule from 2K that listed the game's platform as TBA.
A 2K rep has however confirmed to CVG that the game is definitely coming to Sony's console, although we're awaiting word back on whether or not the game will be a timed exclusive like the original, which released on 360 over a year before the PS3.
The game is set to feature in the next issue of the Australian Official PlayStation Magazine (according to this pic), however, which could hint that the game's not too far off for PS fans.
Meanwhile, we've pulled together all the plot details and hints that have trickled from 2K so far into one handy feature. Check it out.
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March 13th, 2009, 19:51 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Keita Takahashi has confirmed an offline multiplayer mode is on the way for Noby Noby Boy.
"In the hopes that more people can enjoy the game, we are currently working on an update," he wrote on the US PlayStation blog.
"A featured addition to the update is going to be offline multiplayer. Some may say, “Offline!?” But it’ll still be fun. Please check it out," Takahashi added.
Teaser images for the new mode appeared earlier this week, as we reported. Takahashi has previously stated Noby Noby Boy will get an update around two months after release - which would mean some time around 18th April.
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March 13th, 2009, 19:56 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
Alchemist role-playing series Atelier is making the leap to the PS3. According to the latest issue of Japanese Dengeki PlayStation, new title Atelier Rorona is on the PS3.
The Japanese franchise commenced in 1997 with PlayStation title Atelier Marie ~The Alchemist of Salburg~. The games, best known for their alchemy mechanics, have largely appeared on the PS platform — with a few games showing up on other systems like the Dreamcast, the Game Boy Advance and the Nintendo DS.
A full reveal is reveal is promised for the March 27 issue of Dengeki PlayStation. Japanese retail listings are pegging the game for a June 25 release.
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March 13th, 2009, 20:08 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has updated the PlayStation Store with a Wheelman demo, some more DLC for Street Fighter IV, Everybody's Golf, LittleBigPlanet and Buzz, and the digital download version of Patapon 2 for PSP.
The Wheelman demo is the same as the one released on Xbox Live last week, and Everybody's Golf benefits from the Sackboy costume mentioned yesterday, although at GBP 0.79 / EUR 0.99.
Street Fighter IV gets the Shoryuken Pack at GBP 3.19 / EUR 3.99, featuring alternative costumes for Ryu, Ken, Dan, Akuma and Gouken; LittleBigPlanet owners can download a free St. Patrick's Day outfit; and Buzz! fans get a GBP 6.29 / EUR 7.99 National Geographic Prehistoric quiz pack.
Patapon 2, meanwhile, goes for GBP 19.99 / EUR 29.99, although as with LocoRoco 2, PSP owners have the right to feel a bit miffed about that given that online retailers are flogging it for GBP 14.99. There is at least a free demo.
Also for PSP, there are a couple of EA oldies in the shape of Hi-Octane and Street Skater 2, both at GBP 3.99 / EUR 4.99.
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March 14th, 2009, 12:58 Posted By: wraggster
he Agence France-Presse is reporting that Serge Foucher, president of Sony France, is being held "hostage" by angry workers whose plant is about to close. "He won't listen to us, we didn't find any other solution," said the union spokesman. Foucher had come to the video tape manufacturing plant at Pontonx-sur-l'Adour in southwest France to meet with the 311 workers one more time before the plant's closure. Unhappy with the compensation offered, the workers barricaded the entry with tree trunks late Thursday night. Look, times are tough, but let's be civil, ok? Besides, demand for video tapes is certainly not at risk.
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March 14th, 2009, 13:12 Posted By: wraggster
ABC News in the United States is quoting the Eric Devlin, the Harris County, Texas, prosecutor in a story entitled: 'Playstation Sex Crimes: Criminal Used Game to Get Girl's Nude Pictures'. The strap line to the story is: 'PlayStation Has Full Web Browser; Computer Unnecessary'.
Devlin states, "People don't realize how the PlayStation is like a regular computer", fair enough. You've got to imagine that high-powered lawyers might not know that the PS3 has a full browser. But then he decides to admit,"We didn't know how much you can do, and we're geeks".
The story relates to sicko Anthony Scott Oshea who groomed an 11-year-old Houston girl into sending him nude pictures of herself "from her PlayStation to his" and then sharing the pictures with people in five other states.
Ernie Allen, president of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, points out, "Can you think of an easier setting than playing games online? These are games. These are children's games."
So, the PS3 is now used as a transmitter of evil by 'geek lawyers'...
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March 14th, 2009, 13:20 Posted By: wraggster
The accidental release of F.E.A.R. 2 DLC on Xbox Live Marketplace caused some confusion -- especially after it was suddenly pulled hours after release. The "Toy Soldiers" DLC was, according to Monolith Productions, meant to release in April and best of all, was always meant to be free on both the Xbox 360 and PS3.
As you can tell from the screenshots, the "Toy Soldiers" pack places players from a rather unique perspective. Shrunken down to miniature proporations, where players will duke it out in a pinball machine, hospital room, and playground.
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March 14th, 2009, 14:05 Posted By: wraggster
The creators of LittleBigPlanet and the highly marketable Sackboy aren't resting on their laurels, ready to churn out Sackboy Kart Racing as their next project. Media Molecule co-founder Alex Evans has even begun teasing.
He tells Gamasutra in a recent interview that there's already a secret LittleBigPlanet project underway, one that capitalizes on what he calls the game's "untapped potential" and is "really ****ing cool."
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March 14th, 2009, 14:09 Posted By: wraggster
A Kentucky man has been arrested today for allegedly convincing an 11-year-old Houston girl to send him naked photos using his PlayStation 3 console.
Anthony Scott Oshea of Somerset, Kentucky, was taken into custody by local authorities, charged with with three felony counts, including promotion of child pornography and online solicitation of a minor, after allegedly receiving naked photos of the young girl and then e-mailing them to people in at least five states, all through the PS3. Harris County Texas prosecutor Eric Devlin claims that Oshea "groomed" the girl over a period of time, befriending her and bothering her for photos until she finally relented.
Houston authorities are hoping to bring Oshea to Texas to stand trial.
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March 14th, 2009, 14:17 Posted By: wraggster
Now on the Xbox Live Marketplace worldwide and PlayStation Store only in Japan is a Chun-nan Adventure Pack for Sonic Unleashed. Four stages with Sonic racing through China and two Werehog levels are included in the 250 Microsoft Point ($3.12) expansion.
Excited? Then you will be happy to hear Sega is working on more DLC. The Japanese press release announcing the level pack says moving forward Sega will periodically distribute additional Sonic Unleashed downloadable content. Looks like the easy thing to do is release more remixed levels, but Sonic is a huge franchise. There is potential for Sega to make other characters already modeled for Sonic Unleashed playable, but looking at the direction of the Sonic series we’ll probably just get more levels.
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March 14th, 2009, 14:19 Posted By: wraggster
Vocaloid idol Hatsune Miku has been in video games before. This year she will star in a PSP music/rhythm game developed by Sega. Hatsune Miku: Project Diva was announced with a trailer where Hatsune Miku sung and shooting star notes flew over her. The important bit of information Sega didn’t tell us was the release date. Sometime in 2009 is a huge release window.
Sega covertly announced Hatsune Miku: Project Diva will be in stores on July 2nd and cost 5,040 yen ($51). That’s the same price Namco Bandai’s Idolm@ster SP games go for in Japan. I wouldn’t expect Sega to sell Hatsune Miku: Project Diva for that much over here, but then again I wouldn’t expect this to get an international release. Good thing the PSP is region free!
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March 14th, 2009, 14:24 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the releases this week:
Amadeus Director's Cut (~F.murray Abraham, Tom Hulce, ...) JPN US$ 52.90
Amadeus Director's Cut Digi Book [Limited Edition] (~F.murray Abraham, Tom Hulce, ...) JPN US$ 62.90
Batman: The Motion Picture Anthology (~Michael Keaton, Danny DeVito, ...) US US$ 129.95
Battle in Seattle (~Charlize Theron, Woody Harrelson, ...) US US$ 29.98
Beverly Hills Chihuahua (~Drew Barrymore, Piper Perabo, ...) HK US$ 33.90
Cadillac Records (~Adrien Brody, Mos Def, ...) US US$ 39.95
Dark Reel (~Edward Furlong, Lance Henriksen, ...) US US$ 69.99
Get Smart (~Steve Carell, Anne Hathaway, ...) JPN US$ 52.90
Let the Right One In (~Kre Hedebrant, Lina Leandersson) US US$ 34.98
Max Fleischer's Gulliver's Travels (~Jessica Dragonette, Lanny Ross, ...) US US$ 19.98
Milk (~Sean Penn, Emile Hirsch, ...) US US$ 39.98
Omoide No Naka No Ressha Tachi BD Series 0 No Kioku - Yume No Cho Tokkyu 0 Kei Shinkansen Saigo No Kioku - Document & Zenmen Tenbo JPN US$ 131.90
Pinocchio (70th Anniversary Platinum Edition) (~Walter Catlett, Frankie Darro, ...) US US$ 35.99
Primal Fear (~Richard Gere, Alfre Woodard, ...) US US$ 29.99
Rachel Getting Married (~Rosemarie DeWitt, Anne Hathaway, ...) US US$ 39.95
Red Cliff JPN US$ 51.90
Role Models (~Seann William Scott, Paul Rudd, ...) US US$ 39.98
Romeo et Juliette (~Nino Machaidze, Rolando Villazn, ...) US US$ 32.98
South Park: The Complete Twelfth Season US US$ 69.99
Live at Last (~Stevie Wonder) US US$ 24.97
Synecdoche New York (~Hope Davis, Philip Seymour Hoffman, ...) US US$ 39.95
The Pelican Brief (~Julia Roberts, Denzel Washington, ...) JPN US$ 52.90
Transporter 3 (~Franois Berland, Robert Knepper, ...) US US$ 39.99
Unfaithful (~Richard Gere, Diane Lane, ...) HK US$ 28.90
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March 14th, 2009, 14:32 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

Platform: Xbox360, PlayStation3, PC
Print run limited to first day orders only
Dedicated hardcover and exclusive behind-the-scenes content make this a true collector’s edition
Packaged with a unique Resident Evil calendar that begins in March to coincide with the game release; this 8 x 9, 12-month calendar features stunning artwork as well as Resident Evil dates and trivia!
Super-visual Walkthrough with area maps detailing mandatory action on the left-hand page and advanced data & secrets on the right. The Walkthrough is designed for the highest difficulty level and applicable to all difficulty settings
Guide Includes: Complete Extras chapter reveals all unlockables, emblems, explanation of the records system, Achievements and special game modes; developer Behind-the-Scenes section; dedicated Art section packed with exclusive material direct from the development team; complete Inventory chapter and complete Bestiary chapter Interior
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March 14th, 2009, 14:35 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

Chris Redfield, protagonist of the original Resident Evil and Resident Evil: Code Veronica, returns
New environments and a diverse assortment of locations
New enemies bring new challenges: speed and intelligence make adversaries as dangerous singly as they are in groups.
An arsenal of weapons at the players command to keep the evil at bay, including knives, pistols, machine guns, sniper rifles and more.
Lighting effects provide a new level of suspense in both harsh light and deepest shadow
True high definition gaming on multiple game platforms, using an advanced version of Capcom’s proprietary game engine, MT Framework, which powered the next-gen, million-plus hit titles Devil May Cry 4, Lost Planet and Dead Rising.
The biohazard threat has not ended: Just when it seemed that the menace of Resident Evil had been destroyed, along comes a new terror to send shivers down player’s spines. Chris Redfield, returning Resident Evil hero, has followed the path of the evil literally around the globe. After joining a new organization, Chris heads to Africa where the latest bioterrorism threat is literally transforming the people and animals of the city into mindless, maddened creatures. Chris must take on the challenge of discovering the truth behind this evil plot. In Resident Evil 5, Capcom will teach players to fear the daylight as much as they have feared shadow in previous games.
Co-producer and series veterans Jun Takeuchi (Lost Planet) and Masachicka Kawata (Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition, Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles) unleashes an unprecedented level of fear for the next generation in Resident Evil 5, the sequel to one of the highest-rated videogames in history, according to Metacritic.com and Gamerankings.com. Promising to revolutionize the series by delivering an unbelievable level of detail, realism and control, Resident Evil 5 is certain to bring new fans to the series. New technology developed specifically for the game, as well as incredible changes to both the gameplay and world of Resident Evil will make this a must-have game for gamers across the globe.
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March 15th, 2009, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
For an almost two-year old game, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare still possesses an uncanny amount of pluck. It's become a bellwether for judging modern first-person shooters, and still regularly places high in the Xbox Live activity charts. However, Infinity Ward's Robert Bowling recently revealed the most convincing testimony of the game's success while accepting CoD 4's three BAFTA Awards in London earlier this week -- according to Bowling, the game's online multiplayer component has played host to just over 15 million players.
Bowling clarified that 11 million of said players joined CoD 4's ranks via Xbox Live, while over four million entered the fray on PSN. He didn't even mention how many PC gamers had gotten their war on, though we're sure that when combined with the console players, CoD 4's total online population would rival that of many average-sized countries
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March 15th, 2009, 01:18 Posted By: wraggster
Gefa has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:

Nickname: Gefa
Projet name: PSPDictionary
From: Italy
Division: PSP APP
Original enter: YES
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Project description:
PSPDictionary is a multi-language translator for PSP (PlayStation Portable) written in Python, distribuited under the GNU General Public license.
PSPDictionary allows you to translate a word or a phrase from five language: English, Italiano, French, Deutsce and Spanish.
It’s possible to translate remaining offline. In this case, the program supports the translations freely distributed by Wikctionary ( http://wiktionary.org ). There are about 6000 translations for each language.
Besides, it’s possible to translate a word/phrase connecting your PSP online, choosing an online translation service. This can be: langtolang (www.langtolang.com), Yahoo! Babel Fish (www.babelfish.yahoo.com) or Google Translate (www.translate.google.com).
How to install
First of all, I remember you that this program works only on a PSP Far or Slim with a Custom Firmware by DAX.
So, download PSPDictionary from www.gefa.altervista.org
Then, extract the downloaded package, and copy the ‘python’ folder in the root of your memory stick, and the ‘PSPDictionary vX.X.X’ folder in the path X:\PSP\GAME
Congratulations, you have successfully installed PSPDictionary.
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March 15th, 2009, 01:28 Posted By: wraggster
Bill Blake has updated Mame for PS3 Linux:
MAME stands for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. When used in conjunction with an arcade game's data files (ROMs), MAME will more or less faithfully reproduce that game on a PC. The ROM images that MAME utilizes are "dumped" from arcade games' original circuit-board ROM chips. MAME becomes the "hardware" for the games, taking the place of their original CPUs and support chips. Therefore, these games are NOT simulations, but the actual, original games that appeared in arcades. MAME's purpose is to preserve these decades of video-game history. As gaming technology continues to rush forward, MAME prevents these important "vintage" games from being lost and forgotten. This is achieved by documenting the hardware and how it functions, thanks to the talent of programmers from the MAME team and from other contributors. Being able to play the games is just a nice side-effect, which doesn't happen all the time. MAME strives for emulating the games faithfully. NOTE: This version includes an unsupported patch that adds the ability to display games at their original (-nativeres) resolution in fullscreen mode. Users of this version are not eligible for support on the official forum. Get support for this version here: http://forums.ps3bodega.com
- Updated to 0.130
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March 15th, 2009, 01:31 Posted By: wraggster
Bill Blake has updated Snes for PS3 Linux:
Snes9x is a portable, freeware Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) emulator. It basically allows you to play most games designed for the SNES and Super Famicom Nintendo game systems on your computer.
- Updated to snes9x-gtk 69
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March 15th, 2009, 01:33 Posted By: wraggster
Bill Blake has released a new game for PS3 Linux:
openmortal: Parody of the popular game, Mortal Kombat
- First release for YDL 6.1
- Added patch to avoid "extra qualification 'CChallengeMenu::'" error
- Based on spec file from pld-linux
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March 15th, 2009, 01:39 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Mickael2054
Hello everyone,
Here is the release of V0.4 with PSPluginInfo full of news!
PSPluginInfo, as its name suggests, is a prx providing various information on the PSP!
It allows among others to show the percentage of battery in the XMB, warn the user if it is low battery, display a menu of information, enable / disable the LED Power, "block" the Power, to the brightness maximum / minimum, change the brightness levels of 10%, run without a UMD gameboot ...
- New GUI
- Added function "load UMD" UMD without launching the gameboot!
- Function "Brightness" refaite
- Added menu "info on the keys
- Added menu "Config"
- Added the ability to display the temperature in the XMB
- Bug fixes
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March 15th, 2009, 01:50 Posted By: wraggster
pedroduarte0 a day ago released a new version of the port of Doom for the PS2:
Minor update:
No more hicups on sound during screen melt/wipe effect at the start of a new game or at level ending.
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March 15th, 2009, 01:54 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Jum
PXDrum is a simple cross-platform drum machine.
It uses SDL for video and sound.
This is the first version, which runs on PSP, Ubuntu and Windows.
If you're interested in music composing software, then check it out:
http://jum.pdroms.de (PSP Programming section).
Any feedback appreciated
- jum
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March 15th, 2009, 01:59 Posted By: wraggster
The jpcsp team have released a new version of their Java PSP Emulator for Windows:
Compared to v0.1 (r812) v0.2 (r945) has significant improvements in the following areas:
- CPU, VFPU and GE
- memory
- callbacks
- file IO
- save game/memory stick
The following compatibilty options have been added:
- Only GE graphics
- Ignore invalid memory access
- Disable reserved thread memory
- Disable audio blocking
- Enable file IO logging window (previously always on)
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March 15th, 2009, 02:05 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Damiaantjuh

What is PSPAppStore? --
PSPAppStore is a new homebrew from me (Damiaan Reijnaers, developer of PSPChrome & PSPWoord), you don't need a downgraded PSP for this, so you can run it with Official Firmware (OFW), and on all PSP's.
With this app you can search quick trough Homebrew for your PSP and Directly download it to your PSP withouth a PC, there's also included a link to a online unzipper/unrar so you can install it at any time (with internet connection).
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March 15th, 2009, 17:39 Posted By: wraggster
News via emurussia
Unofficial version of multisystem emulator Final Burn Alpha for Sony PSP (CPS1, CPS2, CPS3, NeoGeo and More) by Chinese programmer has been updated.
- Kov2p and kov2p205 are well supported;
- Kov2 etc. games state saving is supported;
- You can configure screen size in ini file;
- A few other game drivers are added without test.
P.S. martmast is not supported by this version.
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March 15th, 2009, 18:11 Posted By: wraggster
The knell for PlayStation 3 price cuts is getting louder. Both Janco Partners analyst Mike Hickey and Media Molecule co-founder Alex Evans -- whose LittleBigPlanet has been a major driver for the platform -- feel the price of Sony's console should go down soon.
Evans believes Sony's core audience has their PS3s already, and broadening the install base will be a boon: "They've had all these, you know, SingStars and the EyeToy games. They've had their casual gaming audience on the PS2, and they have to translate that over to PS3 now."
The LBP co-creator explains: "As they do that, I'll be very happy with that, because that's how I see PS3 growing. That's why I'm kind of comfortable with it for now... As soon as they drop their price, ho ho ho."
Amends the Media Molecule co-founder, "I shouldn't say that, but it's true. I mean, you know."
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March 15th, 2009, 18:16 Posted By: wraggster
News via PSPita
Coder is given the Japanese Takakind a new version of RemoteJoyLite, plugin that allows the display of the PSP games directly on your PC via USB.Non is a real changelog for this version, however we recommend judicious use at given which has not been released in its final form but is still undergoing testing.
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March 15th, 2009, 18:28 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Codetactics

Apollonia (this game's working title) means "Destroyer", the femanine version of the Greek name Apollo. It seemed an appropriate name for an AH-64 helicopter and it also seemed like an original name until we found out that Apollonia Vitelli-Corleone was a character in the famous Godfather movie.
This game is essentially a tribute to the old Desert/Jungle Strike games for the Sega Mega Drive and PC (see wikipedia). Apollonia was made specifically for the PSP, as it seems a worthy platform to give these games justice. (I could never get Jungle Strike running under emulation on PSP, so we made our own).
We've just released the latest version of our arcade style helicopter game, Apollonia.
This one is mostly a maintenance release, with a lot of backend improvements. Most of our math code has been completely rewritten and optimised for PSP by using the VFPU. We've completely rewritten the particle engine, so future versions will have super cool effects. As always, let us know what you think. Any comments are appreciated, we're doing this for you guys.
Added some new buildings.
Improved performance on PSP.
Improved particle engine.
Fixed renderer to support OpenGL versions less that 2.0.
Fixed crash in control screen.
Fixed error in paths to resources in Linux.
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March 16th, 2009, 19:11 Posted By: wraggster
News via Emurussia
New beta version of Sony Playstation 2 emulator for Windows has been released.
- new and improved software-emulated FPU accuracy ("Full" mode in Advanced Dialog).
- fixed the vu clip code, removed the corresponding gamefix.
- new gamefix for tales of destiny.
- Further work on the block manager, improves speed.
- Fixed a constprop bug (grandia 2).
- minor improvements to NTFS compression and memcards support.
- Improved PCR/TIMR support.
- temporary hackfix for the Final Fantasy games.
- MMI: Optimizations for some opcodes.
- Adjusted the backwards timing on GIF for intermediate transfers (SF:EX3).
- work on the PERF counters.
- Fixed a bug that caused pcsx2 to crash when loading/saving savestates using the "other..." menu option.
- bugfix in memcpy_fast. That bug caused memory corruption on blocks not aligned to 32-bits in length.
WARNING: This beta will break any old savestates you might have. Be sure to save your progress on memcards before using this.
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March 16th, 2009, 20:22 Posted By: wraggster
Gefa has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: Gefa
Projet name: PopBlocks version 1.0.1
From: Italy
Division: PSP APP
Original enter: YES
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Project description:
This is a clone of the flash puzzle game Pushori
How To Play:
See the HowToPlay pdf file.
Copy 'python' directory in the root of your memory stick, and
the directory PopBlocks in the path ms0:/PSP/GAME. This homebrew works
on a PSP with Custom Firmware by D_A

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March 16th, 2009, 20:26 Posted By: wraggster
jojojoris has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: jojojoris
Projet name : PSPReversi
From : The netherlands
Division : PSP Game
Original enter : Yes
Support Motion : No
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: No
Project description:
I started this project yesterday.
I am praud i can release a DEMO after only one day.
I hope i can finish this project before the 30th.
This game is a 8x8 Reversi for the PSP. Reversi is oginally invented in the 19th century. The main goal it to conquer the biggest part of the field.
A better discription is found here:
For the DEMO this are the keys:
START-show instructions
O - remove dot
X - Place white dot
[] - Place black dot
When i finnish the game the PSP places the black dots.
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March 16th, 2009, 20:31 Posted By: wraggster
Basfreak has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:

Nickname: Basfreak
Project name: EarthInvasion v1
From: the Netherlands
Division: psp game
Original enter: no?
Support Motion: no
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: no
Project description:
EarthInvasion is a game I have been working on when I was bored, it's a while ago when I started so the code is a bit messy this makes it difficult for me to add more features but I will try it! Ok, now more about the game.
So what you have to do is get in the UFO by pressing the UP button. But if you're out of lives you will get a game over screen. You can lose lives by walking against aliens (blue circles). If the taxi takes you you will have godmode till you're at the end of the screen. Moving is done with the LEFT and RIGHT buttons and you can jump with the X button.
Put the EarthInvasion folder in your GAME directory.
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March 16th, 2009, 21:03 Posted By: wraggster
Remember the little slip-up Sega made at last year's E3 regarding a version of Valkyria Chronicles for the PSP? The company quickly admitted the error, and we've got nothing else to report today on a PSP version of the critically acclaimed PS3 title. We do, however, have some news on a neat little tie-up between Valkyria and an upcoming Japan-only PSP game from Sega.
At a gaming event held over the weekend in Tokyo, Sega shared final release details on Hatsune Miku Project Diva, a rhythm game that features virtual idol Hatsune Miku and various other "vocaloids" from Crypton Future Media's Vocal Series of music synthesis programs. The Japan-only title will be released on July 2, Sega revealed, and will be priced at 6,090 yen.
In addition to the typical timing-based gameplay one expects of a rhythm game, Project Diva allows players to play dress-up with the virtualoids, unlocking 39 costumes. This is where the Valkyria Chronicles tie-up comes into play. The game will include a costume for Valkyria main character Alicia.
But that's not all! Sega is tapping into its library for a similar tie-up with Space Channel 5 that will give players access to an Ulala space reporter costume as well. Sega hasn't released any official media for this costume yet, so we'll direct you to this article at Dengeki Online.
Joining this collaboration news, we've updated our media gallery with the latest screens of Project Diva.
Importers should be sure and pre-order in order to secure a limited Nendroid Puchi Hatsune Miku Project Diva figure.
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March 16th, 2009, 21:15 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from exter:
The Rubik's Cube is a 3D mechanical puzzle invented in Ernő Rubik. In a classic Rubik's Cube, each of the six faces is covered by 9 stickers, among six solid colors (traditionally white, red, blue, orange, green, and yellow). A pivot mechanism enables each face to turn independently, thus mixing up the colors. For the puzzle to be solved, each face must be a solid color.
The controls in this homebrew are designed to easily perform "Move notation" algorithms.
Changes from last version:
Varsion 1.4:
- Added:
- Ability change the view angle of the cube to 36 degrees up
PSP Rubik's Cube v1.4 by EXTER.
R: Front move.
Sqaure: Left move.
Circle: Right move.
Triangle: Up move.
Cross: Down move.
Left: Rotate cube left.
Right: Rotate cube right.
Up: Rotate cube up.
Down: Rotate cube down.
L + Up: Back Move.
L + Down: Back Inverted Move.
L + Left: Rotate cube clockwise.
L + Right: Rotate cube counter-clockwise.
L + R: Front Inverted move.
L + Sqaure: Left Inverted move.
L + Circle: Right Inverted move.
L + Triangle: Up Inverted move.
L + X: Down Inverted move.
Select: Undo move.
L + Select: Toggle between front view and 36 degrees up view.
Hold Start for 3 seconds to scramble the cube (resets the move counter).
Hold L + Start for 3 seconds to solve the cube (resets the move counter).
Use the analog stick to peek at the sides of the cube.
The cube state, view angle, and move count are automatically saved on exit, then loaded when the game is run.
Tested on 5.00 M33-6, but it should work on any homebrew-enabled firmware.
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March 16th, 2009, 21:32 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

High quality and efficient product to lower temperature of PS3 160G/80G/40G consoles. Built-in 5 high efficient and reliable mega power fans to speed up the air circulation and prevents the console from overheat thus prolongs its life span.
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March 16th, 2009, 21:41 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
SEGA has announced that it's to release three packs of downloadable content for Valkyria Chronicles, its PS3 tactical RPG.
The three DLC packs, all due this spring, consist of a Hard EX Mode and two missions: Edy's mission 'Enter the Edy Detachment', and Selvaria's mission 'Behind Her Blue Flame'.
The hard mode makes enemies tougher and removes players' wain weapon, the tank Edelweiss, bringing strategy to the fore.
Edy's mission involves defending a small village with an outnumbered squad of six, while Selvaria's mission portrays the outbreak of war from the enemy perspective - specifically, that of a young engineer called Johann.
Valkyria Chronicles is a gorgeous, cel-shaded hybrid of JRPG and wargame, set in an alternate version 1930s Europe. It's something of an overlooked gem if you ask us. Find out why at the Valkyria Chronicles gamepage.
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March 16th, 2009, 21:45 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Players must interact with classmates and professors who are both human and not-so-human to solve the mysteries of magic and alchemy. Depending on who you choose to team up with the outcome of the story will change.
Complete missions assigned by your professor or risk detention.
Personalize your characters by “crafting†new skillseven create new characters such as warriors and magicians. Craft items from healing potions to swords and more!
An all-new co-op mode lets up to two players team up to battle monsters and uncover rare items on academy-assigned “quests.â€
Mana Khemia: Student Alliance is a Simulation RPG set amidst a prestigious school of alchemy, the Al- Revis Academy. On campus, players take the role of a new student who must master the arts of alchemy and social interaction.
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March 16th, 2009, 21:46 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

A third person action-adventure game created specifically for PSP that bridges Resistance: Fall of Man and Resistance 2â„¢
Dramatic storyline set against the battle to retake the European continent, follows a single soldier’s grim determination to avenge his fallen brother
Utilizes Bend Studio’s third generation PSP engine that allows for more enemies on screen, more detailed characters with higher resolution bitmaps and specular highlights, and a memory buffer system that allows for larger and more detailed worlds
Advanced third person targeting system designed specifically for the PSP
Liberal checkpoint system makes the title ideal for small bursts of gameplay perfect for the on-the-go gamer
Weapons include favorites from Resistance: Fall of Man like the Auger, Carbine, and LAARK, as well as new weapons based on hybrid Alien/Human technology – including the BM001 Razor and the Longbow 1S-1K “One shot, one kill†sniper rifle
Over 10 different types of enemies, including Chimera from Resistance 2™ and Resistance: Fall of Man – including the Titan, Slipskull, Hybrids and Leapers – and all new enemies like the Hag and Cloven
Intense eight player multiplayer gameplay with five game modes including Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, Containment and Assimilation available via ad-hoc and infrastructure
Set in the weeks after Resistance: Fall of Man®, Resistance: Retribution follows the story of former British Marine James Grayson. After a personal tragedy – he is forced to kill his own brother inside a Chimeran conversion center – Grayson goes on a vendetta to destroy every conversion center he can find. Eventually Grayson learns that his efforts have been futile... in Western Europe the Chimera have evolved a new method of converting humans to aliens. The European resistance – the Maquis – enlist Grayson's help, and he joins Cartwright and Parker in Operation Overstrike. The war to retake the European continent has begun.
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March 16th, 2009, 21:48 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Here are 12 new screenshots of Tekken 6 looking all shiny and nice on the current-gen consoles.
Mind you, although the characters look great, we can't help but feel the backgrounds don't quite live up to the gorgeous, Sakura petal-filled environments of Dead or Alive 4. Just saying...
The game's headed for PS3 and 360 in Q4 2009, according to the latest fact sheet.
Screenshots at CVG
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March 16th, 2009, 21:51 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

With dynamic visuals, new questions and question types, TRIVIAL PURSUIT on console brings the party to the living room TV allowing players to customize the experience with several ways to play
Challenge your friends with the original fun TRIVIAL PURSUIT game
Earn extra points by guessing whether your friends know the answer in the all-new quickly playing Facts & Friends mode
Track your best categories over time with your custom TRIVIAL PURSUIT profile
Players can hone their knowledge with the Clear the Board single player mode
Gather up your pies and wedges, round up friends and family and join in the fun Electronic Arts Inc. as it celebrates the 25th year of TRIVIAL PURSUIT by offering new ways and places to play one of America’s favorite board games. TRIVIAL PURSUIT will be released on multiple digital platforms including online at Pogo.com™, across several consoles and on mobile phones.
Since the official introduction of Trivial Pursuit in 1982, the phenomenally successful board game has been testing millions of game players’ wits with versions ranging from the original TRIVIAL PURSUIT to TRIVIAL PURSUIT Family, TRIVIAL PURSUIT Junior, and TRIVIAL PURSUIT 25th Anniversary Edition. The popular board game also got its own television game show in 2008 called TRIVIAL PURSUIT America Plays.
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March 16th, 2009, 22:07 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
You may have heard, the PlayStation 3 is expensive. Not "private jet" expensive, sure, but compared to the Wii and 360, it's expensive. So people want it cheaper. Sony, however, are having none of it.
Despite publishers, analysts and consumers calling repeatedly for a price cut on the machine, SCE America's senior vice president of marketing Peter Dille sounds positively fed up with other people telling him how to do his job. "Everybody in the development community would love for the PS3 to be free", Dille told Bloomberg, "so they could just sell razor blades".
Why so huffy? It's an understandable request. After all, razor blades are expensive!
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March 16th, 2009, 22:30 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
When it comes to new hardware and peripherals, the internet is always prone to speculate and start rumor fires over even the smallest indication that new tech is on the way. Over on the site Siliconera, rumors emerged regarding a wand-like peripheral that could be used in conjunction with the PS2. These images were apparently taken from a recent patent filed by Sony, though the wand isn't the only device pictured. Also included is an image where a user's hands have two small ring devices attached to the fingers, which can be used to track movement.
We contacted a Sony representative for comment and we were simply told that there are no peripheral announcements being made at this time. There's no way for us to verify if these images are actually from a real patent, or if they're even recent at all. We suspect that these are either old diagrams or complete fakes, but we'll keep you posted if official information is revealed.

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March 16th, 2009, 23:05 Posted By: wraggster
Media Molecule co-founder Alex Evans says Sony must translate PS2’s success to PS3
Alex Evans, the co-founder of LittleBigPlanet developer Media Molecule, believes that any gamers interested in buying a PS3 have already done so – and that if Sony wishes to grow the console’s user base it has to transfer the casual success it saw on PS2.
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March 16th, 2009, 23:11 Posted By: wraggster
Gadgets are good. That's a rule for life, isn't it? Well, we're not sure about this one. According to the manufacturer, Audio Authority: "The device, which is called the BlueBeam IR to Bluetooth converter, acts as a bridge between the remote control and the gaming console. Once connected, consumers can operate all their home theatre gear using just one remote instead of having to use a separate Bluetooth device for the PS3."
It is "powered by an optional powerpack, USB connection, or included AA batteries, and sits within 30 feet of the PS3. The tiny unit (it's just over 3" in size) can receive IR signals from any universal remote, than converts them to Bluetooth commands."
It's aimed at people who use the PS3 as a media centre and don't want to be bothered with the PS3 controller - or the optional Blu-ray remote.
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March 16th, 2009, 23:20 Posted By: wraggster

Playstation and Nike are at it again, collaborating on a new pair of Air Force Ones to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Playstation 2's launch in Japan.
The new Playstation Air Force Ones feature full patent leather upper and a color design very similar color to the original Playstation 2 Air Force Ones.
This time around only 50 of the shoes are being created. So if you want a pair, you better start saving and check out eBay.
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March 17th, 2009, 19:16 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation 3 pricing is in the news again, thanks to a report from Bloomberg that cites developer complaints over the price of the console. According to the story, developers are calling on Sony to drop the price of the PlayStation 3, so more people will buy the console, and thus their games.
"Sony obviously still has a ways to go with their pricing," Peter Moore, sports game chief at EA, told Bloomberg in an interview. He went on to say that even though Sony hasn't dropped the price of its console just yet, he expects it to happen shortly.
Value or price? You decide.
(Credit: Sony)A few weeks ago, Mike Hickey, an analyst at Janco Partners, said he expects Sony to cut PS3 pricing $50 to $100 in coming weeks, since the $399.99 version of its console costs $200 more than the Xbox Arcade version and $150 more than the Wii.
For its part, Sony, which has experienced three straight months of declining PS3 sales, shot back at developers and analysts. The company's senior vice president of marketing, Peter Dille, told Bloomberg that while Sony has no plans to reduce prices, "everybody in the development community would love for the PS3 to be free, so they could just sell razor blades."
Sony executives aren't doing enough to make their case. Whenever you look around the Web, the same basic argument is made: the PS3 is too expensive. But on numerous occasions, I've had the opportunity to discuss this issue with Sony representatives. During those calls, they've articulated their point to me about PS3 pricing and value.
Sony is well-aware that the PlayStation 3 costs much more than the Xbox Arcade version or the Wii, but we can knock one competitor off immediately: the company doesn't really consider the Wii a competitor. Pricing against that console doesn't matter much, they say.
But Microsoft is very much a competitor, and although Sony likes to play with percentages and comparisons whenever NPD sales figures are made public, the Xbox 360 is winning in a big way. And most folks believe it's because of its price.
But instead of looking at price as the determining factor of purchase, Sony wants us to look at the value. Sure, the PlayStation 3 is more expensive if you consider initial cost, but over the life of the console, is it really the most expensive video game machine on the market? Sony contends that it's not.
To prove it, Sony officials, in a previous phone conversation, compared the Xbox 360 60GB version for $299.99 with its 80GB $399 console. The initial difference in price is $100, but Sony contends that after you sign up for Xbox Live for $50 a year and consider the fact that the Xbox 360 doesn't have a Blu-ray drive--a possible future purchase for Xbox 360 owners--the PlayStation 3, with its free online gameplay and built-in Blu-ray drive, is actually cheaper over the life of the console.
Not to mention, if you want to turn your Xbox 360 into a Wi-Fi-enabled console and have rechargeable controllers, which come standard with the PlayStation 3, both accessories will add another $120 to the price of the Xbox 360. In just one year, Xbox 360 owners might spend $470 to buy the console and upgrade it before they even consider buying a Blu-ray player.
Though it's a bit more difficult to make this argument, Sony also contends that its $399 PlayStation 3 is cheaper over the long haul than Microsoft's Xbox Arcade version, which retails for $199.99. The company contends that to make it worthwhile, you'll need to install a hard drive, which will run you $100, bringing the real price of the console back to $299.99, where Sony can rationalize the PlayStation 3's cheaper cost as before.
Sony's argument is tenuous, at best, and assumes that users will sign up for Xbox Live, want a Blu-ray player, and buy accessories. But if they do, the PlayStation 3 actually is more affordable over the long term. Whether or not people actually care is another story.
But home finances aren't always run on spreadsheets, and initial cost will remain a major concern to the parent who can only afford to buy their child one gift for their birthday. Furthermore, the Xbox Live offers a more robust online experience than Sony, although Sony has made significant strides over the past few months. And the argument over whether or not Blu-ray is really worthwhile can rage for hours.
Regardless of where you stand on this issue, there is more value in the PlayStation 3 with Blu-ray installed, and the console does have the extras the Xbox 360 doesn't. But it seems that the biggest problem Sony is facing is that most consumers either don't know about that value argument or they just don't care. In either case, Sony's losing money.
And that's why it needs to decide where it stands. Is it going to promote the value argument more effectively than it has in the past or will it concede and appeal to consumers on price? It's a tough decision, but one that needs to be made soon. The PlayStation brand has enjoyed better days and things might only get worse after Killzone 2's allure dies down.
Is it about price or is it about value? Sony execs need to figure that out. And then, somehow, get consumers to see things their way.
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March 17th, 2009, 20:50 Posted By: wraggster
walar has posted an entry in the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: Walar
Projet name: Ragdoll Cannon v1.8
From: France
Division: PSP GAME
Original enter: YES
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Ragdoll cannon is a PSP clone of the flash game with the same name
Project description:
Shoot the ragdoll guy from the cannon.
Hit the target to go to the next level.
Try to make as little shots as possible, like in golf.
When new levels are unlock in campaign mode, you can replay them in "play" mode.
Levels are lua scripts so new levels can be make easier
How to Play:
DOWN & UP ---> angle of the cannon
RIGHT & LEFT --> force of the cannon
CROSS -------> Shot
TRIANGLE -------> Remove the Ragdolls
START -------> Pause Menu
SELECT -------> Main Menu
Johnny-K ("Ragdoll cannon" (flash game))
Dr. Watson (Jas Game Engine ++ (JGE++))
Scott Lembcke (Chipmunk Physics engine)
Mk2K (Port of Chipmunk for PSP)
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March 17th, 2009, 20:58 Posted By: wraggster
April 21, 2009, will be a day for all mobile suit fans to salivate over. On that Tuesday, Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2 will ship to retailers nationwide on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 2. Combining the Gundam universe and the tactical gameplay of the Dynasty Warriors franchise, Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2 promises "one versus a thousand gameplay" and plenty of out there art. Want to see some?
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March 17th, 2009, 21:00 Posted By: wraggster
Ninja Gaiden is making the trip to the PlayStation 3 again. It's got the "Sigma" in the middle of the name, but Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 is a port of Ninja Gaiden 2 that promises a number of new features.
First shown in that usual source for Japanese gaming information, Famitsu, Sigma 2's biggest new feature is making Ayane playable. While the purple-haired "kunoichi" female ninja from Dead or Alive has always been a major part of the Ninja Gaiden story, she'll be playable in Sigma 2 and promises a completely different gameplay experience from Ryu Hayabusa. The magazine shows Ayane making use of a dual sword and teaming up with Ryu for what appears to be a combination attack of some form.
Other "big" updates include the presence of new enemies in some stages. The magazine introduces one such enemy, a giant Buddha. It also appears that the Statue of Liberty from the 360 version will be appearing in enemy form.
New weapons are on the way as well. The magazine introduces the new Hasaiga Enma, a massive weapon that appears to be taller than Ryu himself! It's unclear if this is the only new weapon or if PS3 owners can look forward to more.
A bit more mysterious perhaps is some supposed PlayStation Network support. The magazine does not indicate what form this will take.
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 is being developed by Team Ninja, with production and direction by the original Sigma's Yosuke Hayashi. Japan will get the game some time this fall.
An official site for the title will open up on the 25th, suggesting that this is probably the game Tecmo America has been teasing about for an unveiling on the 24th.
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March 17th, 2009, 21:02 Posted By: wraggster
Gundam is making the expected return to the PS3. Debuting in this week's Famitsu is Bandai Namco's Mobile Suit Gundam Battlefield Record U.C.0081, an all-out action take on the anime classic.
This latest Gundam title promises two primary modes of play, scenario and network modes. The scenario mode features an original story with original characters. Between missions, the story progresses through movie scenes that were created with a mix of 3D and 2D.
Network play mode will offers cooperative and competitive play. The former supports up to four players, while the latter ups the field to eight!
Battlefield Record is currently 60% complete and is as yet without a final release date.
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March 17th, 2009, 21:04 Posted By: wraggster
Sacred 2: Fallen Angel, an RPG that lets you create a character and enter into a grand battle of light and dark, has been officially pushed back today. The delay doesn't come as a surprise, considering how many bugs have been present in previous preview builds. The extra time will likely be spent ironing out the wrinkles and preparing the game for its launch at retail outlets. Players interested in this fantasy/sci-fi experience can look for Sacred 2 in stores on May 12th of this year.
Sacred 2: Fallen Angel is being developed for the PS3, 360 and the PC.
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March 17th, 2009, 21:10 Posted By: wraggster
The Behemoth, fresh off its successful release of Castle Crashers, has unveiled its third project. The game still has no name or announced platform or price, but the first trailer reveals that the studio is targeting a release date somewhere in 2010. The trailer features The Behemoth's trademark art style and side-scrolling action. It also appears to be a multiplayer game, with some of the sections shown being co-operative in nature. Have a look at the trailer and see for yourself.
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March 17th, 2009, 21:15 Posted By: wraggster
More details have emerged on 2K Marin's big sequel, BioShock 2: Sea of Dreams, according to a cover story in issue 192 of Game Informer. The game is set in Rapture after the events of the first BioShock. It seems after the protagonist from the first game took off with all the Little Sisters, the city panicked, at least until a Big Sister came along to quiet things down try to return things to normal, or at least normal by Rapture standards. According to the article, you'll play as a Big Daddy in this reinvigorated underwater society.
Apparently the Big Sister was actually a Little Sister at one point, and the Big Daddy you play as, which BioShock 2 creative director Jordan Thomas describes as the 'first ever,' is an outlaw. The article points out that even though players were able to don the equipment of a Big Daddy toward the end of the first game, the full range of the beings' abilities weren't taken advantage of. In BioShock 2, instead of a wrench, you'll get a drill arm which can be used to whack splicers, who'll still serve as your enemies. It can also be turned on, though the time it can spin will be limited by an overheat meter.
Other options for dealing damage include a shoulder dash as well a flamethrower and grenade launchers engineered specifically for Big Daddies. An upgradeable rivet gun will also be made available. The article points out that since your Big Daddy model is a prototype, it'll be able to utilize plasmids too, which will upgrade in more significant ways. It's mentioned that the incinerate ability can eventually be upgraded to allow for a fireball attack to be charged and unleashed, and at its maximum upgrade level let you blast out a constant stream of flame. Relationships with hacked security bots will also differ, as the game will permit you to heal them to some degree.
New tonics and plasmids will create more possibilities for ability combos in BioShock 2. The article gives the example of combining incinerate with the cyclone trap plasmid to create a fiery wind blast. More options for this type of thing may open up as the article says you'll be able to utilize plasmids and weapons simultaneously instead of switching between the two. The developers also want to ensure players who progress down the upgrade paths wind up with different strengths and weaknesses by the end of the game, instead of everyone having roughly the same power-up setup.
Little Sisters will still be walking around the game world and you'll still have to wipe out Big Daddies to get at them, though now, since you're a Big Daddy, you'll have the ability to adopt one in addition to harvesting for Adam. If you choose to adopt, the Little Sister will ride around with you, calling out bodies around Rapture from which Adam can be harvested. While this might net more of the stuff, it seems a Little Sister in the process of harvesting will trigger an attack sequence where you'll need to defend her as splicers attack. The article states that the most effective method of acquiring Adam will still be to harvest or help the Little Sisters escape.
It seems since you're a more powerful being in BioShock 2, dealing with individual splicers won't be as big a deal. The Big Sister, on the other hand, will be a lot tougher to deal with. From the shots in the article, she appears to be a skinnier version of a Big Daddy with a basket on her back and a gigantic needle strapped to one arm. She directly absorbs the Adam she harvests, powering her up as the game progresses. She's trying to restore Rapture to the picture she has in mind from when she was a Little Sister, and apparently doesn't like it when you screw around with her restoration efforts. She'll chase you if you start to become too powerful, says the article, and she can find you anywhere. There willl be a warning given to you when you've dealt with enough Little Sisters to catch the Big one's attention, and then it's only a matter of time until she's bearing down on you.
The rest of the article deals with the storyline, something about which the developers were understandably being intentionally vague. Thomas did offer a bit on whether players can expect similar kinds of twists as were encountered in the first. "It wouldn't be BioShock if it didn't surprise you," he told Game Informer. "It wouldn't be BioShock if the mechanical experience you're having and the fictional experience you're having weren't kind of married in the themes."
To tell parts of the story, players will still pick up audio logs scattered around the world. Respawn points will also be included to some degree, though they won't necessarily be in the form of Vita-Chambers.
The article lists the game to be a '1-player action' title for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC. It also mentions that multiplayer is to be announced. The release window for BioShock 2 is this fall.
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March 17th, 2009, 21:22 Posted By: wraggster
DJ Max Fever, which hit the PSP earlier this year, won us over with its slick interface, impressive track list and tight gameplay. There's nothing quite like jamming to high-intensity K-Pop while on the go and DJ Max Fever gives us that ability. To thank fans for supporting the game, publisher PM Studios announced recently that it would begin Platinum Crew service in April of this year. The Platinum Crew service is an "online community system" that will allow DJ Max Fever players to upload their scores to an online database and view the statistics of other gamers. Even more features will be rolled out further down the line.
While a temporary ranking system can be found here, players will eventually be able to win official merchandise by scoring well on the Platinum Crew service. The prizes include the extremely rare Limited Edition version of the game, which includes a copy of the game, the soundtrack, an art book, puzzle and post cards (as well as a "mask," which is an interesting inclusion). There are only 30 copies of the Limited Edition available and they won't be sold in stores. They can only be won through the Platinum Crew service and similar giveaways.
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March 17th, 2009, 21:32 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from AntoineDravs
Hi all,
Here vshplugin and gameplugin v 2.2.
version 2.2 (gameplugin and vshplugin): This update is only an optimization of the plugin and adds no new functions
-bug fix: navigation with the joystick in the xmb was bugger the browser is correct
-bug fix: Files created can not be removed until the PSP had EETE reboot, it fixes
-better management of the ram for the file browser, it should no longer crash when using extended
Keyboard-improvement: add a slider (L and R for the move, and now is / \ to toggle between uppercase and lowercase)
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March 17th, 2009, 21:40 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from samy (thanks qj for tip)

This is a tetris clone programmed for the interpreter Phoenix Game Engine lua from InsertWittyName with the help of Phoenix editor.
All explanations are given in the Read-Me.
Have fun.
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March 17th, 2009, 22:15 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Suave automoton and Lombax companion Clank is seeing new horizons as Secret Agent Clank is ported onto the PS2 by Sanzaru Games.
Speaking on the PlayStation Blog, Sanzara president Glen Egan says that the port will be ready for buyers on 26th May.
There's been an obvious visual update, to take advantage of the extra grunt that the PS2 offers, as well as a switch back to the traditional lock-strafe camera mode seen in previous Ratchet and Clank titles on console.
Will that add anything to our 6/10 verdict on the original? We'll know in a couple of months.
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March 17th, 2009, 23:55 Posted By: wraggster
After being on the tip of gamers' tongues last summer, NVIDIA's PhysX technology has cooled a bit in terms of sheer popularity. That said, we've no doubt that the buzz will be back in force after this one clears the airwaves. NVIDIA has just announced that it has nailed down a tools and middleware license agreement for Sony's PlayStation 3, effectively bringing the aforesaid physics tech to what's arguably the most potent game console on the market today. As a result of the deal, a PhysX software development kit (SDK) is now available to registered PS3 developers as a free download for use on the SCEI Developer Network. What exactly this means for future PS3 games remains to be seen, but one's things for sure: it's only up from here.
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March 18th, 2009, 00:08 Posted By: wraggster
Two separate sources are announcing that one the one hand the PS3 is to get a $99 price cut in the USA on March 22nd in EB Games and... or that the platform will be receiving a new SKU at Target.
The first story relates to a reader of 2oldtoplay who was given information regarding a PS3 price drop in great detail by an employee of EB. The info dated the drop to March 22nd and the reader was also told that Sony would be press releasing the official confirmation... on Saturday.
The second story regards a reader of Joystiq who wandered into Target and took a photo of a 'new sku' of 80Gb PS3 with two games. Says the site, "Unfortunately, our tipster says this new bundle doesn't come with a price drop. The SKU will retail for $399, the same price as the current low-end PS3". It also due on March 29th.
If both stories are true then either EB Games is getting an exclusive price drop, or Target has been dealt out of the deal. Or... the new two-game SKU for $399 is the 'price drop'. By this we mean that, given that in the States EB retails PS3 titles at $49.99 and £59.99, Sony will call this a "value added proposition". This will be sticking to exactly the plan that SCEE President, David Reeves, outlined in December last year.
If anything gets press released by SCEA on Saturday, we expect this 'value add' to be the leader over a $99 price cut. After all, Sony has stated that it will not be cutting prices, and we would never expect a valued company such as SCEA to tell bald-faced lies.
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March 18th, 2009, 00:21 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo USA

Multi Storage Hard Foam Travel Bag made of EVA material to carry your PSP-3000, PSP Slim or PSP consoles and other accessories around while protecting them against shock and scratch. The special lid-stand design can act as a movie station.
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March 18th, 2009, 00:25 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo USA

A dream comes true! Use your Xbox 360 wired controller on your Playstation 3 with XCM Cross Battle Adapter. Also feature a Rapid Fire function and Plus version supports rumble and all PS3 versions.
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March 18th, 2009, 00:31 Posted By: wraggster
Sony will let wordsmiths buy not one just one vowel, but seven, as Wheel of Fortune arrives on the North American PlayStation Store this Thursday.
With 9,000 puzzles and 11 cities to play in, the lack of a digital Vanna White will be less painfully felt. Not sure about that $14.99 price tag, though. That's bordering on semi-pricey for Wheel of Fortune, especially so if we don't get to look at a perfectly coiffed Pat Sajak either. I suppose this signed eight-by-ten framed glossy that sits permanently next to my television will have to suffice.
This PlayStation Network game show entry has been a longer time coming than expected. Thank goodness for "Spring Fever." Any PlayStation 3 owners thinking of taking this one for a spin?
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March 18th, 2009, 00:37 Posted By: wraggster
Every few weeks we mention new games joining Japan’s PlayStation Archives collection. Now their list is large with a blend of classics and obscure PsOne games. Outside of a few key releases like Suikoden the PlayStation Classics section is hardly spoken of overseas.
Capcom plans to change this by releasing more downloadable PsOne games in the future. Christian Svensson, Vice President of Strategic Planning & Business Development, says a batch of PsOne titles have been submitted to Sony for approval.
Specific games and a timeline were not mentioned, but a few months ago the ESRB rated Street Fighter Alpha 2 and Street Fighter Alpha 3 as PS3/PSP games. Those could be some of the games. Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo is also rated as PSP title by the ESRB so this is another possibility. I’m hoping for both of the Mega Man Legends games. After all, these were released in Japan on UMD along with Breath of Fire III.
What Capcom game would you like to see? Before you answer peruse the list of PsOne games published by Capcom and rated by the ESRB. And then cross out all the games that have X-Men, Marvel, and Mickey in them.
Breath of Fire III
Breath of Fire IV
Buster Bros. Collection
Capcom vs. SNK Pro
Darkstalkers 3
Dino Crisis
Dino Crisis 2
Freestyle Boardin`99
JoJo’s Bizzarre Adventure
Magical Tetris Challenge Featuring Mickey
Marvel Super Heroes
Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter
Marvel vs. Capcom
Mega Man 8
Mega Man Battle and Chase
Mega Man Legends
Mega Man Legends 2
Mega Man X4
Mega Man X5
Mega Man X6
One Piece Mansion
Pocket Fighter
Resident Evil
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 3 Nemesis
Resident Evil Survivor
Resident Evil: Directors Cut
Rival Schools
Star Gladiator
Street Fighter Alpha*
Street Fighter Alpha 2*
Street Fighter Alpha 3*
Street Fighter Collection
Street Fighter Collection 2
Street Fighter Ex 2
Street Fighter Ex Plus Alpha
Strider 2
Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo*
The Misadventures of Tron Bonne
Trick N’ Snowboarders
X-Men vs. Street Fighter
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March 18th, 2009, 00:37 Posted By: wraggster
Every few weeks we mention new games joining Japan’s PlayStation Archives collection. Now their list is large with a blend of classics and obscure PsOne games. Outside of a few key releases like Suikoden the PlayStation Classics section is hardly spoken of overseas.
Capcom plans to change this by releasing more downloadable PsOne games in the future. Christian Svensson, Vice President of Strategic Planning & Business Development, says a batch of PsOne titles have been submitted to Sony for approval.
Specific games and a timeline were not mentioned, but a few months ago the ESRB rated Street Fighter Alpha 2 and Street Fighter Alpha 3 as PS3/PSP games. Those could be some of the games. Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo is also rated as PSP title by the ESRB so this is another possibility. I’m hoping for both of the Mega Man Legends games. After all, these were released in Japan on UMD along with Breath of Fire III.
What Capcom game would you like to see? Before you answer peruse the list of PsOne games published by Capcom and rated by the ESRB. And then cross out all the games that have X-Men, Marvel, and Mickey in them.
Breath of Fire III
Breath of Fire IV
Buster Bros. Collection
Capcom vs. SNK Pro
Darkstalkers 3
Dino Crisis
Dino Crisis 2
Freestyle Boardin`99
JoJo’s Bizzarre Adventure
Magical Tetris Challenge Featuring Mickey
Marvel Super Heroes
Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter
Marvel vs. Capcom
Mega Man 8
Mega Man Battle and Chase
Mega Man Legends
Mega Man Legends 2
Mega Man X4
Mega Man X5
Mega Man X6
One Piece Mansion
Pocket Fighter
Resident Evil
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 3 Nemesis
Resident Evil Survivor
Resident Evil: Directors Cut
Rival Schools
Star Gladiator
Street Fighter Alpha*
Street Fighter Alpha 2*
Street Fighter Alpha 3*
Street Fighter Collection
Street Fighter Collection 2
Street Fighter Ex 2
Street Fighter Ex Plus Alpha
Strider 2
Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo*
The Misadventures of Tron Bonne
Trick N’ Snowboarders
X-Men vs. Street Fighter
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March 18th, 2009, 01:15 Posted By: wraggster
jojojoris has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding contest:
Nickname: jojojoris
Projet name : PSPReversi
From : The netherlands
Division : PSP Game
Original enter : Yes
Support Motion : No
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: No
Project description:
I made his game in only 3 days.
This game is a 8x8 Reversi for the PSP. Reversi is oginally invented in the 19th century. The main goal it to conquer the biggest part of the field.
A better discription is found here:
I programmed an AI in this game. TRY TO BEAT IT!!! (realy it's a hard one)
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March 18th, 2009, 21:39 Posted By: wraggster
Total_Noob has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:
The Shell features the following:
Release v1.00:
* Simple installer
* 2D text scroll function
* IntraFont and SCE dialogs
* Excellent graphics
* ICON0.PNG and PIC1.PNG included in XMB menu(by SchmilK)
* Extract 7Z archives
* Extract RAR and ZIP archives with or without password
* Choose path to extract archives
* Start games/homebrews/plugins(ELF, ISO/CSO, PBP and PRX)
* Run PSX games
* Load Sony and M33 updater
* Launch UMD
* UMD auto-start function
* "UMD" displayed only, when a UMD inserted is
* Back to XMBShell, when exit the application
* Copy, cut, delete, rename, create a new folder in file manager
* Show properties and size of the file in byte, KB or MB
* Show properties of folders
* Use image as wallpaper(press /\ in Image viewer)
* Open images(GIF, JPG/JPEG and PNG)
* Rotate images
* Blit images fit to screen
* Animate GIF images
* Next/previous image function with R and L buttons
* Show height and width of images under properties
* Play videos(AVC, PMF and PMP)
* Play music formats(AA3, AAC, FLAC, MP3, OGG, OMA and OMG)
* Show Album, Title, Artist, Year and Genre informations of the song
* Next/previous song function with R and L buttons
* Pause, resume and play song forward
* Battery-saver modus(only in Music player)
* Read all text files(CFG, INI, TXT or other files...)
* Load flash files(HTM/HTML, PHP and SWF)
* Download the newest version of XMBShell with the Network Updater
* Camera function
* Launch Internet browser(www.neoflash.com)
* Internet search
* Load Go!Messenger
* Connect USB ms0, flash0, flash1, flash2, flash3 or UMD disc
* Change photo, music, video and game paths
* Change CPU speed in music player(75, 100, 133, 222, 266, 300 and 333)
* Take a screenshot with NOTE(music symbol)
* Change the nickname
* Change CPU speed(75, 100, 133, 222, 266, 300 and 333)
* Change password
* Start control function
* Use background as original, classic or wallpaper
* Enable Flash player and WMA playback
* Restore default settings
* Show system informations
* Show battery informations under system-settings
* Browse in ms0, flash0 and flash1
* Possibility to editing in flash0 and flash1
* Show free space of the memory stick in byte, KB or MB
* Show battery and time
* Show the version of XMBShell
* NEOFlash splash screen
* Reboot XMBshell, reset system, shutdown system, suspend system and exit XMBShell in Exit menu
Supporting files are:
* 7Z
* AA3
* MP3
* Other files are running with the Text reader
* Copy the folder "PSP" to ms0:/
* Run it from your PSP
* Press X to install or R to exit
* Now, XMBShell is installed
* Press O to return
* Press HOME to open the Exit-menu
* Press NOTE(music symbol) to take a screenshot
Main menu:
* Press X to choose
* Press arrows, L and R to move
* Press SELECT to open the File-explorer
File explorer:
* Press X to execute file or open folder
* Press arrows to move
* Press L or R to browse in ms0, flash0 or flash1
* Press /\ to open the File manager
* Press SELECT to close the File explorer and return to Main menu
File manager:
* Press X to choose
* Press arrows to move
* Press /\ or O to close the File manager and return to File explorer
Music player:
* Press X to pause/play song
* Press RIGHT to play forward(10, 30 or 120)
* Press LEFT to play normal
* Press START to go in the Battery-saver modus
Image viewer:
* Press /\ to use the image as wallpaper
* Press X to blit image fit to screen
* Press UP or DOWN to rotate image
Text reader:
* Press UP or DOWN to change pages
* Press R to shot
Exit menu:
* Press X to choose
* Press arrows to move
* Press HOME or O close the Exit-menu and return
* Thanks to Dark_AleX for the Custom Firmware
* Thanks to Schmilk for Beta-testing and for ICON0.PNG and PIC1.PNG
* Thanks to BenHur for intraFont
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March 18th, 2009, 22:12 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
A report on the Hockey Downloads forum has indicated that NHL 10 will never make it to PS2 or PC, saying that economic pressures are behind the decision.
Veteran user 'Drezz', who has apparently been in touch with Ryan Nicholas at EA, writes in his post that: "I regret to inform all of you that I was notified on Monday that NHL10 will NOT be produced for the PC/PS2.
"As of now, the division in charge of putting out hockey games for those platforms have been reassigned to work on the console versions (Xbox 360 and PS3). Due to economic concerns, the separate PC version wasn't worth putting manpower into - I don't blame them, since the revenue from PC sales wasn't high enough to create a significant profit for the company."
Not perhaps the most biting aspect of the credit crunch, but one that is likely to see literally dozens of people go "oh".
EA was not available for comment at time of writing.
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March 18th, 2009, 22:14 Posted By: wraggster
carlosgs has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: carlosgs
Project name: downPSP
Division: PSP APP
Original enter: Yes
Support motion: No
Old compo winner: Nope
First of all, hello, I'm carlosgs, and this is my first time in the Neoflash spring coding compo :-D
Please, If I am doing something wrong, contact me :-S
Project description:
downPSP is an app that I started in lua, but now I'm making it in C.
The best function of this app is that it's going to be able to download and install a lot of homebrew apps.
It looks for the homebrew database in psp.scenebeta.com
Right now it is not possible to download or install homebrew, but in a few weeks, it will.
I'm working in the cookie-based login of that website, I made that in the old lua version, so this time is easier ;-)
Nowadays it's all in spanish (sorry) but in the future it will be possible to translate it to more languages.
In the homebrew downloader, right now you can view the homebrew list (apps, games and emulators), and view a detailed description about each homebrew program.
You can also search in the list by pressing the "triangle" button (The games list
has more than 800 entries, so you'll probably need it ;-) )
Nevertheless, it has other functions like:
- Filebrowser with:
-PNG image viewer
-Simple text file viewer
-You can rename files with the "square" button.
-Simple searching with the "triangle" button.
- Self updating through the network ;-)
- Options menu with:
-Select wether you want to show the initial splash or not.
-Show memory stick free space.
-Restore default config.
This project is right now very initial, I'm looking forward to add add more functions, like:
-In the filebrowser, show other image types, unRar files, run eboots, copy, move and delete files... etc.
-"Check Gmail" function (simple but useful). It would notify about new gmail messages (I'll use the gmail RSS feed ;-) )
-Probably, when I finish the scenebeta.com full support, I'll add support for other psp homebrew comunities.
I hope you enjoy this app ;-)
Edit: One thing, I didn't knew where to find the Neoflash splash image, so I added the one that is in the "TimeTrainer".
¿Where did you put that image?
Thank you very much
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March 18th, 2009, 22:17 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Indie developer ThatGameCompany has been talking up the PS3's strengths, explaining some of the design processes behind PSN title Flower.
If you haven't played it, the atmospheric Flower sees you using SixAxis motion control to guide petals through some gorgeous rural environments featuring giant fields and thousands of blades of grass.
The developer, which is also responsible for the relaxing aquatic exploration game flOw, described its heavy dependence on the PS3's SPU processors in rendering Flower's multitude of grass blades in an interview.
"We learned so much on flOw, especially about SPUs. The grass system really leverages the PS3 to render 200,000 blades of grass simultaneously, and gives the player this sense of blowing wind through them," ThatGameCompany president Kellee Santiago said.
"It really would be impossible to make it look the same on any other system. But, it's one of the pros with knowing your game is exclusive to a specific system - you can really design everything towards that one platform."
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March 18th, 2009, 22:30 Posted By: wraggster
TOMY Corporation today announced that it will publish PANGYA: Fantasy Golf exclusively for the PSP (PlayStation Portable) system. Featuring beautifully rendered fantasy golf courses, thousands of character and equipment customization options and 18 playable characters, PANGYA: Fantasy Golf thrusts players into a world of golf gameplay filled with beauty and unlimited imagination.
"We are thrilled to introduce gamers to PANGYA: Fantasy Golf, the first PSP title in our growing portfolio of interactive games," said Mark Shinohara, chief operating officer of TOMY Corporation. "PANGYA offers a unique fantasy golf experience that gamers will truly appreciate. With a compelling storyline and extraordinary visuals, players can easily immerse themselves in PANGYA's mythology."
In PANGYA: Fantasy Golf, players practice and perfect their swing on the nine fantasy fairways of Pangya Island. Combining golf gameplay, endless customization options and a slew of sassy female characters set in beautiful environments, PANGYA: Fantasy Golf is based on the global PC MMO PANGYA game developed by Ntreev Soft, and boasts an original storyline with new, exclusive features for the PSP system. Players can utilize the in-game Pangya Shop to customize as many as 18 playable characters and their golf equipment with thousands of unlockable accessories, outfits, gear and power items to improve their golfer's stats and land that hole-in-one. Multiple gameplay modes including Story, Free Round, License, Tournament and Network Mode offer an engaging and varied golf experience. Additionally, Network Mode allows the ultimate golf gaming fan to connect with up to eight players and compete against one another in either single or team-based tournaments.
PANGYA: Fantasy Golf is developed by Ntreev Soft and is slated for release on the PSP system in Summer 2009. For more information, please visit www.TOMY-USA.com/videogames.
About TOMY Corporation
With U.S. headquarters in Santa Ana, California, TOMY Corporation is one of the world's oldest and most endearing entertainment companies. For more than eight decades, TOMY has developed and manufactured a broad portfolio of exciting and educational toys, games and video games for children of all ages. Known for its innovation, quality and safety, TOMY's mission is to produce videogames for North America that entertain and inspire children and adults. The Consumer Software Division currently publishes for Nintendo DS and Wii, PSP (PlayStation Portable) system, and the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft. TOMY Corporation is a subsidiary of Japan-based TOMYCompany, Ltd. (aka TAKARATOMY in Japan). More information is available at www.TOMY-USA.com.
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March 18th, 2009, 22:31 Posted By: wraggster
If you picked up Resistance: Retribution this week, Sony and Global Gaming are giving you a chance to win game-inspired schwag and more. From now until May 10, 2009, you can register with Global Gaming and participate in two-on-two and four-on-four Resistance multiplayer matches. The better you do, the higher you'll go on the multiplayer ladder, and if you're among the top players when May 10 rolls around, you'll be invited to compete in the playoffs from May 13 to May 31, 2009. What will the winners get? Why it'll be cool stuff such as SonyStyle gear, PSP bundles, and Resistance: Retribution inspired leather bomber jackets.
I want a bomber jacket. If you want one too, head over to the Road to Retribution GGL site and register. You have to be a resident of the United States or Canada and you have to be at least 13 years old.
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March 18th, 2009, 22:33 Posted By: wraggster
Atlus U.S.A., Inc., dressed in tuxedos and sporting lavish monocles, today more formally announced that it has secured the North American publishing rights for Crimson Gem Saga for PSP (PlayStation Portable) system, emphasizing the point by releasing the game's final cover art and the first North American screenshots.
Crimson Gem Saga is all about the fundamentals of RPG fun: lush hand-drawn visuals, an engaging fantasy tale, and an easy-to-use interface. That's not to leave out the fast, turn-based combat, ambush attacks, combo chains, and special attacks involving multiple party members. And you certainly would not want to overlook the stellar musical score and voice work. In fact, not content with the versions previously released in other regions, Atlus has added over 1000 additional lines of recorded voice, a North American exclusive.
Crimson Gem Saga is scheduled for release on May 26, 2009 with an MSRP of $29.99.
About Crimson Gem Saga
"Sometimes life doesn't go the way you plan it."
For some people, it's an expression. For Killian von Rohcoff, well, he's pretty sure someone tattooed it onto him somewhere when he wasn't looking. After getting beaten for the top spot in his graduating class, he follows up a lead for a job that results in him getting his wallet stolen. Unfortunately for Killian, that's just the beginning. Fate has one heck of a roller-coaster in store for him, and in the center of the mess is an ancient artifact known as the Wicked Stone.
Key Features
Return to essential RPG fun -- Remember what made RPGs simply fun experiences? You'll find it here. Easy to pick up and play with a full package of addictive combat, beautiful graphics, interesting story, and fantastic voice work; this is a title that will charm genre newbies and veteran players alike.
Gratifying combo-filled combat -- This is turn-based RPG combat at its most fun. Attack your enemies before they attack you to gain the advantage of the first hit in battle. Master the Critical Combo System to deliver multiple hits and deliver major damage to an enemy. Team up with allies to unleash massive dual, triple, or full-team attacks.
Distinctively beautiful 2-D world -- Vibrant, colorful, and distinctive, this is a world that will draw and keep you inside the fantasy. Detailed character portraits and beautiful, fluid sprites further make this a treat for the eyes.
A far superior sequel -- Forget what you know about the series because this is a totally new experience. With a complete graphical facelift, a brand new story and cast, and newly polished combat, this is a game that blows right past its predecessor.
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March 18th, 2009, 22:39 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from raing3
I was originally going to post this on the CWCheat forums but I am still waiting for my account to be activated so I can post therefore I am posting it here. I'm hoping I can get some help.
Here is my PSPAR Replay to CWCheat code converter thingy.
Please DON'T post a list of cheats which don't work as I can quite easily see which cheats don't work and until it can convert the cheats better I DON'T care about reports of cheats which don't work. Also when you do convert the cheats you must place the PSPAR code file in the root of the Memory Stick and call it "pspar_codes1.bin". The difference between conversion mode 1 and 2 is that mode 1 will try to convert the addresses and values if needed to CWCheat format and save the file to "ms0:/cheats.txt". Whereas mode 2 will simply dump the addresses and values as they are written in the original PSPAR code file to "ms0:/cheats_nomod.txt".
Since I am unable to solve these issues further releases will be unlikely unless I can get some help fixing the issues which I am having.
What is planned in future releases (if I can get help fixing the big issues):
- Fixing all the code conversion issues (I need a lot of help here)
- Adding conversion to NitePR format
- A PC conversion tool
- Adding conversion of CWCheat format to PSPAR format (If I can figure out how the hash is calculated and where it is stored in the unknown bits of the PSPAR code file)
- Maybe I could also add support for conversion between as many cheat formats as possible (I'm not too sure about this one cause it will probably take some time)
What I can currently do:
- Understand about 98% of the PSPAR cheat file format.
- Convert all the different controller handling PSPAR codes to CWCheat format.
- Convert the Game ID and Game Name to CWCheat format.
- convert "some" of the standard cheats (cheats which don't use DMA/RLE/other stuff I don't know about)
- Convert DMA cheats from PSPAR format to CWCheat format.
What I can't do:
- Convert RLE compressed cheat from PSPAR format to CWCheat format.
- Convert other format codes to CWCheat format.
- Convert any remaining standard codes to CWCheat format.
- Remove codes which are unneeded (if their are any, which I'm pretty sure there are)
- Fixing of any other issues with the code database.
The PSP Action Replay code file can be downloaded from www.pspar.com.
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March 18th, 2009, 22:45 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Dark_Wolf
Hey guys i made this one just for fun in 2 days!
the homebrew is in Portuguese, but don´t get panic because the controls are really easy and simple to learn...
however this is still the first version of this game but i am working already in great updates
the game have a very simple objective you just need to shoot(square button) in the enemies that apear in the screen...each time you kill one you will gain 10 points of score...you win when you have 100 points of score...prety simple.
X - jump
directional buttons - move
[] - shoot
R - Speed
start - Pause
select - restart
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March 18th, 2009, 22:47 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from benhur:
This is the initial public release of libLZR - a small open source library that handles the decompression and encoding of LZR-compressed data. (LZR-compression is frequently encountered in PSP firmware resource files.)
Decompression results of libLZR should be identical to Sonys internal decompression algorithm. Please report incompatible streams to me.
Compression in libLZR currently does not actually compress the data, but only produces a valid LZR stream. I'm thinking about implementing real compression, but - since it's not easy - I ask myself: Are there applications, where an LZR-compressor is needed? Would you have a use for LZR-compressed streams?
Cheers, BenHur
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March 18th, 2009, 22:51 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from a noob
Well Heres what I have after 4 hours of coding.
Ill work more on it later so it has some higher standards

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March 18th, 2009, 22:58 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Geecko
The project:
This is my 1st "real" homebrew.
The project began in August 2008, until December but I had not made much progress (internat. ..).
As I had a nice Christmas eeepc I was finally able to really put myself, and I therefore again from scratch, ie get rid of this monstrous file to nearly a thousand lines to cut into small modules, it is more stable, easier to improve and more clear, but lacks some features available to it.
The game:
It is a wonderful break bricks (hum hum ...) which has features like:
- Loading levels by text file
- Beautiful graphics homemade
- Use of intraFont of Benhur
- System level switch original
- A menu
- The displacement of the ball uses angles
- A new type of bricks, indestructible
- The bricks can move
- A system of life
Coming soon:
- A level editor (!)
- The score
- A combo system
- The bonus / malus
- Sound
- The source code
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March 19th, 2009, 16:55 Posted By: [hamster]
wololo released a new version of Wagic: the homebrew, his clone of a rather popular collectible card game. Details can be found at: http://wololo.net/wagic/2009/03/19/w...-for-download/
- More than 300 new cards, including news Sets (Lorwyn, Invasion, Mirage). Special Thanks to Dr.Solomat and leungclj!
- A new difficulty mode has been added… but you need to unlock it, and I won’t tell you how ^_^ (congrats to the first one who’ll get access to the difficult mode)
- Bug fixes for persist, shroud, Ardakar wastes, Ankh of Mishra, Ascendant Evincar, Castle, Dingus Egg, Druid of the Anima, Farmstead, icatian priest, Spirit weaver, Kird Ape, Sedge Troll, Unsummon, …
- New parser keywords:foreach(see plague rats in RV) and aslongas(see blanchwood armor in 10E)
- The AI can now use a few activated abilities. Actually, most of them (except mana abilities that are not on lands), but with no strategy yet
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March 19th, 2009, 17:42 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Ericsson execs have been denying reports of a rift between the Sony and Ericsson factions of the company as little as a month ago, but it looks like the rumor mill is starting up yet again, and a report on German website Manager-Magazin.de now suggests that a deal could be closer to happening than ever (though still not all that close to actually happening). Apparently, Ericsson is looking to sell off its share in the joint venture, and Sony has reportedly expressed an interest in taking sole control of the company, but that hinges on it negotiating a deal with the banks. That, of course, could be a tad tricky at the moment, but it's looking increasingly like a 100% Sony-owned company is the only way that we'll ever see the mythical PSP phone, so who knows what sort of magic that proposition might work.
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March 19th, 2009, 17:47 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Corp has frozen its employees' salaries for a year starting in April, in an attempt to improve the company's flagging profitability.
Workers' bonuses will also be lowered to the equivalent of four months pay rather than six months, according to Nikkei and reported by Reuters. Meanwhile, annual compensation for managers will be dropped by 10 to 20 per cent through wage cuts and by 35 to 40 per cent through bonus reductions.
"Executives will also be slugged with huge cuts to bonuses and salaries," Nikkei said.
Yesterday, Sony slashed its dividend payment to JPY 12.5 (13 cents) per share, compared to the previous figure of JPY 20 (20 cents).
Earlier this year, Sony announced plans to cut USD 2.8 billion costs by 2010, following estimates that it is to lose JPY 150 billion (USD 1.68 billion) for the financial year ending March 2009.
Sony Corp's stock price finished trading at USD 20.87 per share, up by 2.05 per cent or USD 0.42, from the previous close.
UPDATE: Sony Computer Entertainment Europe has informed GamesIndustry.biz that the division currently remains unaffected by the company's pay freeze.
"SCE has adopted a payment system closely linked to the business performance of each individual employee as well as the company as a whole, and there is no plan at this time to change this payment system," explained a spokesperson.
"However, in order to stay competitive in the accelerating global network environment, we will always carefully review and make structural changes, if necessary, in order to further expand and strengthen the PlayStation business around the world."
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March 19th, 2009, 17:54 Posted By: wraggster
How will you know if you’ve really given “Resistance Retribution,†the grand PSP spin-off to the PS3 “Resistance†series an honest try? The game’s creative director, John Garvin of Sony Bend, has provided us a must-do list.
Sony’s Must-Do List For “Resistance Retributionâ€
(Third-person shooter, PSP, March 2009)
1. After you get rid of those pesky Leapers in the Rotterdam canal, try going back into the sewers for a neat little surprise. Do this again after you raise the water and it will gain you access to a room you couldn’t get to before.
2. In the conversion center in Rotterdam, after you crawl through the pipe leading into the next storage room, charge your Razor and shoot the alternate fire through the hole in the glass. It will bounce around and hit a power cell, which destroys the glass and gains you access to some hidden evidence as well as grenades!
3. I know getting close to any of the Armored Titans can be scary, but if you have some shotgun ammo, run up to them and shoot them a few times with the alternate fire mode. The Shotgun alternate fire cuts through them like a warm knife does to butter!
4. Once you have Mallery’s Auger, use that shield quite often as it bounces enemy attacks back at whoever shot them. Makes things a little easier in rather tough situations!
5. Remember that the Auger multiplies damage depending on how many walls the shot goes through. Even putting up a shield behind a wall can add to the power!
6. Collect all Intel to unlock bonus weapons necessary to achieve all the skill points.
7. Listen for all the voice and movie changes while playing in Infected mode.
8. Hijack the small worker drone in the second Trench level at the end of the lava cart ride by shooting it with the auger so it brings you the unreachable Intel.
9. Second Hammer fight too hard? Lure it under the plasma dischargers and flip the switch on the upper decks to zap it for damage and momentarily stun it. Stunning it will allow you to get behind it and inflict heavy damage to the power core on its back.
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March 19th, 2009, 18:08 Posted By: wraggster
The first piece of downloadable content for Call of Duty: World at War is now available on Xbox Live and (coming later today on) PSN. For 800 ($9.99), you can pick up four new maps for Activision's WWII shooter: "Station," a close-quarters underground encounter; "Nightfire," a large battlefield depicting a bombed-out Berlin; "Knee Deep," a huge, jungle-based scenario; and "Verrückt," the promised Nazombie expansion, which, aside from meriting its own trailer (posted after the jump), contains additional weapons, Perks-a-Cola machines and "electroshock defenses." Man, we had no idea history could be so totally awesome.
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March 19th, 2009, 18:11 Posted By: wraggster
While many happy iPhone developers are eager to tout Apple's device as the hot ticket in video games, one Sony executive isn't worried. Peter Dille, Senior VP of Marketing, told GameDaily BIZ that he believes that the iPhone gaming market is "a separate business" from traditional handheld gaming.
"Consumers that want to carry a PSP are primarily gamers and I think there's a big difference in the types of games you can play on a PSP versus an iPhone," Dille said. "The iPhone games and apps are largely diversionary, whereas we're a gaming company and we make games for people who want to carry a gaming device and play a game that offers a satisfying 20+ hours of gameplay."
Dille also noted the PSP's reduced reliance on digital distribution, noting that the PSP is "a wi-fi device, not an always connected device. So there's going to be limitations based on the current technology in the PSP." He then added, " ... but you never say never, and as we roll out new products in the future we'll keep an eye on consumer trends as we always do," suggesting that one of the features that he had just mentioned as separating the two systems could go away.
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March 19th, 2009, 18:49 Posted By: wraggster
Falcom continues to supply the PSP with RPGs. Both Ys games announced at the Ys fair are being made for PSP.
Ys I&II Chronicles is another remake of Ys I&II. The PSP version is based on a PC version from 2001. Falcom will enhance the eight year old game with new graphics and music. No information was given about the extra areas introduced in the DS remakes. Will they find a way into Ys I&II Chronicles? We’ll find out when it comes out in July.
Ys Seven comes out a few months later in September. It has a brand new combat system and brings Adol back as the main character.
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March 19th, 2009, 20:22 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

High Quality Component AV Cable for PS2/PS3. It comes with 24K golden electroplate plug and supports 1080i/720p LCD, Plasma, HDTV system. It also supports Dolby Stereo, Dolby Digital and DTS 5.1 sound system.
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March 19th, 2009, 20:22 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

High Quality Component AV Cable for PS2/PS3. It comes with 24K golden electroplate plug and supports 1080i/720p LCD, Plasma, HDTV system. It also supports Dolby Stereo, Dolby Digital and DTS 5.1 sound system.
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March 19th, 2009, 20:34 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Dragon Ball, one of the manga/anime series that represents Japan is now a well known franchise throughout the world.
Produced under the direction of Hollywood filmmakers, the anime/game has become a live action movie, and this is the first fighter which adapts this movie style.
All characters from the movie enter the battle roster, and because it follows the rhythm of the live action movie, battles are fast paced with dazzling graphics.
New skills and battles that never existed in the original are included for your enjoyment, experience the new fighting styles in the movie in all the different game modes.
Locations in the movie are re-created in the game as a background during scenes, battles and events, this is the Dragon Ball Evolution that you can participate in and more.
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March 19th, 2009, 20:35 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Produced by Enterbrain of KimiKiss fame, Amagami is another love story about a boy (you) finally plucking up his courage to go ask the girl of his dreams out.
Due to a traumatic experience in the past, Christmas is a time that troubles you. However, you know that this is your last chance to ask your crush out, as this is her last year of high school, is it alright to leave your crush as nothing more than a mere crush?
Get your acts together and out of your shell, who will you end up with at the end? The elite class representative? The sweet underclassman or the senior you've always had a crush on?
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March 19th, 2009, 20:37 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Escape from the thousand year old cursed labyrinth underground! What you can depend on is your own strength alone.
Once upon a time, there is a small kingdom called Vitoal. Legend has it that with the protection of the dragons, the kingdom prospered.
However, due to the king's ambitions, the land ended up being cursed by what has previously given it protection and has sunk into the ground overnight.
As time goes by, a new country Vanoult is built on top of where Vitoal has been. Upon entering the kingdom's vicinity, the bounty hunter (and hunted) Ares encountered the mage Dora Drone who has set her eyes on his head.
During the fight, Dora's magic opened up the ground and the two fell through. To escape from the cursed city, the two have to climb the tower to the top while slaying monsters.
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March 19th, 2009, 20:39 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Harukanaru Toko no Nakade 3 takes you back to the wars between the Daira clan and the Minamoto clan.
As a normal high school student, you never thought that you would travel back time and become the miko, or priestess who will save a parallel world from being destroyed by demons raised by the Daira clan.
Being rescued by people from the Minamoto clan, you side with them in the war. However, some of your friends and love interests are part of the enemy's camp and a tragedy is bound to strike.
With the power to change the course of history in your hands, can you alter the future for yourself, the people in this alternate war and the men who pledge their lives to you?
All is fair in love and war, Harukanaru Toki no Nakade 3 Aizoban is the combination of Haruka 3 and its sequel Izayoiki.
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March 19th, 2009, 20:40 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Musou Tourou focuses on the concepts of death and rebirth and its story is separated into two main branches, the present branch and the history branch. The story starts with the hero Shuji's encounter with demons .
As an excellent swordsman, he took it upon himself to defeat the creatures from the netherworlds. Although he won, he reckons that the demons are not to be looked down upon, and this proves right as he is knocked down by a strong adversary in his second fight, only to wake up in the presence of a strange girl Kagami.
Between life, rebirth and time travel, you have to protect your love from the menaces. This is a text based adventure game with an engaging plot and a total of 500 pieces of CG. Musou Tourou is available as Japanese versions on Sony PSPâ„¢.
The limited Edition comes with a drama CD, a settings illustration booklet and a set of post cards drawn by the game's illustrator.
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March 19th, 2009, 20:42 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

This is the tale of you and I who are brought up by this land.
The hugely popular farming simulation series continues on the Sony PSP
The stage is set in Sugar village which is threatened by Leisure Land Building Corporate. To reject the proposals of building large scale leisure facilities from interfering with the village's unique way of life, you have to enliven it with farming and livestock cultivation and create a better future for it.
There are 16 ways to rescue the village, follow all of the routes in this multi-story, multi-ending game. The end of the game is the start of your life, this game does not really end, for you are free to carry on developing your farm in peace after you have wrestled it from the hands of the corporation.
The best part of the farming simulation, the dating adventure is tightly interwoven into the fun. Send presents to the girls you like and win dates. Marry her when her affection level for you reaches a certain height, but beware, competitors for the girls' affections are in the village as well, stay on your guard and don't let them interfere.
Get involved in horse races with mounts from your stables and unearth minerals and crystals, there are loads of activities you can get into besides the usual farming. Immerse yourself totally into this cute adventure which you actually make something instead of breaking them.
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March 19th, 2009, 20:45 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

When first released as a PC game in 2005, Tomoyo After, the romance visual novel has become a big hit. A total of 70 thousand copies has been sold up until now.
To let you carry this interactive novel on your way to work or school or on trips, the game is ported, upgraded for the Sony PSP.
The story takes place after Clannad, and focuses on Okazaki Tomoya and Tomoyo. This tale is about the adhoc family they get during one summer vacation
Although the game is a romance adventure, it contains RPG elements as well, Takafumi, Tomoyo's younger brother is writing a game and you have to ace it to reach the next stage. Show that you are as adept at weapons as you are in wooing girls.
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March 19th, 2009, 21:24 Posted By: wraggster
Carlosgs has updated his entry in the Neoflash Coding comp:
Nickname: carlosgs
Project name: downPSP
Division: PSP APP
Original enter: Yes
Support motion: No
Old compo winner: Nope
First of all, hello, I'm carlosgs, and this is my first time in the Neoflash spring coding compo :-D
Please, If I am doing something wrong, contact me :-S
Project description:
downPSP is an app that I started in lua, but now I'm making it in C.
The best function of this app is that it's going to be able to download and install a lot of homebrew apps.
It looks for the homebrew database in psp.scenebeta.com
Right now it is not possible to download or install homebrew, but in a few weeks, it will.
I'm working in the cookie-based login of that website, I made that in the old lua version, so this time is easier ;-)
In the homebrew downloader, right now you can view the homebrew list (apps, games and emulators), and view a detailed description about each homebrew program.
You can also search in the list by pressing the "triangle" button (The games list
has more than 800 entries, so you'll probably need it ;-) )
Nevertheless, it has other functions like:
- Filebrowser with:
-PNG image viewer. With scrolling for large images.
-Simple text file viewer. With auto line-breaks :-D
-You can rename files with the "square" button.
-Simple searching with the "triangle" button.
-Detects file type, not only by the extension. For example, if you have an MP3 file without any extension, the program know that it is actually an MP3 file.
- Self updating through the network ;-)
- Options menu with:
-Select wether you want to show the initial splash or not.
-Show memory stick free space.
-Restore default config.
This project is right now very initial, I'm looking forward to add add more functions, like:
-In the filebrowser, show other image types, unRar files, run eboots, copy, move and delete files... etc.
-"Check Gmail" function (simple but useful). It would notify about new gmail messages (I'll use the gmail RSS feed ;-) )
-Probably, when I finish the scenebeta.com full support, I'll add support for other psp homebrew comunities.
How to install:
Download the RAR file:
UnRar and copy the downPSP_C folder to your /PSP/GAME/ folder.
- X select/view/change (only in the config menu)
- O back
- Triangle search (in homebrew list and in filebrowser)
- Square rename file (in filebrowser)
You need to have a wireless connection in order to view the homebrew lists and to use the network update
Version 210:
-Fully translated to english ;-) (except the scenebeta's news)
Version 209:
-NeoFlash Compo 2009 splash
-Percent bar in downloads
-Lots of bugs repaired in WLAN. VERY much stable
-Change of server (thanks to evoconsolas.com)
Version 208:
-Cool new skin
-Larger PNG images are supported
-More comfortable file manager
-Better file detecting system
Version 207:
-Read text files
-Scroll in large PNG images
-Rename files pressing square
-Shows MS free space
Version 206:
-Shows PNG images
-Improved splash
-Repaired WLAN bugs
Version 205:
-The actual version is shown
-Internal improvements
Version 204:
-Settings menu
-Improved New watcher
Version 203:
-Improved file browser
Version 202:
-Improved self updating function
Version 201:
-File browser
-Self updating function
I hope you enjoy this app ;-)
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March 19th, 2009, 21:33 Posted By: wraggster
Hotter has posted an entry in the Neoflash Coding comp:
Nickname: Hotter
Projet name: PSPconsole
From: Lithuania
Division: PSP APP
Original enter: YES
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
PSPconsole v1.3neo
Quickly see battery info.
Delete, cut, copy, rename, create, view properties of file/folder, set them hidden/read-only.
View text files.
Play C snake, Tetris, Pong.
Sort your games and homebreews.
Use calculator.
View calendar.
And all that you can do from XMB menu when you are listening music or watching videos.
In recovery menu disable VSH menu (Recovery Menu > Configuration > VSH Menu (disabled)), then copy "seplugins"
folder to psp card, if you already use some plugins dont overwrite vsh.txt, just add
"ms0:/seplugins/PSPconsole/PSPconsole.prx 1" in it. Turn off psp and then turn on.
Press select button to open PSPconsole.
Basic control:
SELECT - on/off menu; minimize;
SQUARE - save; options;
TRIANGLE - reset changes;
Good luck figuring out all menu control
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March 19th, 2009, 21:36 Posted By: wraggster
A_Noob has posted an entry in the Neoflash Coding comp:
Nickname: A_Noob (A_Nub)
Projet name: Gnar Pong
From: USA - California
Division: PSP GAME
Original enter: YES
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Pong clone with awesome effects!
Project description:
Play pong, but dont get distracted by the crazy background!
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March 19th, 2009, 21:38 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Epic Games says the Titan Pack expansion for Unreal Tournament 3 will be released free of charge on the PlayStation Network today.
That's according to lead designer Steve Polge, writing on the US PlayStation blog. The Titan Pack was expected earlier in March, but held back due to Sony's certification processes.
Inside the monster expansion are 19 maps, Greed and Betrayal game modes, the Titan mutator, the Link Station and X-Ray Field deployable items, Stinger Turret and Eradicator Cannon weapons, the Stealthbender vehicle, the Slow Field power-up and characters Kana and Nova.
That's on top of many extras added during a recent title update. These include split-screen support, an integrated mod browser, Trophies, visual and menu upgrades, AI improvements, better network performance and more mod support.
PC users can already download the content from FilePlanet; the Titan Pack won't be released on Xbox 360. Read more about it in our preview.
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March 19th, 2009, 21:45 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Naughty Dog's Richard Lemarchand has explained that ice and snow in Uncharted 2: Among Thieves will create the same impact water did in the original game.
Plenty of elbow grease has been applied to get the weather up to scratch, he said, so it will not only look nice but also affect gameplay.
"We've spent a lot of time focused on the distinctive look that snow has as it falls and is blown by the wind, and of course on the way in which Drake leaves footprints as he trudges through the snowdrifts in the Himalayan mountains that he ventures to," Lemarchand told IGN. "When he's out in the snow he'll accumulate a layer of snowflakes on his clothes and in his hair, which will slowly thaw when he gets back inside, under cover.
"Ice reflects light in a way that cleverly mimics the sub-surface scattering that goes on inside a chunk of frozen water, and gives it a look of incredible volume and density.
"We have a few more tricks up our sleeves, too," he added. "We don't want to give away all our secrets - you'll have to use your imagination to figure out all the ways in which we might use sub-zero temperatures in the service of gameplay! One thing I will say is that if you've ever tried to fight an intense cover-based gun battle against a vicious enemy in the middle of a Force Ten snowstorm, then you'll appreciate how complicated the reduced visibility can make things for combatants on both sides."
Naughty Dog reckons Uncharted 2 will use nearly all the power of PlayStation 3. Particular attention has been poured into allowing Nathan Drake to shoot and fight while climbing or travelling on moving objects, allowing much greater freedom than before.
"On top of that, we're planning on adding several features to the game that will increase replayability and extend the gameplay experience for everyone," added Lemarchand. "We'll be revealing those features at a later date, so hold tight for more info!"
Naughty Dog has yet to date Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, but has shown screenshots and videos to placate the mob.
Those can be found, with other news, on our Uncharted 2: Among Thieves gamepage.
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March 19th, 2009, 21:48 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
If you've not been convinced by Home yet, this should give you a reason to check it out. Capcom's awesome-looking Resident Evil 5 updates will be arriving on March 26, according to reports.
As well as the outdoor area (taken directly from the game) we showed in previous reports, the Resi 5 space will also include a Photo Studio, in which players can take part in a multiplayer mini-game, winning free Home rewards as they go.
Inside the Studio you will find a new shop, called the Adam shop, where you'll be able to buy costumes themed on the game's main characters Chris and Sheva. Sounds cool.
Also coming on the 26th are SFIV items based on E. Honda, Zangief, Dhalsim, and Blanka, say reports.
We've contacted Capcom for official confirmation.
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March 19th, 2009, 21:48 Posted By: wraggster
GlennNZ has posted an entry in the Neoflash Coding comp:
Nickname: justinlatimer & GlennNZ
Projet name: Apollonia 0.03N
From: New Zealand
Division: PSP GAME
Original enter: Yes
Support Motion: No (tried and failed)
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: No
Apollonia is a tribute to the old Strike series, but with the final goal of adding new elements to make the game play more epic (not there yet though).
Project description:
Fly your helicopter (Apollonia) on missions to seek out and destroy enemy forces before they cause havoc.
* Triangle: Take off/land
* Circle: Guns
* Cross: Hydras
* Square: Hellfires
* Start: Menu
* Joystick/D-Pad: forward, back, rotate.
* Triggers: strafe.
* Landing at the Helipad will refuel and rearm your helicopter
* There is a different control scheme available in the options menu where triggers can be used to rotate. If using this alternate scheme, a flying hint is to primarily use the joystick to move forward and back and rotate with the triggers. Leave the D-Pad alone.
* Apollonia 0.03N is the same as the 0.03 version released on 16/3, which the exception of the NEO splash screen.
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March 19th, 2009, 21:57 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Sega's Yakuza 3 has done something few PS3 games before it have achieved: made it into the Media Create Japanese top ten three weeks in a row. Sure enough, the game is one of the best selling PS3 games yet. In fact, it just crossed the half million mark in shipped units, Sega announced today.
Yakuza 3 was first released on February 26. Following months of furious promotions from Sega that covered everything from traditional print and television ads to wilder tie-ups involving beef bowl shops and suntan spas, the game debuted at number one in its first week, with over 370,000 units sold. With Resident Evil 5 and Warriors Orochi Z following closely, the game has fallen since the opening week, but continues to remain in the top ten.
Sega also announced today that the Yakuza series as a whole has topped the 3.2 million mark. This figure includes sales both within Japan and throughout the world.
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March 19th, 2009, 23:07 Posted By: wraggster
Bill Blake has updated scummVM for PS3 Linux:
ScummVM is an interpreter that will play graphic adventure games written for LucasArts' SCUMM virtual machine (such as Day of the Tentacle and Monkey Island), Sierra's AGI adventures (such as early King's Quest and Space Quest games), Adventure Soft's Simon the Sorcerer 1, 2 and Feeble Files, Revolution Software's Beneath a Steel Sky and Broken Sword 1 and 2, Interactive Binary Illusions' Flight of the Amazon Queen, Coktel Vision's Gobliiins, Wyrmkeep's Inherit the Earth, Westwood's Legend of Kyrandia, and various others.
- Update to 0.13.0 / Rebuild for YDL 6.1
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March 19th, 2009, 23:09 Posted By: wraggster
Bill Blake has updated d2x-rebirth for PS3 Linux:
This is the port of Descent 2, the famous 3D game for PC. D2X is based on source code that was released the 14 December 1999 by Parallax Software Corporation. To use this package you'll need some datafiles installed in /usr/share/games/descent2. See INSTALL.txt.
- Update to v0.55.1 for YDL 6.1 / PS3
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March 19th, 2009, 23:16 Posted By: wraggster
EA Sports announced today that NCAA Football 10 launch on July 14 for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 2 and PSP. The release touts "new online modes" that "push the bar on innovation."
It also mentions Season Showdown, a new mode that allows players to pick a favorite school and show their support in a "nationwide competition." Credits will be earned in-game, as well as in "web-based games" that can then be spent in Season Showdown to show support. Your guess is as good as ours as to what that actually means.
Each week ncaafootball10.com will post blogs, news, features, and videos that will lead up to the eventual launch of NCAA Football 10 on July 14. Just as last season, different athletes will be featured on every cover of the game.
Other, smaller features of NCAA Football 10 include field goal nets, flags waving in the wind, and camera flashes in the crowd during pivotal moments.
Watch for NCAA Football 10 to hit store shelves in Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 2 and PSP flavors on July 14.
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March 19th, 2009, 23:27 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from bboyjcm
The project was stareted by Mr.Game a long time ago.... (in 2006)
I found this game pretty nice and thats why i decided to continue Mr.Game's work.
It's a normal top view paintball game. The 2 players shoot at each other. Each hit can equal 1 or 2 points. That depends if you got a good hit on the other player. Once someone gets to 10 then the game is over.
Here is the changelog:
||||+ Game Menus:
~Main Menu
~Map Selection Menu
~End Of The Game Menu
||||+ 5 Maps In Total
~The old one
~4 New
||||+ New GFX
~Eboot Icon
~Eboot Background
~Player Models With Transperency
||||+ Compatible With Both PSP Phat & PSP Slim
||||+ Readme & Changelog files are now included
||||+ Some Bug Fixes
||||+ Loading is now functional
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March 19th, 2009, 23:35 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Torch:
The various Lockdown applications were getting out of hand so from this update I've consolidated them into a single Pack.
========================= =================
Lockdown Pack 2 Changelog
========================= =================
Lockdown XMB Style updated to v4.1
Fixed a critical bug where a new installation of Lockdown XMB Style would hang after entering a new password for the first time.
Lockdown unchanged at v4.0
Lockdown In-Game unchanged at v2.0
Lockdown allows you to password protect your PSP from prying eyes.
You can also protect the Recovery Menu so that the protection can't be bypassed at all.
Lockdown XMB Style uses the XMB Wave as the background, and is only for the PSP Slim.
Big time thanks to Dark_Alex for his VLF library, without which Lockdown XMB Style would have been impossible. Also thanks for adding the Plugins Disable feature in 5.00M33-2
Lockdown In-Game will require you to enter a password when you resume your PSP from suspend mode. Useful to prevent other people from messing up your progress if you put the PSP in suspend during a game.
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March 19th, 2009, 23:39 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from BenHur
intraFont 0.31 is out
With this update it's possible to print a string with characters that are stored in different font files. I.e. you can mix latin, japanese, chinese, korean and symbol characters as you like. This is done by setting an alternative font with intraFontSetAltFont(). The alternative font is used in case the main font does not contain a certain glyph. (If you want to mix more than two fonts: you can set another alternative font for the alternative font and so on...)
intraFont 0.31 is also smaller than previous versions: libccc (the character code conversion library used by intraFont) is now able to decompress and use the firmwares own character code conversion tables. Decompression is done with the help of libLZR 0.11, which was released yesterday.
Finally, intraFont 0.31 fixes a bug in intraFontMeasureTextUCS2( ) that was introduced in version 0.30.
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March 19th, 2009, 23:44 Posted By: wraggster
news via psphacks
NoEffex dropped me a note yesterday concerning a new project from developer Murderface. Paying homage to NitePR is the new CodePR: “…it’s focused on what’s useful, what’s handy, what’s fast…†And Murderface is no doubt a man of his word. Check it out and enjoy cheating all your favourite PSP titles with ease.
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March 20th, 2009, 17:09 Posted By: wraggster
pspflashsystem has posted an entry in the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Hi everybody,
Nickname: pspflashsystem
Projet name: prxutility++
From: France
Division: PSP APP
Original enter: YES
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Release 7.0:
* prxutility++ v.7.0 by pspflashsystem *
* *
* Visit my website: *
* http://www.pspgen.com/~pspflashsystem/ *
* *
* *
* update: 19/03/2009 *
**********************Principe:******************* ***
From 30%, the led will flash slowly,
form 20%, the led will flash less slowly,
form 10%, the led will flash fast,
and from 5%, the led will flash faster.
**********************Last versions of prxutility++:**********************
###VERSION 1.0:###
With a combination of Key, you can:
-turn of the PSP
-reboot the PSP
-Set in sleep mode the PSP
-put the backlight on maximum
-put the backlight on minimum.
N.B: all combinations are detailled in an help menu.
Press L to display this menu.
###VERSION 2.0:###
-The Help menu is now accessible when you press L+NOTE and will disappear after some moments
-You can now acces a menu to have informations on your battery.
You can see the CPU and the BUS in this menu too.
Press NOTE+ VOLUP to acces this menu.
-Minor bugfixes.
###VERSION 3.0:###
-More informations in the battery menu:
* information Mac adress of your PSP.
* information on WLAN of PSP (possibility to know if WLAN button is ON or OFF and
if the WLAN operating normally)
* information on your motherboard(if it is a TA-79/81/82/86/85 or 85 V2 but for the TA-85 V2, I haven't got a PSP with this motherboard so I can't check if it runs.)
- You can personalize the menus with a new file.
- You can change buttons in a file called pspflashsystem.system located in "ms0:/SEPLUGINS/prxutility++/pspflashsystem.system".
N.B: * Default buttons to acces Help Menu are L+NOTE
* Default Buttons to acces information menu are NOTE+VOUP
* Use the "notepad" to open this configuration file
* All is detailled in this confguration file spflashsystem.system
- Fixed bug that caused affchage texts overlap when going from one menu to another
- Amelioration of the presentation of the information menu.
###VERSION 4.0:###
- compatibility with 4.01 M33 firmware
- Possibility to take screenshots (bmp format) with L+Home button (the screenshots will be save in ms0:/PICTURE/prxutility++shot)
- Now, when you acces to Help Menu, XMB will be blocked to avoid slowdown.
- Fixed some bugs
N.B: Graphics will be added soon.
###VERSION 5.0:###
* Code optimized
* Compatibilty with 4.01 M33 and 5.00 M33
* Changing location and configuration file name that allows you tu customize the two buttons to quit or display menus : now present in "ms0:/SEPLUGINS/prxutility++/configuration/prxutility++.ini"
* Changes at features adding :
- Reduce gradually backlight
- Increase gradually backlight
- Reduce CPU/BUS speed (following all values in vshmenu)
- Increase CPU/BUS speed (following all values in vshmenu)
- 2 modes integrated : "Preserving PSP Battery"
* When you active Hold : CPU and BUS speed becomes 65/28 MHz, and PSP screen is turned off,
Back light desactivated and buttons blocked
* With a buttons combo(here NOTE + START): CPU and bus speed becomes 65/28 MHz, PSP screen is turned off,
backlight desactivated but Ability to use XMB for listening musics and preserve your battery...
- Ability to customize your PSP (5.00 M33 and higher) by Memory Stick whithout modificate Flash0.
*Compatible Files for now:
osk_plugin_500.rco;if you are in 5.00 M33
* Tutorial :
Create a folder named "theme" at the root of Memory Stick
Put theme files(only those are compatible )in this folder;
* prxutility++ check if files are present at PSP Boot to avoid bugs
* If you are in 4.01 M33 you can use this functionality but not put the file " osk_plugin_500.rco " in the dir " theme " because PSP can freeze and crash
* Changes in information menu:
- prxutility++ now detect almost motherboards :
TA-079 v1
TA-079 v2
TA-079 v3
TA-085 v1
TA-085 v2
TA-088 v1
- Display if you have Fat or Slim model
- Display your PSP tachyon model in hexadecimal
- Display your PSP baryon model in hexadecimal
- Integration of a button tester with the hexadecimal value of the pressed button and his name
- Display X positition of the analog
- Display Y positition of the analog
- All informations are in real time 
* Changes in module "batalert":
- Now between 0 % and 5 % there is a visual alert which blinking and informs you about the charge level of your battery
* New menu : Configuration menu
- Ability to adjust blinking speed in seconds following battery level
between 30 and 20%;
between 20 and 10%;
between 10 and 5%;
between 5 and 0%;
- Ability to change language of prxutility++ (who affects configuration menu and help menu but for now not the information menu)
- Ability to delete the history and authentification informations of Web Brower
- Ability to change the two buttons to exit or display the menu by modifying the file pspflashsystem.ini (located in "ms0:/SEPLUGINS/prxutility++/configuration/prxutility++.ini")
- Display Memory Stick's Free Space
- Information about User Partition's memory
- Information about kernel Partition's memory
- When you're in this menu, buttons are blocked for a more confortable navigation in the configuration menu
* Changes in graphics:
- High improvent of the font (thanks to Darko79 for his header and for helping)
- The title (prxutility++...) "blink" now
- The configuration menu is framed for a better readability
* Bugs Fixes:
- If we hold SCREEN button the PSP doesn't freeze now
- Now when the backlight is desactivated the information menu exits automatically to not overload PSP's memoryP
- Menus and features run faster now
- prxutility++ check, to prevent bugs, if traduction and customisation files are present in their respectives folders
- Ability to use a single customizable button to display menus(for more informations, read prxutility++.ini)
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March 20th, 2009, 17:12 Posted By: wraggster
pspflashsystem has posted an entry in the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: pspflashsystem
Projet name: asterSpace3D
From: France
Division: PSP GAME
Original enter: YES
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Release 1.0:
How to play:
Your goal is to escape, to dodge some asteroids to join your planet: it seems the Earth because you recolt a lot of important information about the possibility of traces of water in an unknown planet. For this, use the joystick (or the D-pad) to move your spaceship and if you have enough munitions you can press cross to send asteroids touched in a black hole.
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March 20th, 2009, 17:16 Posted By: wraggster
Slasher has posted an entry in the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: Slasher
Project name: Asterz V1.2
From: Ontario, Canada
Division: PSP GAME
Original enter: YES
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Asterz is a shoot-em-up space game partly inspired by the classic hit game "Asteroids", originally released in 1979 by Atari. As you begin to start playing Asterz you'll find that this game primarily involves:
#1 – Dodge the incoming asteroids and enemy ships.
#2 – Destroy the incoming asteroids and enemy ships.
#3 – Pick up the dropped powerups to increase your ammo or give your ship an extra boost.
and #4 - Don't die!
I hope that this formula makes for some fast paced addictive and fun gameplay.
~ Changelog ~
Asterz Version 1.2
- Spring Neoflash Competition Version
- New fast shooter powerup added
- New asteroid that breaks into pieces
- Message background looks more pleasant
- Arcade mode is no longer an unlockable
- Complete controls overhaul
- Lives added instead of just health
- Various subtle changes
A Team Duck Production
Lead Programmer: Slasher
Programming & Support: Xigency
3d Models: Cablekevin
Graphics: Ubersheep
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March 20th, 2009, 17:19 Posted By: wraggster
TheUnderminer has posted an entry in the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: The Underminer
Projet name: Crazy Gravity Portable
From: The Netherlands
Division: PSP GAME
Original enter: Yes
Support Motion: No
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: No
This game is based on Crazy Gravity for the PC by Axel Meierhöfer.
He gave written permission to me to use the sounds and graphics of the original game.
Project description:
You are the captain of a freight shuttle on a far away moon base. Crazy gravity rules the place. Your objective is to move cargo from their platforms to your homebase; avoiding obstacles like cannons,magnets and one-way gates.
Interface (from left to right,see screenshot)
- lives (top,semi transparant)
- cargo waiting to be shipped
- cargo you are carrying
- Color keys you have collected (opens Color Gates)
- Fuel
- your time / time to beat
- landing indicator (green:safe,yellow: warning,red: slow down or crash)
Due to the flu I could only complete 3 levels, but they are pretty challenging.
Note: the levels for PC are sadly not supported. All levels were made with the included level editor (for psp, included in game).
The lua (pge) source code is open and included in the download
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March 20th, 2009, 17:25 Posted By: wraggster
Walar has posted an entry in the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: Walar
Projet name: Ragdoll Cannon v2.11
From: France
Division: PSP GAME
Original enter: YES
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Ragdoll cannon is a PSP clone of the flash game with the same name
Project description:
Shoot the ragdoll guy from the cannon.
Hit the target to go to the next level.
Try to make as little shots as possible, like in golf.
When new levels are unlock in campaign mode, you can replay them in "play" mode.
Levels are lua scripts so new levels can be make easier
Update v1.8 -> 2.1
- now levels can be make with xml files
- 13 levels added (11 in "campaign" mode and 2 in "play" mode)
Update v2.1 -> 2.11
- "Swap Force/Angle Controls" in "Options" Menu added for MK2K ^^
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March 20th, 2009, 21:37 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
According to MTV Multiplayer, the PlayStation Network Bandwidth Fee Sony charges for content downloads could have publishers thinking twice about what downloadable content they offer on the PlayStation 3.
The PlayStation Network Bandwidth Fee, instituted on October 1st of last year, charges game publishers 16 cents per gigabyte of free and paid content download via the PlayStation Network, which presumably helps Sony cover the cost of the bandwidth. The fee only covers the first 60 days of downloads for free content, while paid content accrues fees until the content is removed from the service.
While 16 cents may not sound like much, as MTV Multiplayer points out, a one gigabyte demo downloaded one million times equals an additional $160,000 a publisher has to pay Sony, on top of licensing fees to get their games on the PlayStation 3 in the first place. Needless to say, publishers aren't too happy about the fee.
"It definitely makes us think about how we view the distribution of content related to our games when it is free for us to do it on the web, on Xbox Live, or any other way - including broadcast - than on Sony's platform," one publishing source said. "It's a new thing we have to budget. It's not cool. It sucks."
The whole story has been uncovered by the folks over at MTV Multiplayer, whose request for comment from Sony on the policy were declined, garnering only an assurance from Sony Computer Entertainment America spokesman Patrick Seybold that the quality of content on the PlayStation Network wouldn't be affected.
"Of course we work closely with (publishers) to bring their amazing content to our growing audience, and we are focused on ensuring we, and our publishing partners, have a viable platform for digital distribution. We foresee no change in the high quality or quantity of demos and games available on PSN."
So is this the cost of the PlayStation 3 maintaining free online as opposed to the Xbox 360's subscription fees, or a result of Sony's overall financial problems? As of right now there's no way to tell. All we can do, as MTV Multiplayer suggests, is keep an eye on what DLC shows up on the PlayStation Network, and hope publishers don't start holding things back in response to the unpopular new policy.
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March 20th, 2009, 21:41 Posted By: Shrygue
via Gamedaily
The PS3's current price has been a subject of constant debate among industry analysts. Rumors of price cuts have been flying fast and wild of late, many of which see a price drop in the next month or two. Speaking to GameDaily BIZ in an interview, SCEA's Senior VP of Marketing Peter Dille sees not a high price in the PS3, but high value.
"I think it's already well publicized that we have a very clear objective from our parent, Sony Corp., that we're to focus on a profit objective, and with those marching orders it limits the playbook when it comes to pricing and promotion," expressed Dille. "Our competition had a very aggressive pricing strategy, but they also were packing two, three, four games in with the unit weekend to weekend with different retailers, and that cost a lot of money. So we had a profit goal and they had a market share goal. We've had a very successful year; we had record revenues across our three platforms last year, and our PS3 business was up 40 percent, notwithstanding the tough climate. So we've really focused on changing the conversation away from price and trying to communicate the value inherent in the PS3."
"I think when people start doing the apples-to-apples comparison, and see what PS3 can do, and see the value of Blu-ray, and what free online and free wi-fi with a hard drive in every box really means, it resonates," he added. "I think people are gravitating to it and we've got a lot of momentum with the launch of Killzone 2 – we're seeing a nice upsurge in our business. What we set out to do at Destination PlayStation (DPS) was to articulate our plans and lay out the road map, communicating our great software lineup. Some people probably were coming into DPS skeptical about what our plans really were, and I would venture to say that certainly all the retail partners I met with and all the publishing partners were really fired up about the year ahead for PS3.
"We also have to work hard to gain our consumers' trust and make them comfortable that when they buy a PS3, it's going to stand the test of time. The fact of the matter is we're the only console manufacturer that's ever launched a product that's had a 10-year life-cycle. And we've done that now not once, but twice. One of the great things about the PS3 is that if you buy it today you can be confident it's going to be the centerpiece of your entertainment for the next 10 years. Economically, that's a great value."
"Yes, in tough times people think twice about discretionary spending, but we also know people spend for value. They are looking for things that will last before they spend the money. We believe that plays right into our strengths," he noted.
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March 20th, 2009, 21:44 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Idol Minds has released a patch enabling PAIN players to battle against each other online.
It's free, according to the US PlayStation blog, and supports both voice and text chat.
Idol Minds also tells us the premium Smack Pack DLC will arrive soon. This adds Darts and Fortress game modes playable in any of the existing areas: Movie Studio, Amusement Park, Downtown. Props will change depending on the level chosen.
Darts is darts, but with multiple bullseyes and obstacles to avoid. Earn big points by grabbing other players or bombs en route to the board.
Fortress can be played by four people, each occupying a floating fortress guarded by pre-picked defences. These can be as ludicrous as flying toasters, and need to intercept destructive missiles lobbed by others. Causing destruction increases points while taking damage decreases points. Players with scores reduced to zero are eliminated.
There is no exact date or price for the Smack Pack yet.
PAIN launched on PSN exactly a year ago today, and was the most popular downloadable game on PS3 last year.
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March 20th, 2009, 21:49 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
The downloadable version of SOCOM: Confrontation launched on the European PlayStation Store yesterday, along with PowerUp Forever, the PSone's Silent Hill and downloadable content for Call of Duty: World at War and Midnight Club: Los Angeles.
SOCOM, then, costs GBP 19.99 or EUR 29.99 depending on the ground under your feet, although whether you'll feel like paying that is another matter. PowerUp Forever is somewhat cheaper at GBP 6.29 / EUR 7.99 and took a bow on Xbox Live Arcade late last year. Silent Hill, of course, requires no introduction, although you might like to know it's GBP 3.99 / EUR 4.99.
The Call of Duty: World at War map pack - reviewed later today - is GBP 7.99 / EUR 9.99, which is also what you will have to pay for the premium version of Midnight Club: Los Angeles' South Central add-on - although you can download the map extension for free.
Elsewhere there's the Street Fighter IV Shadaloo Pack for GBP 3.19 / EUR 3.99, featuring alternative costumes for the bosses - M. Bison, Balrog, Vega, Sagat and Seth - and yet another LittleBigPlanet costume pack, this time allowing you to dress up as a Helghast trooper for GBP 2.39 / EUR 2.99.
Elsewhere elsewhere, Sony is starting to seriously fill out the PSP end of the shop with downloadable games formerly sold on UMD, with all of the following arriving at GBP 14.99 / EUR 19.99: SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo, Twisted Metal Head-On, Splinter Cell Essentials, Everybody's Golf and Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters.
There's also the option to buy Spinout (GBP 7.99 / EUR 9.99) and Resistance: Retribution, which is also available on UMD today. And, once again, we're forced to point out that the RRP-hugging GBP 24.99 / EUR 39.99 Sony wants for the download is a bit stiff next to the 18 quid you can find it for on Amazon or Play.
Finally, there's lots of gunk for Rock Band and Guitar Hero, which we got bored of reporting ages ago. Sorry.
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March 20th, 2009, 21:49 Posted By: wraggster
pront0 has posted an entry in the Neoflash Coding Contest:
pag3 - make your own website today
for more information visit : http://pag3.parabella.org
Nickname: Pront0
Project name: pag3
Division: PSP APP
Original enter: Yes
Support motion: No
Old compo winner: No
From: Germany
Project description:
pag3 is a small but very complex html editor for PSP.
You can make your own website without html knowlege.
pag3 has been developed particularly for Neoflash coding competition!
How to install:
Put the dictionary "pag3" into ms0:/PSP/GAME/
thx to:
Bumuckl,Joshi,Mastertryce,Viper,Shoesy,wer wo was,neoflash.com,parabella.org,pspsource.de
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March 20th, 2009, 23:39 Posted By: wraggster
Shaolan has posted an entry in the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Hi , 6 month ago, I have released DAPESv3.0.1, two weeks ago , i have begun a new DAPES release "from scratch"
Nickname: Shaolan,Elesthor
Project name: DAPESi
Division: PSP APP
Original enter: Yes
Support motion: No
Old compo winner: No
From: French
Project description APESi (Drawing And Picture Editing Software Improved
) is a paint - like improved, he uses a lua library created for the occassion,and which can be re-use from all other people : Lua Widget Library , which allow you to make Graphics interface simply as possible
Function in this alpha release :
- New file
- Color selection
- Pen
- Zoom
- Fiil
How to install:
Put the directory "DAPESi" into ms0:/PSP/GAME/
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March 21st, 2009, 00:18 Posted By: wraggster
Bill Blake has released an updated game for PS3linux:
MegaMario is a clone of a well know platform game, featuring 25 new levels. In the game you play Mario and your task is to free his brother Luigi, who was captured by the evil Bowser.
- Fix filename problem (change slidebar.png to slidebar.PNG)
- New upstream release 1.6
- src dir changed to src_game; patched makefile accordingly
- Grabbed these missing files from 1.5 release:
- spiny.cpp turtle.cpp unixutils.c unixutils.h
- "High quality" mp3 music doesn't play properly on PS3; not included
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March 21st, 2009, 00:19 Posted By: wraggster
Continuing the momentum established last month at Destination PlayStation (DPS), Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) today announced the newest games to achieve Greatest Hits status for PSP (PlayStation Portable) system.
This outstanding selection of 10 best-selling first and third party titles will be available starting on April 5 for $19.99 (MSRP), delivering great value to PSP owners. The titles included showcase the depth and breadth of content available on the platform. From Patapon, which appeals to the casual player, to God of War: Chains of Olympus, which caters to a more hardcore audience, this variety of content sets the stage for what will be an impressive year for PSP software. With more than 100 titles launching in 2009 – including the PSP debut of hit franchises such as LittleBigPlanet and MotorStorm in brand new games built from the ground up for the platform – PSP fans have a lot to be excited about.
By offering this exceptional list of Greatest Hits games at such an affordable price point, SCEA again proves its committment to delivering the best possible value and content to consumers, while demonstrating the diverse entertainment experience offered on PSP system.
PSP Greatest Hits Lineup
Fight Night Round 3 (EA)
God of War: Chains of Olympus (SCEA)
Medal of Honor Heroes 2 (EA)
Mortal Kombat: Unchained (Midway)
Patapon (SCEA)
SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs: Tactical Strike (SCEA)
Sonic Rivals 2 (Sega)
SpongeBob SquarePants: The Yellow Avenger (THQ)
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 (Ubisoft)
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas (Ubisoft)
Since the PSP system's North American debut in 2005, 50 million units of hardware and 200 million units of software have been sold worldwide*. Entering its fifth year on the market, the PSP system is poised for a breakout year in 2009.
*Hardware sales figure as of January 2009; software sales figure as of December 2008
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March 21st, 2009, 12:23 Posted By: wraggster
Luma has posted an entry in the Neoflash Coding Contest:

Nickname: LuMa
Projet name : Tibia for PSP
From : Germany
Division : PSP Game
Original enter : Yes
Support Motion : No
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: No
Now it is time to release a second version of my RPG-TibiaClone . As the title indicates, the name was changed now from TibiaforPSP to TibiaPSP.There aren't all the important points, which were planned for this version to be implemented like the Save/Load-function,because i hadn't enough time. Also an Online-Mode is obviously not finished yet, which is certainly need some more time.But there are many new things:
New Map (116 * 55 fields) + 5 Quests
Added 4 creaturetypes (total 5)
Added 16 weapons and items (total 20)
Added 3 Spells (total 5)
New in-game MP3 player (reads MP3's from MUSIC-folder)
Added choice between 4 character types (Knight, Paladin, Sorcerer, Druid)
Added a few options (change the background / Hotkeys)
Added approximately 100 new landscape objects (mushrooms, plants, bushes, stones ...)
Added Level + Experience
Added Neoflash-Logo
Some bugs fixed
And many little things ...
Now for the hotkeys:
In the menu
Up / down direction keys
Select with X
In the game
Movement of the figure with the direction buttons
On / Off page menu with SELECT
Move the mouse pointer with a joystick
LOOK / USE function with R-Hold + X
Lifting of arms by the USE function (pointer to gun -> R-Hold + X -> Click to USE)
Healing spell with L-Hold + Triangle
Fire Attack with L-Hold + Circle
Energy Attack with R-Hold + L-Hold + square
Poison Attack with R-Hold + L-Hold + Circle
SuddenDeth with L-Hold + Square
Creature attack by clicking on creature (with the mouse cursor ^ ^)
Eating by clicking on Food
Screenshot with R-Hold + START
MP3 player ON / OFF with START
Pause with Hold
For the next version, I plan a slightly longer time (between 1-2 month) ,because I had planned for this a lot. (Map Editor, Homepage, And of course, further development of the game ...)
If there is someone who would like to help me with the map editor, can send me an e-mail (LuMa_PSP@web.de) (programming skills needed!!!).
Yours sincerely,
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March 21st, 2009, 12:28 Posted By: wraggster
Digikid13 has posted an entry in the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: Digikid13
Projet name: Pong v0.5
From: USA
Division: PSP GAME
Original enter: Yes
Support Motion: No
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: No
Just the same ol' pong with a few modifications.
Project description:
Pong with a few extras like music, wave backround, ball speed change, etc.
You can play be your slef or with someone on the same psp. I made three modes, Normal - Which is just like normal old pong, Fast - With every hit on the wall or the paddle the ball speeds up, and WallBall - The AI is replaced by a wall, the point is to survive for as long as you can.
Thank you for reading this hope you have fun, please post any comments here about the game.
~Fixed splash screen.
~Fixed Single and Multi-Player ball speed selector, Now uses OSK.
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March 21st, 2009, 12:29 Posted By: wraggster
edepot has posted an entry in the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: edepot
Project name: Agenaworld 1.7
Division: PSP GAME
Original enter: No
Support Motion: No
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: No
Project description:
I was tinkering with a new system of proportional fonts and double buffering for full screen TV display since last submission: and it worked pretty well for this game.
How to install: Unrar the file, and move the whole "Agenaworld" folder inside the agenaworld.rar to /PSP/GAME/ directory of your memory stick.
Do try this game out on your TV.
What you should do: look at the radar on the right side and try to go to the purple dot. Then press triangle when you are on it. Use this method to reach other galaxies (you should be able to visit a lot of them).
I have been quite occupied, but I think I can squeeze in a Full 3D version for the next compo.
(if you downloaded too soon, try it again as it was being uploaded. everything should be fine now)
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March 21st, 2009, 12:32 Posted By: wraggster
Teamsushi has posted an entry in the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: HardHat / teamsushi
Project name: TimeTrainer
From: Canada
Division: PSP APP
Original enter: YES
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Well, after submitting Sushi Rubik to NeoFlash last spring, I got a couple of requests for a tool that would be useful to speed cubists. It could also help cup stacking enthuasists too. The nature of speed cubing is to mix a cube and then time how long it takes to solve it, after inspecting the cube.
In competitions, they do 5 cube trials and exclude the best and worst time, then take the average. For training though, the recommended practice is to do 12 trials, exclude the best and worst time, then show the average. Over time, you hopefully get better.
This tool allows you to track all of the time for a cup stacker or speed cubist, and record the results into a file.
- generate random cube mix with 25 moves, mathematically proven to generate any possible cube configuration
- easy to use cube timing buttons
- show 12 most recent times on an on screen
- show average of the 12 most recent times excluding best and worst
- all times available in a scrollable history
- save current 12 solve history to a file for later review
- remove mistake solve times from the history a "pop" feature
- redo time of any solve in the history
Read the readme file for all of the details, or follow the online prompts. The most important thing is to press both triggers to start (or restart) the timer, and any arrow on the d-pad to stop
Change log:
Version 0.6
- added graphing
- updated splash screen
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March 21st, 2009, 13:40 Posted By: wraggster

You've got to love it, don't you? Just a day after we caught wind of Logitech's Harmony Adapter for PlayStation 3 (via the always informative FCC), the aforesaid company has come forward and confessed to its plans. The good news is that the adapter is for real, and while we're still not being told too much about the device itself, we do know that it will operate with any Harmony remote and it won't take up a USB port on your console. In other words, it's a simple Infrared-to-Bluetooth converter, though it promises to give Harmony remote users "complete control (including power on / off) over the movie-watching experience on a PS3." We're pleading for more information on pricing and availability, but until that's received, just enjoy your weekend knowing that you'll be able to buy one soon enough.
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March 21st, 2009, 16:10 Posted By: wraggster
Remember the world before the PlayStation Home open beta launched? You may, because it looked a lot like the world after PlayStation Home launched. Still, Sony has some numbers they'd like to share with you:
The Facts: PlayStation Home now has 4 million registered users. Those users spend an average of 55 minutes on Home per visit.
The Truth: Registered users are not active users. I'm a registered user of PS Home, but I haven't used the service once since our original tour...for which I spent well over an hour logged in. But with these numbers Sony can still say, that guy, Mark Wilson, he's a great customer! He's a registered user! He spends about an hour online every time he loads Home! I mean, he's only come by this one time. But it was great! He wore shorts!
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March 21st, 2009, 16:52 Posted By: wraggster
What would a Nippon Ichi remake be without loads and loads of cameos? With only a week until Disgaea 2: Dark Hero Days comes out in Japan they announced what fans suspected. Three characters from Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice will be unlockable super bosses in Disgaea 2: Dark Hero Days. Level up your characters and get ready to fight Mao, Raspberyl, and Mr. Champloo to make them join your party.
Captain Gordon from Disgaea: Hour of Darkness is another playable character. He’s also affected by the magichange system, a move that turns monsters into weapons. When Captain Gordon transforms he becomes a powerful sword Adell or another character can use.
In case you haven’t been keeping up on the Disgaea 2: Dark Hero Days cameo list here’s a quick list: Lord Zetta, Prier, Mid Boss, Marjoly, Prism Red, Asagai, Captain Gordon, Mao, Raspberyl, and Mr. Champloo.
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March 21st, 2009, 20:23 Posted By: wraggster
The PSP Emulator for windows written in java has had a new svn release.
This fixes a UMD Drive issue
This release is compatible with many games but sadly no list of what is compatible.
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March 21st, 2009, 21:21 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from zeroXorXdieXskater
Smash My PSP! is a game in which you use different weapons and tools to destroy and decorate your PSP's main menu.
This game features the ability to switch between different "weapons" to "decorate" your XMB.
You can also change the background or put your own in so you can change it up a bit.
Of course you can also make a screenshot of your masterpiece with ease.
The foundation for this game is basically finished, further releases will most likely feature weapon and background updates.
I decided to release this right now because spring break is almost over and im going to have little time to work on this.
v2.0 changelog
-added analog support
-cleaned up folders
-easy to add your own custom backgrounds
-added Patapon 2 screenshot
-added Pop Bean minigame to backgrounds thanks GinoD
-alien and splatter and now in weapons
-machine gun from Desktop Destroyer is now in weapons
To download the game click the link belwow
Dont forget to read the readme file included
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March 21st, 2009, 21:24 Posted By: wraggster
News via psphacks
If you’ve ever been curious as to what’s happening behind the scenes when downloading games from the PSN Store, check out RainMotorsports’ PSPi for Windows.
Connect your hand held via USB and ensure a memory stick is inserted; PSPi executes the same commands the PSN downloader would, as well returning the query results so you can see exactly what’s what.
New Features:
Manual SCSI Command Entry
Output now SCSI Buffer max of 65536 Bytes
Removable Drive Detection (I have yet to implement actual psp detection in this app)
Hex editor style plain text output
ANSI or Unicode Text Output Display
New Warnings (Format and manual commands)
Things to Know:
Commands are in HEX
Information type SCSI Queries will fail if the output isn’t set high enough
Command type SCSI Queries may fail if byte length is greater than 0
PSP Commands appear to be 10 Byte and Byte 2 is usually 00
Byte 1 is the Query/Command while following bytes are parameters
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March 21st, 2009, 21:27 Posted By: wraggster
News via psphacks
NoEffex dropped me a note yesterday concerning a new project from developer Murderface. Paying homage to NitePR is the new CodePR: “…it’s focused on what’s useful, what’s handy, what’s fast…†And Murderface is no doubt a man of his word.
CodePR 0.8.6 Update:
Split into 2 versions, a phat psp version, and a slim psp version. The increased cheat allowance made in the last version was causing massive bugs to phat psp users, and occasional problems for slim users as well. Both
versions have been set to lower capacities so the plugin can run error free
Kill coderpr now fully shuts down coderpr once you have left it’s menu, now uses a proper shutdown which frees up some memory.
Usb mode had slight bugfix, 1 module seemed to be loading incorrectly.
Default Screenshot key combo restored to DOWN + Square
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March 21st, 2009, 21:29 Posted By: wraggster
JK108 posted this WIP News for the video streaming app for PSP:
As for Ultimate PSPTube 2.0, I have fixed most of the bugs but I've also had to remove a few things because they did not work unfortunately... I had to remove the high quality option for YouTube because they removed all the fmt=6 format videos . I also had to remove TNAFlix because they're videos now actually crash the PSP and I also had to remove Shufuni because they have used some new security on their video URL and the search results don't work properly either. Sorry about all the things I've had to remove, I will try and make a few scripts to compensate and I may try and release it this weekend.
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March 22nd, 2009, 18:57 Posted By: wraggster
Our friends at GameTrailers.com have a new trailer for The Godfather II that showcases an interesting feature coming to the EA franchise: Don Control. The multiplayer feature offers what looks to be an RTS-style control system where one person hosting an online match can place bets on the match (that will in turn carry over into the single-player campaign), issue commands to their human teammates (should they cooperate, that is) and follow individuals of their choosing from a third-person perspective.
Rather than phoning in the de rigeur multiplayer, it seems as though EA has taken the extra time afforded them by the game being pushed back to beef up a very different experience than what the single-player campaign offers. To see exactly what we're talking about, hit the break to check out the trailer.
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March 22nd, 2009, 23:00 Posted By: wraggster
News from Neoflash:
The NEO Spring Coding Compo 2009 have closed now, we have got 50 entries finally, good luck for all coders 
more info: NEO Spring Coding Compo 2009
The PSP APP division, total 8 entries
[PSP APP] XMBShell Version 1.00 By: Total_Noob
[PSPAPP] TimeTrainer (updated) By: teamsushi
[PSP APP] DAPESi : DAPES Improved Alpha version By: Shaolan
[PSP APP] PSPconsole v1.3neo By: Hotter
[PSP-App] pag3 - make your own website today By: pront0
[PSP APP] prxutility++ By: pspflashsystem
[PSP APP] downPSP v210 By: carlosgs
[PSP APP] PSPDictionary v2.4.1 By: Gefa
The PSP GAME division, total 13 entries
[PSP GAME] Agenaworld 1.7 By: edepot
[PSP GAME] Pong v0.5.1(updated) By: Digikid13
[PSP GAME] TibiaPSP v0.2 By: LuMa
[PSP GAME] Crazy Gravity Portable By: TheUnderminer
[PSP GAME] Ragdoll Cannon v2.11 [UPDATE 2] By: walar
[PSP Game] Wagic 0.5.1 By: wololo
[PSP Game] Apollonia 0.03N By: GlennNZ
[PSP GAME] Asterz V1.2 By: Slasher
[PSP GAME] asterSpace3D By: pspflashsystem
[PSP GAME] PSPReversi V1.0 (FINAL RELEASE) By: jojojoris
[PSP GAME] PopBlocks By: Gefa
[PSP GAME] EarthInvasion By: basfreak
The NDS APP division, total 11 entries
[NDS APP] HWOS2 By: funkystuff
[NDS APP] DSision2 By: spinal
[NDS APP] Mario Paint Composer DS Paratroopa Release By: bassacegold
[NDS APP] SutraDS By: Cid2Mizard
[NDS APP] Ace Attorney DS By: B12Core
[NDS APP] myPiano By: BranMuffin
[NDS APP] DSwiki - Offline Wikipedia Reader By: ollipolli
[NDS APP] Ands-pdf v1.4 - A PDF Viewer for the DS! By: albinofrenchy
[NDS APP] Wee Basic By: marovada
[NDS APP] Health Monitoring Tool Kit By: arrpirate
[NDS APP] DSBash By: leinad
The NDS GAME division, total 18 entries
[NDS GAME] Vector Tower Defense By: alcohol smurf
[NDS GAME] Glubies Planet By: yagero
[NDS GAME] Brix DS v2.0 By: Boive
[NDS GAME] Bill & Ted - Time & Time Again. By: spinal
[NDS GAME] Shooting Range By: Romaap
[NDS GAME] Alice & Marisa 8bit Minigame By: funkystuff
[NDS GAME] Natura No Story By: morukutsu
[NDS GAME] UKKE DS By: unkwar
[NDS Game] Bouncy Marble By: leinad
[NDS GAME] Balloon Pop! By: Prince Gohan
[NDS GAME] 5 Dice By: Gaz
[NDS GAME] SnailRace By: samel
[NDS GAME] Valhalla DS By: TenSpeed
[NDS GAME] Anime Jo All-Star Kirifuda Taisen (Anime Girls All-Star Trump Battle) By: DesertDog
[NDS GAME] 22. Search Eye DS By: kukulcan
[NDS GAME] Jangki DS - bugfix By: beodeulpiri
[NDS GAME] DronS By: leinad
We will announce the winner around April.20th, and now we start to collect the project review, you can post your review to here --- The reviews collection zone to win the TOP REVIEWER prizes 
Whats your favourite games/app out of this years entries?
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March 22nd, 2009, 23:28 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from sandy62120
The all the team is pleased to present their first homebrew
currently 10 mini games are but a record was not very functional
in a future version a random mode will be added to this homebrew and more mini games I screenshoots gives you a mini games
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March 22nd, 2009, 23:47 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from darksidious
Darksidious of Xtreamlua, today brings us a new PC software coded in C / C + + with QT. As its name indicates, is an IDE that can create projects and manage to do the compilation. To use it you must have installed and simply pspdev indicate its location.
Darksidious said that it was still a demo and it is still far from perfect. To add files to your project you must separate each file by a comma in the project options. Once you have created your project, it will open it manually (an automatic is coming).
Known Bugs:
- Automatic update not working.
- Encryption LUA is not yet incorporated.
- Comments at the top are not yet inserted.
The coloring of the syntax will normally be incorporated soon.
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March 22nd, 2009, 23:52 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Total_Noob
PSP File Exporter
by Total_Noob
What's this?
PSP File Exporter is a simple program to export files easy to C.
Copy EBOOT.PBP to PSP/GAME/YOURFOLDER/EBOOT.PBP and run it from the psp.
This is only for developers without hex programs
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March 22nd, 2009, 23:59 Posted By: wraggster
BakonICE, the one and only up-to-date Socom Fireteam Bravo Two cheat device. Developed by NoEffex with contributions of a significant amount of people.
Version 2.1 changes
Ported to ftb1, lots doesn't work
Uses a strapper so that it loads either ftb1 or ftb2 for you. It takes about twice as long to start up, so if it doesn't come up when you hit the menu, wait a minute.
Took out the animated name thingamabob for now, it was causing problems. I'll put it back in eventually
Buuuttttt NoEffex, what doesn't work?
You tell me, via eMail - nofx@unigaming.net
Note that it is stable, some things just don't work.
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March 23rd, 2009, 19:00 Posted By: wraggster
New beta version of Sony Playstation 2 emulator for Windows has been released.
- Major overhaul of the savestate system! SHould now work better, be faster, have fewer problems, and use less hard disk space for the savestates
- The new PCR/TIMR code is now called correctly in recMFC0. This fixes Fatal Frame, maybe other recently introduced problems too
- Improved CDVD seek timing; should speed up some games that had abnormally long load times -- hopefully without breaking other games. (testing needed)
- Fixed a condition in the INTC hack that could cause it to hang in rare
- Fixed a bug in the vtlb constprop support (stores weren't using the right macro)
- More work on fpu (thanks Nneeve)
- Emitter: encode negative 8 bit immediates for some instructions and EAX forms for MOV
- Implemented more correct support for the IOP's "isc bit" (bit 16 on the COP0 status register), which in turn allowed me to simpify some of the IOP's memory access and paging logic.
- Removed unnecessary rs flushes for loads and stores
- Save a few bytes on const flushing using 5 byte eax movs for 0 and -1 instead of 10 byte immediate movs.
- Usual code cleanups and optimizations
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news via emurussia
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March 23rd, 2009, 21:37 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
LittleBigPlanet has nearly two million online users, Sony America said on Friday, and between them they have uploaded nearly 650,000 levels.
In a press release (thanks vg247) celebrating LittleBigPlanet's recent AIAS and BAFTA wins, SCEA said that there were more than 646,135 levels, 1,934,700 total users, and an average of 35,373 levels uploaded each week. The data is from 11th March.
Sony is presumably hoping that renewed awards chatter and signs of a thriving community will entice a few more people to give the game a go - especially as it has now slipped out of the UK All-Formats Top 40, and with some online retailers marking it down to around 15 quid in the UK.
Sony also recently confirmed that LittleBigPlanet is coming to PSP.
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March 23rd, 2009, 21:54 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sony has reportedly ceased supplying South Korea with PS3 consoles in order to stop Japanese tourists getting their hands on the system cheaply.
Wily Japanese consumers are said to visit Korea to make the most of discount prices, although those picking up PS3s have only been able to get hold of up the 80GB version and need a converter as the countries use different voltage frequencies.
"We are troubled by 'reverse-importing', which is when products exported into South Korea are flown back into Japan," a Sony rep told Korean news site Chosun Online (via Kotaku).
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March 23rd, 2009, 23:39 Posted By: wraggster
Bill Blake posted a new release for PS3 Linux:
Snes9x is a portable, freeware Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) emulator. It basically allows you to play most games designed for the SNES and Super Famicom Nintendo game systems on your computer.
- Updated to snes9x-gtk 70
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March 23rd, 2009, 23:41 Posted By: wraggster
Bill Blake posted a new release for PS3 Linux:
OpenTyrian is a port of the DOS shoot-em-up Tyrian. Thanks to Jason Emery, the developers were given a copy of the Tyrian source to port but not redistribute. That code has since been ported from Turbo Pascal to C using SDL, making it easily cross-platform. The 'Classic' port involves minimal changes, but the 'Enhanced' port will feature further development. Tyrian is an arcade-style vertical scrolling shooter. The story is set in 20,031 where you play as Trent Hawkins, a skilled fighter-pilot employed to fight Microsol and save the galaxy. This is the 'Classic' port.
- launch from script
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March 23rd, 2009, 23:43 Posted By: wraggster
Bill Blake posted a new release for PS3 Linux:
No Gravity is a fantastic and futuristic universe made of five intergalactic worlds. An arcade type game with great playability, where it is easy to plunge into space battles against spacefighters, space stations and more!
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March 23rd, 2009, 23:56 Posted By: wraggster
Bill Blake posted a new release for PS3 Linux:
MAME stands for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. When used in conjunction with an arcade game's data files (ROMs), MAME will more or less faithfully reproduce that game on a PC. The ROM images that MAME utilizes are "dumped" from arcade games' original circuit-board ROM chips. MAME becomes the "hardware" for the games, taking the place of their original CPUs and support chips. Therefore, these games are NOT simulations, but the actual, original games that appeared in arcades. MAME's purpose is to preserve these decades of video-game history. As gaming technology continues to rush forward, MAME prevents these important "vintage" games from being lost and forgotten. This is achieved by documenting the hardware and how it functions, thanks to the talent of programmers from the MAME team and from other contributors. Being able to play the games is just a nice side-effect, which doesn't happen all the time. MAME strives for emulating the games faithfully. NOTE: This version includes an unsupported patch that adds the ability to display games at their original (-nativeres) resolution in fullscreen mode. Users of this version are not eligible for support on the official forum. Get support for this version here: http://forums.ps3bodega.com
- Renamed runtest to mame-runtest in sdlmame-tools package
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March 23rd, 2009, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster
Over on the newly formed LightBox Interactive site, the new developer posted a press released unveiling its official launch today. LightBox Interactive was founded by Dylan Jobe and several other members of Incognito Entertainment. The press release notes that no jobs were lost in the transition, as the founding process has been in the works for nearly a year.
Although no specific details are given on LightBox Interactive's first projects, the press release does mention that the developer will be working with Sony on the PlayStation platforms. According to Kotaku, the first game on LightBox Interactive's plate is rumored to be a Warhawk-type shooter set in space.
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March 24th, 2009, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
Global A is in the midst of repackaging My World, My Way (aka Sekai wa Atashi de Mawatteru in Japan) for the PSP. Players still use pout points to change the landscape and alter the world in the PSP version.
The key difference is My World, My Way: The Princess of Darkness and Light lets you choose to control a light or dark version of Elise, the spoilt protagonist. The PSP version will also have complete voice acting.
Since the My World, My Way was designed to be played on two screens Global A had to change the interface. They stuck the grid shown on the DS’ bottom screen to the left side of the PSP’s widescreen. Doesn’t look like the graphics have changed much, though. Not many made for DS games get PSP ports so My World, My Way is sort of an exception. Will Japan take a plunge and pick up a niche game twice? We’ll find out this spring.
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March 24th, 2009, 01:21 Posted By: wraggster
There's much more to do in PlayStation Home than the Running Man today, as Sony launches the first console-based Alternate Reality Game, Xi.
Mysterious graffiti has shown up in the main square area of PlayStation Home, and looking at it gives you access to The Hub, where this whole new Alternate Reality Game pans out. I've only had a brief moment to look around, but so far there's a narrator who guides you around the hidden location, giving you tasks and slowly revealing more information as you explore.
I really wish they hadn't kicked this whole thing off at the beginning of Game Developers Conference week, because for the first time in months, I really, really want to be in PlayStation Home.
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March 24th, 2009, 01:25 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

A family favorite since 1948, the Scrabble Brand Crossword game has sold has sold more than 100 million sets worldwide since its debut 60 years ago. Today there are between one and two million Scrabble games sold each year in North America and it can be found in one out of every three homes in America.
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March 24th, 2009, 01:41 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

It’s Always Better With Someone Else – Fight your way through three campaigns solo, or join forces with your friends or one of nine, in-game commanders, each with unique personalities and play styles, in missions designed from the ground for co-op play.
Star-Studded Storytelling – Command & Conquer’s trademark live-action videos return in HD, with over 60 minutes of footage featuring the largest cast in the history of the Command & Conquer franchise.
Command the Seas, Conquer the World – Experience Gameplay³ as for the first time in the series, waging war on the water will be every bit as important as dominating by land and air. Gain strategic advantages by controlling resources in the seas and mounting three-pronged attacks from all directions.
Ready your Man Cannons! – Armored War Bears, and Anime-inspired psychic school girls join your favorite Red Alert units like Sonic Dolphins, Tesla Troopers, Attack Dogs, and the ever popular Tanya.
A New Threat From the East - The deadly Empire of the Rising Sun is a technological terror, with designs influenced by a mixture of anime, science-fiction, martial arts and robot culture. The Empire’s futuristic units can transform into alternate forms, and they specialize in naval warfare.
CommandStick 2.0 - Improving on the CommandStick interface first pioneered in Command & Conquer 3 Kane’s Wrath, 360 owners will get an unparalleled console RTS experience, with controls designed for 360 gamers, accessible to gamers of all skill levels.
The desperate leadership of a doomed Soviet Union travels back in time to change history and restore the glory of Mother Russia. The time travel mission goes awry, creating an alternate timeline where technology has followed an entirely different evolution, a new superpower has been thrust on to the world stage, and World War III is raging. The Empire of the Rising Sun has risen in the East, making World War III a three-way struggle between the Soviets, the Allies, and the Empire with armies fielding wacky and wonderful weapons and technologies like Tesla coils, heavily armed War Blimps, teleportation, armored bears, intelligent dolphins, floating island fortresses, and transforming tanks.
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March 24th, 2009, 20:24 Posted By: wraggster
Diner Dash will be making its way to the Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation Network, and WiiWare this summer, courtesy of Hudson Entertainment. The popular franchise, featuring Flo the waitress and her efforts towards making a junky diner a success, has sold more than 2 million units to date.
"We're delighted to bring Flo and Diner Dash to new gen consoles for the first time," said Sabine Duvall, Vice President of Product Development at Hudson Entertainment. "Players have fallen in love with the award-winning series because of its quirky characters and fast-paced fun."
On consoles, Diner Dash will be a 3D affair with players being given the ability to take direct control of Flo. Success will come to those that can seat customers, take orders and deliver food as efficiently and quickly as possible. If you are a Diner Dash fan and prefer the old point-and-click style of gaming, that option will be available as well. Multiplayer modes will also be available with a Team Dash for 8 players or a two player face off.
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March 24th, 2009, 20:32 Posted By: wraggster
The TurboGrafx-16 strategy game will be reborn on current consoles. Those with access to the Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation Network, or WiiWare will find a new version of the strategy-combat game on the way this summer from Hudson Entertainment.
"Since its original release on TurboGrafx-16 in 1989, Military Madness has stood the test of time as one of the longest-lived turn-based strategy games in history," said Sabine Duvall, Vice President of Product Development at Hudson Entertainment. "The new Military Madness will give fans of the original a modern version of this classic strategy game, while gamers new to the series will get to enjoy being armchair generals for the first time."
The new version of Military Madness will feature all new 3D graphics, new units, online co-op and versus multiplayer, amongst other additions. Military Madness has been rated T for Teen by the ESRB.
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March 24th, 2009, 20:38 Posted By: wraggster
The Rock Band Track Pack: Classic Rock has been made official. Previously leaked through ESRB ratings, the twenty pack disc is now official and heading to consoles May 19 in North America. It will be available for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 2 and Wii.
This standalone disc features 20 songs that can be imported onto your hard drive (Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 only) for use in your Rock Band library and can also be played as is. The disc will set you back $29.99.
Here is the full set list:
Boston -- Peace of Mind
Boston -- "Rock and Roll Band"
Dead Kennedys -- "California ?ber Alles"
Dead Kennedys -- "Holiday in Cambodia"
Free -- "All Right Now"
George Thorogood & the Destroyers -- "Bad to the Bone"
James Gang -- "Funk #49"
Jethro Tull -- "Hymn 43"
Lenny Kravitz -- "Let Love Rule"
Pat Benatar -- "Hit Me With Your Best Shot"
The Police -- "Can't Stand Losing You"
The Police -- "Truth Hits Everybody"
Rush -- "Closer to the Heart"
Rush -- "Red Barchetta"
Siouxsie and The Banshees -- "Kiss Them For Me"
Steve Miller Band -- "Take the Money and Run"
Steve Miller Band -- "The Joker"
The Stone Roses -- "Love Spreads"
The Who -- "Baba O'Riley"
The Who -- "Behind Blue Eyes"
All songs have been imported into Rock Band using the master tracks.
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March 24th, 2009, 20:38 Posted By: wraggster
The Rock Band Track Pack: Classic Rock has been made official. Previously leaked through ESRB ratings, the twenty pack disc is now official and heading to consoles May 19 in North America. It will be available for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 2 and Wii.
This standalone disc features 20 songs that can be imported onto your hard drive (Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 only) for use in your Rock Band library and can also be played as is. The disc will set you back $29.99.
Here is the full set list:
Boston -- Peace of Mind
Boston -- "Rock and Roll Band"
Dead Kennedys -- "California ?ber Alles"
Dead Kennedys -- "Holiday in Cambodia"
Free -- "All Right Now"
George Thorogood & the Destroyers -- "Bad to the Bone"
James Gang -- "Funk #49"
Jethro Tull -- "Hymn 43"
Lenny Kravitz -- "Let Love Rule"
Pat Benatar -- "Hit Me With Your Best Shot"
The Police -- "Can't Stand Losing You"
The Police -- "Truth Hits Everybody"
Rush -- "Closer to the Heart"
Rush -- "Red Barchetta"
Siouxsie and The Banshees -- "Kiss Them For Me"
Steve Miller Band -- "Take the Money and Run"
Steve Miller Band -- "The Joker"
The Stone Roses -- "Love Spreads"
The Who -- "Baba O'Riley"
The Who -- "Behind Blue Eyes"
All songs have been imported into Rock Band using the master tracks.
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March 24th, 2009, 21:19 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sony Computer Entertainment has reduced the cost of the PlayStation 3 development kit by more than half.
The PS3 Reference Tool can now be licensed by developers and publishers for USD 2000, compared to the previous price of USD 10,250. Sony last halved the price of its development kit in 2007, promising future further cuts.
"With more and more new and exciting PS3 titles scheduled for release this year from third-party developers and publishers as well as from SCE Worldwide Studios," the company commented, "SCEI will deploy various measures to further reinforce game development for PS3 and will continue to expand the platform to offer attractive interactive entertainment experiences only available on PS3."
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March 24th, 2009, 21:37 Posted By: wraggster
Bill Blake has posted another release for PS3 Linux
This is the Simple DirectMedia Layer, a generic API that provides low level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, and display framebuffer across multiple platforms.
- Rebuild without nas on YDL 6.1
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March 24th, 2009, 21:42 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
Publishers looking for a quick buck don't need to focus their efforts solely on the iPhone. Sony's Susan Panico touted the values of PSN development by providing a case study on PixelJunk Eden, Q-Games' third PSN-exclusive title. Panico told the GamesBeat audience that "PixelJunk Eden made its return on investment within 24 hours." Sales after that period become pure profit.
Of course, the success of Eden is a little unsurprising, considering the popularity of PixelJunk Monsters. Regardless, it's impressive that a small independent studio was able to create a trusted franchise exclusively through the PlayStation Network. With so much green made off of Eden, it's no wonder Q-Games is working on an expansion for the game. Eden Encore will be available in April.
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March 24th, 2009, 22:16 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from SuperFury1
I have ported the popstation.exe application for the pc to the psp.
popstation is a pc application that converts a PSX ISO/BIN to a PSX EBOOT.
The package can be found on my site. Within the package there's also a manual (manual.txt).
To install, simply copy the folder in the package to you PSP GAME folder.
All there's left is to test it in different firmwares. I know it works under cfw 5.00m33-4 (that's the one i used).
If tested under a different firmware that isnt below, please post if it works in this topic.
v2.0: Added a list of psx titles & IDs. It will now change the psx EBOOT save id, game title and game ID, according to what game you select (list is retrieved from psx.db. The psx.db file might be outdated, search Google etc. to find the most recent one).
Tested firmwares:
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March 24th, 2009, 22:23 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Special and innovative designed Multi Shape Cobra Stand-B to hold your PSP-3000 and PSP Slim console in cars, windows or any flat surface. It can be turned in any angles and bent in different shapes.
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March 24th, 2009, 22:34 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released

Relive the entertaining lives of more than 40 larger-than-life WWE Legends. Legendary Managers will also have extensive functionality, playing important roles in match outcomes
Embrace a historically accurate representation of WWE telecasts from the Eighties and Nineties, including dynamic visual treatments, signature ring entrances, renowned commentators, notable venues and much more
Explore a new, grapple-based fighting system that captures the high-energy action and drama seen in historic WWE matches. Players will have each Legend’s arsenal of grapple moves, strike attacks, reversals and taunts at their disposal throughout a variety of current and nostalgic match types
Participate in key matches from multiple WrestleMania events. Vintage WWE footage will set up matches, explain feuds and detail the rivalries behind them, situating players in the heart of each contest
Create the Legends of tomorrow, complete with customizable costumes, entrances, move sets and more
Challenge players around the world to matches on the biggest stages in WWE history
The leading sports entertainment videogame experience embraces its colorful roots to deliver the definitive elements of WWE from the Eighties and Nineties. Featuring an impressive lineup of Legendary Superstars and Managers, a new combo fighting system, an authentic presentation and more, WWE Legends of WrestleMania enables gamers of yesterday and today to compete in classic feuds, create history of their own and secure a spot in the WWE Hall of Fame. It’s time to relive, rewrite or redefine the greatest moments in WWE history!
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March 24th, 2009, 22:45 Posted By: wraggster
One month to go until Persona comes out for the PSP in Japan. This trailer shows us a tad more of the game like the new overworld map. Originally, the group of teens lived in a city with bland rectangular prisms. These have been changed into actual buildings making the map more colorful. The big highlight for me still is the animated videos which look great. They could be better if they have voice acting. Did you get that Atlus?
video here --> http://www.siliconera.com/2009/03/24...o-persona-psp/
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March 25th, 2009, 17:02 Posted By: wraggster
Rumors of Netflix content streaming to the PS3 date back to, well, the first rumors of it hitting the Xbox 360. We all know which of those two platforms got some red envelope love last year, and now, soon after hearing the service may be heading to the Wii, we have what seems to be similar confirmation that Netflix is at least still considering bringing their bitstream to the PS3. The screenshot above was captured by a reader, showing a message like that on the earlier Wii survey -- in fact it's exactly the same from what we can see. Given our proximity to that least newsy day of the year on April 1st we can't be sure this is entirely genuine, but it probably is time for Sony to make a little room in its XMB for Netflix.
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March 25th, 2009, 17:11 Posted By: wraggster
While we're still waiting for our PS3 price drop, Sony has announced the release of a newer, cut-rate PlayStation dev kit. While the current Reference Tool is priced at a mere $10,250 and has all the personality of a Betamax VCR, this new guy is going for a jaw-droppin' $2,000 and shares the PS3 form factor -- not that you're buying these things for aesthetic purposes, but it's true! The company promises "enhanced technical support for developers, an optimized PS3 compiler (SNC PPU) to improve efficiency, and better documentation for PhyreEngine." Looks like Sony's hoping sales will benefit from the "flood" of new releases this move is sure to instigate. Unless, of course, this was one of the demands of the Sony France hostage debacle. Libération de la PlayStation!
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March 25th, 2009, 17:16 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment America's director of hardware marketing, John Koller, has revealed that one of the company's "big pushes this year" will be downloadable games for the PlayStation Portable.
And he also outlined plans to release digital versions of key games alongside the UMD launches - a move which might spell the end for the proprietary format which has proven unpopular with retailers.
"Holistically, the idea of digital distribution fits into the world as we go forward," Koller told Wired. "Not to say that retail isn't of extreme importance, because it is. But the idea of offering content to consumers, to make it easy, you can wake up in the morning, download something and go, it's very appealing.
"So one of our big pushes this year is to be sure that the right kind of content and the right kind of games in particular are placed on the PlayStation Network for download on the PSP.
"We've been engaged in a wide range of conversations with publishers over the last year, year and a half about software and games overall on the PSP. One significant topic that hasn't necessarily been covered a lot is inclusion of digital copies of the games that they're launching on UMDs.
"In the back half of this year, we should see a good rise in the amount of content that comes to PSN for the PSP. We're aware that most of the content thus far has been for PlayStation 3, and that's based on the usage model and who has been demanding that content. But as we continue, and there's more of a desire from the consumer for PSP content, we're going to really increase the size and amount of content that's available."
And when asked about the timeframe for new titles, Koller noted that a number of titles recently announced were set for release in the latter part of 2009, and that "marrying those launches with the digital versions of those launches obviously makes development sense".
"We haven't really decided how the timetable will work on launches that are digital versus retail, but we are looking at digital versions of the games that launch on UMD, yes," he said in response to a question specifically noting PSP editions of LittleBigPlanet and MotorStorm.
Koller's comments echo those made recently by Sony's UK MD Ray Maguire, who told GamesIndustry.biz that downloads would "increasingly become a bigger part of [the PSP's] future."
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March 25th, 2009, 17:20 Posted By: wraggster
US marketing boss says he’d like to see LittleBigPlanet and MotorStorm arrive on PSN alongside UMD
The head of PlayStation marketing at Sony America, John Koller, has stated that Sony would ideally like to see simultaneous digital versions of its PSP titles released alongside their retail UMD counterparts.
“In the back half of this year, we should see a good rise in the amount of content that comes to PSN for the PSP,†he told Wired. “We're aware that most of the content thus far has been for PS3, and that's based on the usage model and who has been demanding that content.
“But as we continue, and there's more of a desire from the consumer for PSP content, we're going to really increase the size and amount of content that's available.â€
And when asked if he’d like to see the upcoming PSP versions of LittleBigPlanet and MotroStorm released on PSN at the same time as UMD, he responded: “We're looking at that kind of situation. We haven't really decided how the timetable will work on launches that are digital versus retail, but we are looking at digital versions of the games that launch on UMD, yes.â€
Koller also commented on the success Apple has enjoyed with its App store, adding: “What Apple has done has really opened people's eyes, the entire industry, about how games can be created, they don't have to be created by 100+ person development teams anymore. They can be created by one or two people and sell well. So we obviously aren't sure where Nintendo is going. We've heard the rumors as well.â€
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March 25th, 2009, 17:31 Posted By: wraggster

Apogee's Duke Nukem Trilogy already eclipsed Duke Nukem Forever with its mindblowingly awesome, yet content-free, trailer. But now it has surpassed Forever even more, by existing! And, as if to show off, it's six games. Sort of.
As OhGizmo! explains, Duke Nukem Trilogy features three games, which have the same stories, but are presented in a different style on DS than on PSP. The PSP versions are M-rated, with content that will be "tasteful, but it'll still be Duke." The DS versions will be T-rated, and thus toned down a bit in terms of dialogue and gratuitous strippers.
The best part? The first game, Duke Nukem: Critical Mass, was actually there! There was a demonstration on both PSP and DS. Try that, Duke Nukem Forever. Try being playable on a game system.
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March 25th, 2009, 21:43 Posted By: wraggster
DJGameFreakTheIguana has posted a new BOR game that should be compatible with Dreamcast,GP2x/PSP:

Shortly after the release of the Chaotix Rage and Cosmic Damage demos, I started on this, an arcade version of my sega mod, and by arcade, i mean you play this to get to the end, but to play for the fun of it, like repeatdidly playing Multiplayer in something like Super Smash Bros. or Onimusha Blade warriors because it was fun.
anyway I find myself Playing it this more than working on it so I'll doing the final touches on it and releasing the demo. it will be Updated with new levels and chars frequently and won't be a full mod, it will end at some point in the final Mod. this is also to basicly plan ahead, like how the mod will be set up, and what scripts I'll need, I also learned that Enemies will actually use combos like players, but sometimes(mostly the Battletaods) will repeadidly smack you around, so i'll use the follow command to stop that from happening. these are erlier Shots of the mod, I've got a bigger roster now.
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March 25th, 2009, 21:47 Posted By: wraggster
DJGameFreakTheIguana has posted a new BOR game that should be compatible with Dreamcast,GP2x/PSP:
Well here it is, my Cosmic Damage Demo. After much testing for any problems, It's ready to be released.
-4 Players, and 4 chars(for now)
Megaman Zero - Uses combos and freespecials
Stealth Owl - Uses combos and freespecials
Max - Summons, throws and Kick bombs at enimies
Fusion Samus - Uses all projectiles
-The Zip file comes with a controls txt file called Cosmic Controls
-You start the game will a little less than half of your life, I forgot to set it AT half before I paked it, but Some Enemies have health you can pick yp if you kill'em.
-no Grabs
-4 2-Part stages, which is about half the game.
-no boss fights yet, but there's a spoiler in the levels.txt file for those who use Paxplode
-Enemies can hit eachother
-this is a futuristic type game so there are many different type of Enemies
-Let me know about what you think about the Moving Frontpanal, with the green lines and such.
-Uses OpenBOR version 2.2000 - 2.2036(the latest won't work on my Computer )
- Don't burn this for your dreamcast, there's a colour problem in it for some reason.
-Go to the options menu and change your comtrols, this demo uses all attacks
-Stage 4 music by MixerProductions on youtube, Check his Mash-ups cause they're the Sh*t.
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March 25th, 2009, 22:03 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Developer Sucker Punch's sweet-looking action game inFamous just got even more intriguing with the unveiling of a 'Karma System'.
A number of the new screens (below) for the PS3-exclusive city-roamer show off the system, which comes into use after the game's city is struck by an explosive disaster that leaves its protagonist Cole sporting super hero-like powers.
"One of the most important aspects of inFamous is its Karma System," says Sony. "Depending on Cole's actions, he consciously shifts into either a Good or Evil Karmic State, and this is more than a superficial change. Nearly every aspect of the game, from the way pedestrians react to Cole, to the powers he can use and upgrade, to Cole's appearance, and even the story, is impacted by Cole's Karma."
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March 25th, 2009, 22:15 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Namco Bandai is expected to release Katamari Damacy Tribute this year on PS3.
The series will reportedly be getting a visual update and arrive in full HD with 1080p resolution, while the game's song list features numerous tracks from previous Katamari games, hinting that it could be a remix of past Katamari titles.
The news comes from the latest pages of Japanese gaming mag Famitsu (via Silicon Era).
Katamari Damacy director Keita Takahashi's set to give a game design lecture at GDC tomorrow focusing on recent release Noby Noby Boy, but perhaps we'll hear something of Katamari Damacy Tribute then.
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March 25th, 2009, 22:22 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Resident Evil 5 producer Masachika Kawata has said that gamers may have to wait up to eight years for Resident Evil 6, assuming the project gets the go ahead.
"We haven't decided whether we're going to make Resident Evil 6 yet," Kawata told The Gadget Show. "But if we do, it could take anywhere up to eight years, but hopefully only four."
Fellow Resi 5 producer Jun Takeuchi said previously that the next instalment in the series will be a full franchise reboot, but we'd be more than a little bit surprised if it took eight years to rework the formula.
The horror series has already undergone somewhat of a change in formula recently, with the latest entry more action-orientated than previous releases.
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March 25th, 2009, 22:23 Posted By: wraggster
Even just on paper, the number for Insomniac Games' second Resistance title is impressive: 60 players in the competitive modes (which include straight deathmatch as well as more objective-based modes that divvy up all those players into squads) and 8 players in the cooperative one. While one would naturally assume that adding 20 more players to what was already an impressive feat in the original Resistance's 40 online players would just mean bigger maps, there were far bigger ramifications.
In a session titled "Pushing the Limits: The Technical, Design, and Social Ramifications from Increasing Player Counts in Online Multiplayer Games," Resistance 2 Cooperative Design Lead Jake Biegel and R2 Competitive Design Lead Mike Roloson detailed some of the issues they came across when upping the player counts to the largest seen in a console game thus far.
To facilitate including the three main components of R2's experience, the Campaign, Cooperative and Competitive Modes, the team was actually split into three separate, semi-autonomous units that were each building their own part of the game. Though they obviously shared resources, it wasn't until they came together in a move Biegel claims was "analogous to Voltron" that the game really became a whole; disparate units that combined to become greater than the sum of its parts.
The teams had almost no ties to each other's modes, and the difficulty, Biegel explains, was to continue to promote teamwork and sense of unity despite the sequestered bits of development happening simultaneously. As it turns out, these were themes that carried over into the game because, as Insomniac discovered in moving to a comparatively huge number of players in on a map, things graduated from simple game design issues to overall social dynamics.
Nowhere was this more apparent than when they first dropped 60 players into a map. Juggling these "mob dynamics" was especially difficult because nobody had really attempted a game of that magnitude before. It created what the team affectionately called "The Ball of Death" -- a huge lump of chaos that would move around a map and draw in other players into the conflict. The problem with this was that the chaos in the middle was largely impregnable; players would spawn, run to where the chaos was, and then get killed on the periphery.
This would eventually give rise to the game's objectives and, most importantly, the squad system that would not only split up the 60 players into groups, but assign them objectives and a rival squad to give the game a sense of rivalry and familiarity. After all, when there are 60 players running around, it's almost impossible to keep track of friends, much less that one person that keeps gunning you down throughout a match.
It was an example of the admittedly fascinating dynamics of social interaction. Mike Roloson equated it to a series of small gatherings. A six or so person dinner lets everyone stay cordial, encourages a central conversation, and lets some people dig a little deeper into topics as the flow dictates. When you double or even triple that, moving to around 15 people, then you start to see individual conversations and people starting to glom together into groups. There's nothing wrong with this, of course, as it's impossible to juggle four or five conversations at once with any real involvement, but it was nevertheless an issue when trying to pit people against each other. At 24+ players (or, as Roloson compared it, the "bar" setting), people begin to arrive in cliques and tend to stay in those, sometimes largely ignoring everyone else and staying within their bubble.
The trick, you see, is to have a central focal point (in the bar analogy, that could be a band or a sports even on TV) that bands everyone together and creates a channeled objective for the whole, while still allowing the freedom of having smaller groups. Thus, the squad system was created and forced rivalries were introduced -- apparently a source of internal contention. "The debate still rages," Roloson joked.
By breaking things up, the Ball of Death was mitigated to a degree and could even be manipulated as needed to create a sense that the matches had culminated into something bigger at the end. In truth, Insomniac actually designed their matches in both Competitive and Cooperative Modes to grow as they went on, keeping things isolated at first, and then layering in more squads until the matches reached a chaotic apex.
This worked no matter what the player count because of an innate ability by the dev team to scale the entirety of the experience. What begin as more compartmentalized map designs eventually gave way to shared maps that could then be divvied up into chunks for specific modes like Capture the Flag. In this way, the teams were able to share resources and hit their milestones, which Insomniac has oft prided itself on never missing.
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March 25th, 2009, 22:25 Posted By: wraggster
Square Enix superstar producer -- and master of the zipper -- Tetsuya Nomura is featured in this week's Famitsu through a two page interview. Although most of the space was taken up by Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Complete talk, Nomura opened up towards the end about a few of his other projects.
First up, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. Development on the DS title is approaching completion, he said. The staff is now going through the final areas of debugging. In case you don't keep up with the Nippon gaming seen, the Japanese version is due for release on May 30.
Sharing the sales points of the title, Nomura noted that because it's mission-based, players who want to get through to the end quickly can simply play just the required missions. However, those who do clear all the missions will find a lot of content.
Next up, Kingdom Hearts Coded. Noting that the mobile title will be distributed as a series of episodes, Nomura revealed that the development staff is currently working on building up a stock of such episodes.
Finally, the main event: Final Fantasy Versus XIII. Nomura didn't share much here, stating only that the designs for the main characters' clothing is complete. These designs were previously announced as being a collaboration with Roen. He hopes to unveil them at a major event.
The magazine also asked Nomura about future possibilities for the Final Fantasy VII compilation series. He said that he believes he's done all he wants to do for Advent Children. However, he does have ideas for the next product in the compilation. Don't start celebrating yet, though! Nomura also said that he doesn't expect any developments on the series for the time being.
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March 25th, 2009, 22:32 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
The wait is at long last coming to an end for Bionic Commando, the new 3D rethinking of the classic series. Over in Japan, Capcom announced today a final release date for the Xbox 360 and PC versions of the game. Our friends on the island nation will get the game on June 25, priced at 7,340 yen (about $74).
For most games, a Japanese date usually has little relation to an overseas release. But this is Capcom here, so we expect the international versions of Bionic Commando to arrive close to the Japanese version. We'll let you know if Capcom's domestic office makes any announcements.
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March 25th, 2009, 22:37 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita
Moscas user of our forum, updates its now famous Goblins PSP, multifunction utility for PCs that comes with version Goblins PSP will allow you to perform backups of data on your memory stick, load and / or delete the backup of your UMD, launch programs like the RemoteJoy and USBIsoloader, update your Custom Firmware and manage your plugins.
Following the changelog for this release and the link to download.
Changelog v2.3.1.0 - v2.3.1.1:
-If you are upgrading from a version lower than v2.0.0.0 you must remove GoblinPSP
-Improved management of Organizing application menu
-Fixed some bugs that arose into the applications menu, causing a loss of reordering of the applications
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March 25th, 2009, 23:17 Posted By: wraggster
Ahman has released a new version of the Best Shell for the PSP and one of the scenes best releases:
This release is for PSP Slim & Lite only. It introduces an Advanced Multi-tasking feature which allows you to run 2 applications simultaneously and switch between them with a hot key. Of course, you can still multi-task these 2 apps together with iR Shell build-in functions.
Video preview:
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March 26th, 2009, 17:08 Posted By: wraggster
Media Molecule's LittleBigPlanet swept the Game Developers Choice Awards, claiming four victories - the do-it-yourself title won Best Debut Game, Best Technology, Best Game Design as well as the Innovation Award.
Bethesda's Fallout 3 was another star title, claiming the Game of the Year award and Best Writing. Meanwhile, Prince of Persia was awarded Best Visual Arts and God Of War: Chains Of Olympus, for the PlayStation Portable, took Best Handheld Game.
Best Audio went to Dead Space and Best Downloadable Game was awarded to World of Goo, reports Gamasutra.
Hideo Kojima, was the recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award, while Rock Band founders, Alex Rigopulos and Eran Egozy, picked up the Pioneer award and Tommy Tallarico, co-founder of Video Games Live, won the Ambassador Award.
"Over the past nine years, the Game Developers Conference has become the premiere videogame award show because it gives voice to those who understand games better than anyone; the people who make them," said Meggan Scavio, content director for GDC.
"The games being recognised here are virtuoso efforts that have truly advanced the state of videogames. Our congratulations to all the talented and hardworking teams that put so much of themselves into their art."
The results of the Game Developers Choice Awards follows:
Game of the Year:
Fallout 3 (Bethesda Softworks)
Best Game Design:
LittleBigPlanet (Media Molecule)
Best Writing:
Fallout 3 (Bethesda Softworks)
Best Technology:
LittleBigPlanet (Media Molecule)
Best Visual Arts:
Prince of Persia (Ubisoft Montreal)
Best Debut Game:
LittleBigPlanet (Media Molecule)
Best Handheld Game:
God Of War: Chains Of Olympus (Ready at Dawn)
Innovation Award:
LittleBigPlanet (Media Molecule)
Best Audio:
Dead Space (EA Redwood Shores)
Best Downloadable Game:
World Of Goo (2D Boy)
Lifetime Achievement Award:
Hideo Kojima
Pioneer Award:
Alex Rigopulos and Eran Egozy
Ambassador Award:
Tommy Tallarico
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March 26th, 2009, 19:15 Posted By: wraggster
News via emurussia
PAD plugin for Sony Playstation 2 emulators has been updated. Changes:
- Complete rewrite;
- SDL dropped; this version uses DirectInput instead.
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March 26th, 2009, 20:52 Posted By: wraggster
SamuraiX has released a new version of Openbor for the PSP/GP2x and Windows, heres whats new and info for those who dont know what Openbor is:
OpenBOR is a continuation of Beats Of Rage originally created by the wonderful
folks over at http://www.senileteam.com
As fans of the 'Streets of Rage' series that originally appeared on the SEGA
megadrive/genesis, we always wanted to see streets of rage 4. But the waiting
proved futile, and streets of rage 4 never came. That's why we tried to correct
this mistake and fill the void by making the ultimate tribute to Streets of Rage:
Beats of Rage!!
Beats of Rage was created by Senile Team. However, the character sprites and
some parts of the backgrounds are taken from 'the King of Fighters' games by
SNK Playmore. Therefore special thanks go out to SNK Playmore and SEGA who
unknowingly helped in creating this game.
*** Update by SX @ 3-26-09 Build 2191 ***
PSP Release. (Menu @ 95% Complete more to be done)
GP2X Release. (Compiles but since I don't own one I have no clue what issues are)
Select Player Screen is now referenced once again by loading order.
All Old Save files prior to 3.0 are no longer compatible with this PSP/GP2X release. Using them will cause instability and unexpected results.
Everyone must use all new files included with this release since menus have been redesigned. Especially PSP Version
Dreamcast and XBOX are to follow once I have completed them. No time-line at the moment but I am working on Dreamcast at the moment.
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March 26th, 2009, 21:20 Posted By: wraggster
Last night, the world rejoiced when IGN showed the brand new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 trailer and announced the release date of Nov. 10, 2009. However, details on the actual game were more than a bit scarce. Thankfully, IGN knows a number of top COD operatives (see: nerds), and they were happy to tear apart the video for the news behind the sonar-like trailer.
During the short video, images briefly flash in green against the dark background. It might just look like sounds being recorded, but it seems like Infinity Ward put a whole lot more into it. Over on the official COD: Modern Warfare 2 site, you can go through the trailer second by second, zoom in, and see some hazy images lost in the green muck.
Nothing's official, but some of the things we've seen sure look like Rio de Janeiro's Christ the Redeemer and a Brazilian favela. Don't believe us? Go ahead and click on those links, or scope these images.
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March 26th, 2009, 21:21 Posted By: wraggster
SURGE, a cutting edge studio and publisher created by NAMCO BANDAI Games America Inc., announced today that they have released an Afro Samurai update for the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and PLAYSTATION3 computer entertainment system. The update brings a set of features that will further enhance the gameplay experience:
Camera settings can now be accessed through the Options menu
Invert camera control option has been implemented
Gameplay tuning – Improved Brother 6 boss fight
Multiple bug issues have also been resolved
Released on January 27, Afro Samurai is a merciless action adventure game that expertly brings together the creative best from the worlds of Hollywood and hip-hop music to deliver an unparalleled entertainment experience. Graphically innovative, Afro Samurai's dynamic cross-hatch visuals give the game a truly unique look and feel as Afro wages a brutal war against anyone standing in his way. Featuring an unrivalled combat system, players can dismember enemies with surgical precision using vigorous slices of the blade. Afro Samurai lets the player feel the swagger and swordsmanship of the ultimate hip-hop warrior.
Afro Samurai is rated "M" for mature by the ESRB and carries a suggested MSRP of $59.99. For more information about the videogame, please visit: http://www.bloodisbeautiful.com. For more information about Afro Samurai, please visit www.afrosamurai.com.
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March 26th, 2009, 21:25 Posted By: wraggster
When the PlayStation Network launched in 2006, many saw it as a sea of untapped potential, but Jon Webb from the SCEA Developer Support Group says Sony's made strides to correct that and that now it's up to developers to capitalize.
Webb spoke today at GDC about the PSN's past, present, and future. While a lot of the discussion focused on the nuts and bolts of running the service for the 20 million registered users, Webb did talk about all the improvements the company added to the PSN last year. Sure, a lot of lip service was paid to Trophies and the in-game cross media bar, but Webb said there are a wealth of other options the late '08 upgrade added that developers didn't drop into their games because of time constraints; the PSN booster shot came about halfway through the year and that didn't bode well for adding functionality to the holiday releases.
What beauts are hiding under the PS3's hood? Well, Webb says the PSN currently supports voting systems, integration of external media sources from the web (He mentioned pulling Twitter photos into a game.), location-specific information based on your IP, group functions such as clubs and club challenges, and in-game ads. Web also detailed the ability for drop "socially based commerce recommendations" into games so that if you and I were friends, you could buy things in Burnout Paradise, the game would tell me you just bought that product, and I could follow a link to pick up the goods as well.
However, the biggest mention Webb made in terms of untapped potential is PSN sub-sign in. Granted, LittleBigPlanet already allows you to play a local multiplayer game using more than one PSN profile on the system, but Webb said that this functionally will soon be patched into "a couple of high profile titles." He wouldn't say which games, but he did say that the system will pull save data from both users' personal saves and that making this work falls on the game itself supporting it. Sadly, at this point in development, the sub-sign in doesn't allow the second player to earn Trophies while playing as the red-headed stepchild.
With so much talk about the PSN making strides onto the PS3, PC, and PSP, I asked Webb if Trophies were any closer to coming to Sony's portable. His response wasn't super-inspiring. With so many of the older PSPs hacked and modded, he says that there's concern about what that would mean to the Trophy playing field. Webb said the PSP is a different iteration of the PSN because it's not always on like the PS3 so the team is working on expanding the experience, which may or may not include Trophies.
"We're always looking at how we can bring more parity to the PlayStation Portable," Webb said. "
When he was done with that Greg Miller gem, I threw the same question I throw at every Sony person I meet: what's up with avatars?
"We're looking to expand avatar functionality," he said citing this year. "I don't have any details on that."
Even when that update comes, don't look for PlayStation Eye support -- Webb said that using the camera opens up too many monitoring issues; odd, Xbox Live seems to handle it just fine.
Sigh. One day I'll get rid of that lame sheep next to my PSN name. One day.
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March 26th, 2009, 22:09 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
In a candid Game Developers Conference session, Mark Healey and Alex Evans - leading lights of LittleBigPlanet developer Media Molecule - revealed that the studio wants to develop the game much further.
"We still feel like we're halfway through the development of LittleBigPlanet, to be honest," said Healey in response to a question from the floor.
"I claim that LittleBigPlanet is potentially a game creation package, which isn't finished if you like, but potentially," he'd said earlier.
"We want LittleBigPlanet to be something that enables people to make games, not platform game levels." Healey said the moment he'd got a working version of Tetris up and running in the game was when he'd proved to himself that the team was on the right track.
Evans said that active development continues on the game, which was a flagship PS3 release for Sony late last year. The team's focus is on improving the content creation side, and making it more accessible to a wider audience.
"That's the least finished part of the game, which both excites and terrifies me," Evans said. The priorities were "taking it outside the walled garden of PSN" and getting more players involved in making content.
"One of the things we have to do is taking that 0.1 per cent audience that can create things in LittleBigPlanet, and bring that to a wider audience - and that's what we want to do next," he said.
Since the game is efficiently and flexibly programmed, expanding it after launch in this manner will be easy to do, Evans said. "The code base for LittleBigPlanet is very tiny, it's still very easy to iterate and play and do stuff. One of our programmers just did a new feature that will become a key part of the game, and he did that in 2 days."
It wasn't discussed whether changes to the game from this point on would come in the form of free patches, downloadable content or a new box release. A member of the audience asked how the team divided its attention between support for LittleBigPlanet and its next major project, and Healey suggested that the two were fairly interchangeable.
"[Whatever] we're working on, we don't necessarily know if it's going to be in 'the next thing', or something we put out to the community in a month," he said.
The team considers that development of LBP is open-ended, and the community takes an active part. "When we released the game, we thought of it as, OK, we've now expanded our team size to two million people," Evans said.
Just as well. Evans said that the community's levels have been far superior to the ones that Media Molecule itself and its games industry contacts made in the early stages of testing. "The quality of levels produced were shocking, really, really awful," he said. "It was only when we went to a public beta trial, within 24 hours there were high quality levels appearing."
The developers were full of admiration - if slightly baffled admiration - for the feats of some community designers, such as the mechanical, switch-and-pulley computers that run a calculator, or early computing experiment The Game of Life.
"Seeing things like this was like, oh my god, there's some really f***ed up people out there, man," said Healey, shaking his head at the vast switch arrays of Little Big Computer.
Healey and Evans shared details and video of earlier versions of LittleBigPlanet with the audience, showing how much it had changed since it was greenlit by Sony, not long before its first unveiling at GDC two years ago.
"We actually started with a user-generated content system that bore no resemblance to what ended up in the final game," Evans said, showing how it was entirely physical, down to players using shotguns to blow away stuff they wanted to delete, paint rollers to apply colour, and even running around physical inventory and menu spaces.
"We originally wanted to have no distinction between creation and gameplay at all," Healey said. "But when we decided we wanted to make a full game creation tool, we realised there was no way anybody would want to do that in that interface."
Although it was always a 2D platformer, Evans said that he'd wanted the game to be more 3D, with levels that wrapped around or bended along a "ribbon". "I really wanted to have the game embedded in 3D space, because I'm a 3D graphics programmer," he said "I clung to that for months and months and months." But none of the other designers were using the tools for it he'd built.
In the end, he spent a "painful" day deleting the code that made his ribbon work. "As I was doing that deletion of the code, the code got cleaner, I cleaned up loads of bugs, deleted thousands of lines, and by the end of that deletion process I was convinced it was the right thing to do," Evans confessed.
The change to a non-physical content creation interface was initially difficult for the team to reconcile, Evans and Healey revealed; they felt like they were making two separate games. It wasn't until they decided that all the Story levels had to be made with the game's own editing tools - and "no cheating" - that it came together.
"That was the key point in the project," Healey said. "As a developer, you know ways of wowing people, and we couldn't use those any more, because we couldn't cheat," Evans added.
LittleBigPlanet is coming to PSP later this year.
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March 26th, 2009, 22:13 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
Ratchet and Clank triumphantly return to the PlayStation 3 this fall in Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time, the continuing saga of the robot and Lombax duo.
Some of the franchise's biggest questions will be answered in A Crack in Time, as Ratchet and Clank discover the truth behind their origins and their ultimate destinies as they struggle to reunite following Clank's kidnapping be the nefarious Dr. Nefarious. The official announcement teases us with the question: "Do Ratchet and Clank's destinies lie with each other? Or is it finally time for the universe's greatest duo to separate for good?" Chilling!
Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time will be powered by the same engine that Insomniac used to craft Tools of Destruction and Quest for Booty, so whatever happens to the dynamic duo we can at least be sure they'll look fabulous as they travel through time in order to save the future.
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March 26th, 2009, 22:14 Posted By: wraggster
Wolfenstein 3D is popping up on more platforms than the iPhone. Activision Blizzard has plans to release the game that popularized the FPS genre on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. An ESRB rating leaked the announcement, but provided no other details.
It seems unlikely a seventeen year old game will get a retail release so we’ll throw this in the unannounced Xbox Live Arcade / PlayStation Network pile.
Wolf 3D is a classic and if it gets re-released online deathmatches should be part of the package. A map editor and map sharing would be another great feature, but I wouldn’t expect Activision Blizzard to go that far.
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March 27th, 2009, 21:27 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has updated the PlayStation Store with Burn Zombie Burn for PS3, downloadable content for LittleBigPlanet, PAIN, Resistance 2, EndWar and COD5, and a PSone copy of Magic Carpet (the latter costing GBP 4.79 / EUR 5.99).
Burn Zombie Burn, developed by UK outfit doublesix, goes for GBP 6.29 / EUR 7.99, and sees players trying to hold off a horde of zombies for as long as possible in order to set a score and hopefully unlock more content.
Then there's the Resistance 2 Aftermath Map Pack, announced this week, for GBP 3.99 / EUR 4.99. Elsewhere Call of Duty: World at War fans get access to Map Pack 1 for GBP 7.99 / EUR 9.99, which is a bit more than Xbox owners had to pay but the quality is certainly there.
Then there's the PAIN Smack Pack (GBP 3.19 / EUR 3.99) and El Chile Grande character (GBP 0.69 / EUR 0.99), while LittleBigPlanet owners can grab a Buzz! costume for GBP 1.59 / EUR 1.99. EndWar and Unreal Tournament 3 fans, meanwhile, get the Veteran Map Pack and Titan Pack for free respectively.
Finally, the PSP side of the store offers Buzz! Brain of the UK for GBP 19.99, but, as ever, we're forced to point out that it's a fiver cheaper in the shops. What's going on, Sony? We'll try to find out.
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March 27th, 2009, 21:29 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
The latest LittleBigPlanet update should fix the one thing about the game that really gets on our nerves.
If, like us, you've played LBP extensively and collected a ton of community items, you'll most likely have had numerous play sessions interrupted by a freezing screen (usually mid jump) as a message pops up telling you that your profile is full and prompting you to delete photos and objects.
The problem with this is that even after you've deleted all of the community items attached to your profile the same message keeps popping up repeatedly - it's a real annoyance that can spoil what's otherwise a wonderful experience.
This should finally be fixed by the upcoming Cornish Yarg (?) update. Below the movie you'll find the full list of fixes and new features, via the PS Blog.
This update addresses several outstanding issues with the game:
- There is a new music player which lets player's choose their own music from the XMB to play during create mode and in their Pod
- Improved decoration mode makes it easier to customize your Sackboy
- New options to help prevent profiles becoming full of unwanted community objects:
- Option to delete all (unhearted) community objects and photos
- Option to select whether to automatically collect community prizes and photos
- A number of improvements have been made to make profiles more robust and to recover from certain errors
- We now support Japanese and Korean IME for text chat.
- Emitter prediction has been improved (this should help fast-moving projectiles e.g. in MGS levels)
- The player proximity switch now has a 'require all' option in it
- An option has been added to cycle between various level information when viewing community levels on the earth
- Various LittleBigStore improvements
We don't yet have a fixed release date for this update, but it has now finished primary development so won't be too much longer. Additional fixes, particularly for online connection reliability and save game/profile size problems are already well into development and we'll bring you more news on that just as soon as possible.
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March 27th, 2009, 21:36 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
Here's the latest PS3 ad featuring a famous Japanese designer. Previously, the ads showcased Yakuza creator Toshihiro Nagoshi and White Knight Chronicles designer Akihiro Hino.
This time, it's Gran Turismo's Kazunori Yamauchi turn. The ad is short, sweet and self-explanatory. Next up, no doubt inevitable ads with Metal Gear Solid mastermind Hideo Kojima and Final Fantasy designer Tetsuya Nomura.
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March 27th, 2009, 23:43 Posted By: wraggster
Sony dropped Kotaku a line to let us know that something big was going down on Tuesday, March 31st. Could it be the long-rumored price cut is finally upon us?
Or could it be something completely different? Rumors have been doing little twirly things all over the internet over the past few weeks regarding a potential PlayStation 3 price cut, and while our first thought was "Why would they announce it several days after GDC?", apparently they are indeed announcing something several days after GDC. Go figure.
We're leaning towards a price cut, but we've got a sneaking suspicion that it's the PlayStation 2 dropping to $99, and not a cut for the PlayStation 3.
All we know so far is that they're announcing something. There's only one thing to do now. Let the wild speculation begin! What do you think/hope/dream Sony is announcing?
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March 27th, 2009, 23:43 Posted By: wraggster
Sony dropped Kotaku a line to let us know that something big was going down on Tuesday, March 31st. Could it be the long-rumored price cut is finally upon us?
Or could it be something completely different? Rumors have been doing little twirly things all over the internet over the past few weeks regarding a potential PlayStation 3 price cut, and while our first thought was "Why would they announce it several days after GDC?", apparently they are indeed announcing something several days after GDC. Go figure.
We're leaning towards a price cut, but we've got a sneaking suspicion that it's the PlayStation 2 dropping to $99, and not a cut for the PlayStation 3.
All we know so far is that they're announcing something. There's only one thing to do now. Let the wild speculation begin! What do you think/hope/dream Sony is announcing?
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March 27th, 2009, 23:56 Posted By: wraggster

We're not sure if this is true, but Yasuhiro Yamanaka of Sony Computer Entertainment claims that he "designed PSP and PS3 User Interface all by myself." You can blame him for everything.
In a regular company, it would be very difficult to believe that one man designed the entirety of any UI, especially one as large, complex and important as the PlayStation 3. But we're talking about Sony here. They're the people who designed the hardware for the PS3 first, then dumped the components onto the software guy, saying "do something with it."
If you're like Mark (and many others), you'll congratulate Mr. Yasuhiro Yamanaka on a job well done. If he really did create all of that by himself, it's quite an accomplishment. If you're like me, and think the XMB is pretty, yet functionally horrible from a UI development standpoint, you'll think this guy should hire a few more people to help.
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March 27th, 2009, 23:56 Posted By: wraggster

We're not sure if this is true, but Yasuhiro Yamanaka of Sony Computer Entertainment claims that he "designed PSP and PS3 User Interface all by myself." You can blame him for everything.
In a regular company, it would be very difficult to believe that one man designed the entirety of any UI, especially one as large, complex and important as the PlayStation 3. But we're talking about Sony here. They're the people who designed the hardware for the PS3 first, then dumped the components onto the software guy, saying "do something with it."
If you're like Mark (and many others), you'll congratulate Mr. Yasuhiro Yamanaka on a job well done. If he really did create all of that by himself, it's quite an accomplishment. If you're like me, and think the XMB is pretty, yet functionally horrible from a UI development standpoint, you'll think this guy should hire a few more people to help.
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March 28th, 2009, 00:04 Posted By: wraggster
Capcom slated Fate/Unlimited Codes Portable for release in June. Now we have a more specific date, June 18. The PSP port will also be easier on the wallet since it goes on sale for 5,240 yen ($52) compared to the PS2 version which is 7,340 yen ($73). Pre-order the game to get a Saber Lily card for the mash up trading card game Weib Schwarz.
Beginning on April 10 at 10AM, Capcom will take reservations for Fate/Unlimited Codes Portable Extended Edition. The bundle comes with the game and a 32 page hard cover art book.
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March 28th, 2009, 10:35 Posted By: wraggster
Ubisoft today revealed R.U.S.E., a new real-time strategy game from Eugen Systems (Act of War: Direct Action) for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Windows PC platforms. It is currently being readied for a release in the fiscal year 2009 / 2010.
The hook of this RTS title is how it offers systems that allow players to trick each other during play. According to an official release, R.U.S.E. is a game "where the ability to deceive and mislead the enemy determines success." A technology entitled the IrisZoom engine will allow players to seamlessly move the view of battle from the unit level to the entire battlefield.
The official line goes something like this: "With R.U.S.E., Ubisoft is once again shaking up a genre, offering an RTS with a twist that will thrill gamers," said Ubisoft senior vice president of sales and marketing Tony Key. "Ubisoft is known for innovation and R.U.S.E. continues that tradition, offering the most immense and detailed maps ever seen in an RTS. Players can explore the maps using IRISZOOM Engine, which provides an aerial, smooth interaction unlike anything ever seen before."
The game will be optimized for newer processors, including Intel's Core i7s.
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March 28th, 2009, 10:38 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Online Entertainment's massively multiplayer online games The Agency and DC Universe Online are now expected to be ready sometime in 2010. Joystiq is reporting SOE president John Smedley let loose the details during a talk entitled 'An industry perspective on how new online games will reach the masses.'
Both The Agency, a spy-themed MMOG, and DC Universe Online, a superhero-themed MMOG, are expected to be released for Windows PC and PlayStation 3 platforms.
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March 28th, 2009, 11:13 Posted By: wraggster
Marvelous is preparing another Valhalla Knights game, but it isn’t exactly brand new. Valhalla Knights 2: Battle Stance is a revised version of Valhalla Knights 2 which came out in Japan last year. The re-release scheduled to come out on June 25 is said to have a revised battle system. Valhalla Knights 2: Battle Stance will be priced lower than a regular PSP game at 3,990 yen ($40 — remember games are generally more expensive in Japan), but that seems overpriced for an “enhanced†game that came out last year.
This is a case where Marvelous could have released a downloadable expansion pack for Valhalla Knights 2 and charge a 1,000 yen ($10) for it. Selling a game and a updated game later was a business strategy Capcom used for their Monster Hunter series, but Valhalla Knights is far from Monster Hunter’s blockbuster status.
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March 28th, 2009, 11:20 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released from SuccessHK

This Singibigi Joystick has 12 buttons, suitable for PS3,PS2 and PC.
Compatible for PS3,PS2 and PC
Has 12 buttons, satisfied your needs
Device level technologyh
AUTO output
Rounding Comfort
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March 28th, 2009, 11:20 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released from SuccessHK

This Singibigi Joystick has 12 buttons, suitable for PS3,PS2 and PC.
Compatible for PS3,PS2 and PC
Has 12 buttons, satisfied your needs
Device level technologyh
AUTO output
Rounding Comfort
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March 28th, 2009, 11:25 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the creation of the magazines, Sunday Weekly and Shounen Weekly have gathered the popular manga idols together and have them pit against one another in fighting arenas on your Sony PSP. Crossing over timelines and series, you can pick a character from any of your favourite series and have them fight against another in a dream battle.
Up to 100 fighters are taken from 30 of the most popular series such as Inuyasha and Get Backers, step into the shoes of your idols and train your battle prowesses. Besides fighting alone, you can form combinations with a support character, try matching characters up and reach your full potential.
You can play by yourself in the arcade mode, make use of the networking facilities of the PSP and engage in battle in the Free Battle mode. With another 3 of your friends, you are invincible to complete quests to unlock new characters and learn new techniques.
Don't worry if you are a complete novice, with the simple mode, you can launch skills with one press of a button, and for those who are looking for a challenge, play the game in the technical mode.
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March 28th, 2009, 11:26 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

Highly popular since its creation in 2006, the vertical shooting series is now out with a new game.
Some place in a solar system so far away from the Earth that not even its light could reach our planet, a battle is reaching its end.
Trigger Hearts, the androids created by the interplanntary defense organization has gained the upper hand against Varmis the battle group and chased them to the teleportation gates they have created for emergency uses.
However, due to an error made during the teleportation, it's the trigger hearts which get sent to Earth. Heavily injured, the Trigger Hearts recovered and used Earth as their new base, and soon, the girls are living normal lives there.
However, peace did not last long for Varmis has, too made their way across the galaxy to Earth. Under adverse circum stances, the opening of the teleportal gates and the time lag which the gates caused, the girls have to destroy the Varmis, hopefully, for good.
Trigger Heart Exelica Enhanced is available on PlayStation2, get the Limited Edition for a nendoroid figure of Excelica.
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March 28th, 2009, 11:27 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

New story, characters and scenarios are added to this dangerous tactical battle in the underworld. More focus is placed on Akutare, see his funny and tearful moments, and engage in more battles in different places on the maps.
New characters are here to join the war, the female samurai and Deathsabel as well as other people are here together with more jobs.
Make friends with characters that appeared in the extra stage as opponents such as Zeta, Demon king Prie and middle boss.
You can launch more skills and get your hands on powerful weapons and cast the "peta" class magic in this installement. The first limited edition includes a twin CD OST pack and the Disgaea 2 Portable Maxi Single.
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March 28th, 2009, 11:33 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

Kidou Senshi Gundam, Senjou no Kizuna is ported and upgraded for its Sony PSP release. Adhoc network gaming is now expanded to include 8 people, forming a team of 4, you can battle another group in a life or death situation.
In this game, mobile suites are categorized into different groups, and each specialize in different things. When you build your team, you have to take this into account so that all areas, such as attack and defense and speed are covered. With kizuna as the theme of the game, the idea of bonding between comrades is very important.
New missions are designed for this PSP edition, this is a game that not only individual gamers can enjoy, but a whole group could join in. From tutorials for novices to game modes for veterans, the varieties of missions are massive, come choose, and board your mecha now.
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March 28th, 2009, 11:35 Posted By: wraggster
Heres whats new:
007 / Goldfinger (~Sean Connery, Gert Frobe, ...) JPN US$ 51.90
007 / Moonraker (~Roger Moore, Michel Lonsdale) JPN US$ 51.90
007 / The World Is Not Enough (~Pierce Brosnan, Robert Carlyle, ...) JPN US$ 51.90
007: Quantum of Solace (~Joaquin Cosio, Jesper Christensen, ...) US US$ 39.99
007: Quantum of Solace (~Daniel Craig, Jesper Christensen, ...) HK US$ 32.90
2008 Tour Black List (~Acid Black Cherry) JPN US$ 65.90
Animalia: Talent-O-Topia US US$ 29.98
Animelo Summer Live 2008 Challenge 8.30 JPN US$ 103.90
Animelo Summer Live 2008 Challenge 8.31 JPN US$ 103.90
Beach Angels Mayumi Ono In Hamilton Island (~Mayumi Ono) JPN US$ 63.90
Big Stan (~Rob Schneider, M. Emmet Walsh, ...) US US$ 34.98
Bolt [Blu-Ray+DVD] (~Cantonese Voice: Jacky Cheung, Wong Joe Lam ; English Voice: John Travolta, ...) HK US$ 38.90
Cardcaptor Sakura - Clow Card Hen Blu-ray Box [Limited Pressing] JPN US$ 857.90
Casablanca HK US$ 28.90
Casshern Sins Blu-ray Box 2 (~Toru Furuya, Nami Miyahara, ...) JPN US$ 164.90
Code Geass - Lelouch Of The Rebellion R2 Vol.8 (~Jun Fukuyama, Takahiro Mizushima, ...) JPN US$ 76.90
Code Geass - Lelouch Of The Rebellion Vol.8 (~Jun Fukuyama, Takahiro Sakurai, ...) JPN US$ 76.90
Deep Blue HK US$ 33.90
Disney's Bolt (~John Travolta, Miley Cyrus, ...) US US$ 39.99
Ef - A Tale Of Melodies 4 (~Yui Horie, Mai Goto, ...) JPN US$ 65.90
Fractals: Hunting the Hidden Dimension US US$ 29.95
Gandhi JPN US$ 52.90
Goldfinger (~Sean Connery, Honor Blackman, ...) US US$ 34.99
James Bond Blu-ray Collection Vol. 3 (3-pack) (~Roger Moore, Pierce Brosnan, ...) US US$ 89.99
James Bond Blu-ray Triple Pack Vol.3 (~Sean Connery, Gert Frobe, ...) JPN US$ 131.90
Journey To The Center Of The Earth (~Brendan Fraser, Josh Hutcherson, ...) JPN US$ 51.90
Journey To The Center Of The Earth 3D Premium Edition [Limited Edition] (~Brendan Fraser, Josh Hutcherson, ...) JPN US$ 63.90
Keitai Sosakan 7 File 08 (~Kanji Tsuda, Yuko Ito, ...) JPN US$ 63.90
Kemeko Deluxe Vol.4 (~Chiwa Saitou, Mikako Takahashi, ...) JPN US$ 74.90
Kemeko Deluxe Vol.4 [Blu-ray+CD Limited Edition] (~Chiwa Saitou, Mikako Takahashi, ...) JPN US$ 74.90
Koukyoushihen Eureka Seven Blu-ray Box 1 [Limited Edition] (~Yukiko Sanpei, Kaori Nazuka, ...) JPN US$ 384.90
Last Metro (~Catherine Deneuve, Grard Depardieu, ...) US US$ 39.95
Lupin The Third Second TV. 1 JPN US$ 52.90
Lupin The Third Second TV. 2 JPN US$ 52.90
Lupin The Third Second TV. 3 JPN US$ 52.90
Lupin The Third second TV. 4 JPN US$ 52.90
Lupin The Third second TV. 5 JPN US$ 52.90
Macross F / Macross Frontier 8 (~Hiroshi Kamiya) JPN US$ 76.90
Michiko To Hacchin Vol.3 (~Maki Sakai, Kanji Tsuda, ...) JPN US$ 65.90
Mighty Heart (~Jillian Armenante, Sean Chapman, ...) US US$ 29.99
Minky Momo Blu-ray Disc Box 2 (~Megumi Hayashibara, Chisa Yokoyama, ...) JPN US$ 417.90
Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Second Season Vol.2 (~Mamoru Miyano, Shinichiro Miki, ...) JPN US$ 76.90
Moonraker (~Roger Moore, Lois Chiles, ...) US US$ 34.99
Mushishi 26 Tan Blu-ray Box (~Akio Ohtsuka) JPN US$ 362.90
Never Say Never Again (~Kim Basinger, Sean Connery, ...) US US$ 34.99
NHK Special Planet Earth Episode 10: Shinrin Inochi Meguru Shiki JPN US$ 51.90
NHK Special Planet Earth Episode 11: Aoi Sabaku Gaiyo To Shinkai JPN US$ 51.90
NHK Special Planet Earth Episode 7: Umi Hishimeku Seme JPN US$ 51.90
NHK Special Planet Earth Episode 8: Kyokuchi Kori No Sekai JPN US$ 51.90
NHK Special Planet Earth Episode 9: Jungle Midori No Makyo JPN US$ 51.90
Office Space (~Ron Livingston) HK US$ 28.90
Open Season 2 JPN US$ 52.90
OVA Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni / When They Cry Rei File.1 Hajisarashi Hen (~Souichiro Hoshi, Mai Nakahara, ...) JPN US$ 83.90
P.S. I Love You (~Hilary Swank, Gerard Butler, ...) JPN US$ 51.90
Raging Bull (~Robert De Niro, Cathy Moriarty, ...) JPN US$ 51.90
Red Cliff II (~Tony Leung, Takeshi Kaneshiro, ...) HK US$ 37.90
Sekai No Meisaku Kaiga Germany Hen JPN US$ 63.90
Semi-pro Subete Misechau Version (~Will Ferrell, Woody Harrelson, ...) JPN US$ 51.90
Seven Years In Tibet (~Brad Pitt) JPN US$ 51.90
Shin Yacho Zukan Box JPN US$ 206.90
Shin Yacho Zukan Vol.1 Kari Wo Suru Tori / Mori Ya Keiryu No Tori JPN US$ 51.90
Shin Yacho Zukan Vol.3 Ike Ya Mizumi No Suicho / Umi Ni Mau Tori JPN US$ 51.90
Shin Yacho Zukan Vol.4 Mizube Ni Sumu Tori / Nagisa Ni Sumu Tori JPN US$ 51.90
Showa 83 Nendo! Hitori Kohaku Uta Gassen (~Keisuke Kuwata) JPN US$ 76.90
Suara Live 2008 - Taiyo To Tsuki No Shirabe - 2009.1.3 Nihon Budokan (~Suara) JPN US$ 41.90
Tales Of The Abyss Vol.2 (~Chihiro Suzuki, Yukana Nogami, ...) JPN US$ 85.90
Tenchi Muyo In Love (~Megumi Hayashibara, Toshiyuki Morikawa, ...) JPN US$ 85.90
Tenchi Muyo In Love 2 JPN US$ 85.90
Tenchi Muyo Manatsu No Eve (~Masami Kikuchi, Ai Orikasa, ...) JPN US$ 85.90
Tenchi Muyo! Theatrical Feature Blu-ray Trilogy Box [Limited Edition] (~Megumi Hayashibara, Toshiyuki Morikawa, ...) JPN US$ 257.90
The 400 Blows (~Jean-Pierre Laud, Claire Maurier, ...) US US$ 29.95
The Bank Job JPN US$ 51.90
The Fast and the Furious Trilogy (The Fast and the Furious / 2 Fast 2 Furious / The Fast and the Furious: Toyko Drift) (~Paul Walker, Vin Diesel, ...) US US$ 99.98
The Full Monty (~Robert Carlyle, Tom Wilkinson, ...) JPN US$ 51.90
The Kite Runner (~L. Peter Callender, Larry Brown, ...) US US$ 29.99
The Punisher JPN US$ 52.90
The Silence Of The Lambs (~Jodie Foster, Anthony Hopkins, ...) JPN US$ 51.90
The Venture Bros.: 3rd Season US US$ 44.98
The World Heritage / Sekai Isan: France Hen Roma No Suidobashi Pont Du Gard / Bordeaux Tsuki No Miyako JPN US$ 52.90
The World Heritage / Sekai Isan: India Hen Ajanta Caves / Taj Mahal JPN US$ 52.90
The World Is Not Enough (~Pierce Brosnan, Denise Richards, ...) US US$ 34.99
Things We Lost in the Fire (~Halle Berry, Benicio Del Toro, ...) US US$ 29.99
Toaru Majutsu No Index Vol.3 (~Shizuka Ito) JPN US$ 82.90
Toaru Majutsu No Index Vol.3 [Limited Edition] (~Shizuka Ito) JPN US$ 82.90
Tour 2005 Joker (~Janne Da Arc) JPN US$ 71.90
Twilight (~Robert Pattinson, Kristin Stewart, ...) HK US$ 33.90
Tytania 3 (~Daisuke Kishiga, Katsuyuki Konishi, ...) JPN US$ 74.90
Vicom Blu-ray Tenbo Tobu Tetsudo Part.2 Tokkyu Ryomo / Isesaki Sen Kiryu Sen Sano Sen Koizumi Sen Isesaki Sen Etc JPN US$ 81.90
Watchmen: Tales of the Black Freighter & Under the Hood (~Gerard Butler, Salli Saffioti) US US$ 35.99
Wild Asia 1: In the Realm Of The Red Ape US US$ 24.99
Yokohama Twilight Flight - Yokohama Yukei Hiko JPN US$ 51.90
Youth Without Youth (~Tim Roth, Alexandra Maria Lala, ...) JPN US$ 51.90
More details --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...-1zw-84-n.html
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March 28th, 2009, 14:57 Posted By: wraggster
Sony plans to bait in more developers into creating games exclusively to the Playstation Network by helping fund their development. Interesting and very sneaky at the same time, a very nice generosity wouldn’t you say?
The devs will get financial assistance via the Pub Fund and in return, Sony asks for exclusiveness. Really not that bad of an offer if funding is the biggest issue. Sony has no plans of buying the titles, the IP rights nor any control of the game what-so-ever.
It’s very arguable how this may effect developers but we hope to see many new games blast off and bring out the potential from developers. It would certainly be a great cause to the gaming industry. The first game to take advantage of the deal is Doublesix’s Burn Zombie Burn, which goes live via the PlayStation Network today. Sony has indicated it’s “looking for many more great titles†to take advantage of the fund.
Chris Eden, Sony’s development relations manager explained at the GDC:
“It’s all very well for us as platform holders to say, ‘Put all your money into PlayStation Network, it’s a fantastic idea,’ but are we prepared to put or money where our mouth is? The answer is yes.â€
“We’re looking for a number of great games, and in return for exclusivity we’ll match your development budget with guaranteed royalties. A really important thing to point out is that this is not first-party publishing, this is not Sony buying your product.â€
“You’ll be the publisher, you’ll own the IP and you’ll control your product. This is assisting you to make your next step from developer to publisher.â€
Although this may suck a bit Xbox and Wii owners, but†hopefully†it does bring out a bigger variety of games and maybe even some really big hits. It’s a great opportunity for small or new developers to really get into the business from a developer into a publisher.
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March 28th, 2009, 14:57 Posted By: wraggster
Sony plans to bait in more developers into creating games exclusively to the Playstation Network by helping fund their development. Interesting and very sneaky at the same time, a very nice generosity wouldn’t you say?
The devs will get financial assistance via the Pub Fund and in return, Sony asks for exclusiveness. Really not that bad of an offer if funding is the biggest issue. Sony has no plans of buying the titles, the IP rights nor any control of the game what-so-ever.
It’s very arguable how this may effect developers but we hope to see many new games blast off and bring out the potential from developers. It would certainly be a great cause to the gaming industry. The first game to take advantage of the deal is Doublesix’s Burn Zombie Burn, which goes live via the PlayStation Network today. Sony has indicated it’s “looking for many more great titles†to take advantage of the fund.
Chris Eden, Sony’s development relations manager explained at the GDC:
“It’s all very well for us as platform holders to say, ‘Put all your money into PlayStation Network, it’s a fantastic idea,’ but are we prepared to put or money where our mouth is? The answer is yes.â€
“We’re looking for a number of great games, and in return for exclusivity we’ll match your development budget with guaranteed royalties. A really important thing to point out is that this is not first-party publishing, this is not Sony buying your product.â€
“You’ll be the publisher, you’ll own the IP and you’ll control your product. This is assisting you to make your next step from developer to publisher.â€
Although this may suck a bit Xbox and Wii owners, but†hopefully†it does bring out a bigger variety of games and maybe even some really big hits. It’s a great opportunity for small or new developers to really get into the business from a developer into a publisher.
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March 28th, 2009, 18:19 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from zeroXorXdieXskater
Smash My PSP! is a game in which you use different weapons and tools to destroy and decorate your PSP's main menu.
current version v3.0
This game features the ability to switch between different "weapons" to "decorate" your XMB.
You can also change the background or put your own in so you can change it up a bit.
Of course you can also make a screenshot of your masterpiece with ease.
The foundation for this game is basically finished, further releases will most likely feature weapon and background updates.
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March 28th, 2009, 18:25 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita
The coder poool French issuing the second version of PSP Calculette, homebrew that will allow us to use a scientific calculator on our PSP. Among the more interesting features is the ability to perform calculations Trigonometry.
More information to follow in the changelog.
Changelog v2:
-Basic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division)
-Calculations of Trigonometry
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March 29th, 2009, 21:10 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from zeroXorXdieXskater
Etch A Sketch Portable is just what the title implies.
Not only do you have the ability to make cool retro drawings
you can change the color of your Etch A Sketch as well.
I whipped this up in an afternoon so the graphics are not
too good. I may update them.
--//What are the controls?\\--
--Use the D-Pad or analog stick to control the cursor, as you move you draw.
--Press start to change the color of your Etch A Sketch
--Press music note to take a screenshot
--Press Select to reset your Etch A Sketch
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March 29th, 2009, 21:13 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from zeroXorXdieXskater
--//What is it?\\--
Hold The Button is what the title implies. You press X and see how long you can HOld The Button.
--//What are the controls?\\--
--Press X to start the timer
--Press O to reset the timer
--Press select to take a screenshot
Using Luaplayer .20
Coded in LuaDevKit
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March 29th, 2009, 21:16 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Total_Noob
Ultimate VSH Menu v1.06 - Full VSH Menu
Developed by Total_Noob
What's this?
It's an Ultimate VSH Menu like the M33 VSH Menu with other features!
Changelog v1.06:
- Now you can select "EXIT" to exit recovery menu with save
- "Run program at /PSP/GAME/RECOVERY/EBOOT.PBP" work now
- Exit recovery menu without save, with SELECT or HOME
- Added "AUTORUN PROGRAM" to autoboot program at /PSP/GAME/BOOT/EBOOT.PBP
- Added a function to fix the "Autorun program at /PSP/GAME/BOOT/EBOOT.PBP" function
- Fixed all bugs of the Ultimate VSH Menu
- Compatible 100% with the CFW 5.00 M33-6
- It's now almost similar to the M33 VSH Menu
- Alpha color function
- After change CPU speed, the cpu speed is changed
- After change usb device, you can connect the usb with the current device
- Show current battery serial
- Now, you must only press LEFT and RIGHT to select the battery serial
- Exit Ultimate VSH Menu with HOME is possibility
- Added a simple installer for noobs
- Sorry for my english, because I'm from Switzerland
Special thanks to:
- Dark_AleX for the M33 Custom Firmware
- Torch for some help
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March 29th, 2009, 21:26 Posted By: wraggster
TPN have released a new podcast for the PSP:
Yes as I take my regular conference tour around the USA in march (taking in the Getting Things Done summit, the SXSW Festival, GDC in San Francisco and the Lonley Planet Blog Awards), it’s time to do the by now traditional “which UMD games will I be taking with me.â€
Remember that these games aren’t the best five games ever, they’re my personal choices that I know I will enjoy on a long trip - so there’s a mix of new titles and old favourites in there. And while you might think you know what will be in the UMD case (go on, write them down first and compare), I suspect you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the top choice for this year’s trip.
And because the PSP is one of the best multi-purpose tools out there, I’ll also introduce my Top 5 Film and TV Shows I’ll watch, and the Top Five Games downloaded from the PSN to my Memory Stick.
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March 30th, 2009, 21:39 Posted By: wraggster
Ruh roh. In a move that will undoubtedly cause an incredibly raucous stir, only to fade away as movie renters realize that Netflix is still the best deal going, America's most adored by-mail rental service is hiking the price of Blu-ray rentals once again. If you'll recall, Netflix already implemented a $1 per month fee for Blu-ray customers back in October, and now it's looking to push that premium higher by around 20 percent across its pricing tiers. The company asserts that the increase (slated to hit April 27th and only applicable to BD customers) is due to it buying more titles on BD to "accommodate the increasing number of Netflix members who prefer renting movies on Blu-ray." In fact, nearly 10 percent of all Netflix customers are choosing BD now, and obviously these platters cost quite a bit more for anyone (even Netflix) to procure. Head past the break to see how big of a hardship this will be on you.
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March 30th, 2009, 21:42 Posted By: wraggster
Take it for what it's worth, but Smarthouse has it on authority that Sony Computer Entertainment is gearing up to make a worldwide announcement tomorrow, and believe it or not, it could involve the PlayStation 3. Analysts (and patient consumers) have been anticipating a PS3 price drop ever since, oh, December 26th of last year, but we've seen absolutely zero evidence to make us believe that one is coming within the next 24 hours. And as Joystiq points out, each Sony region sets its own PS3 price independently. At any rate, we reckon a joint PS2 / PS3 price slashing could be on the table, but we'd highly recommend not getting your hopes up too high. Who knows -- we could be getting all worked up over a new firmware that unlocks HD DVD support.
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March 30th, 2009, 21:42 Posted By: wraggster
Take it for what it's worth, but Smarthouse has it on authority that Sony Computer Entertainment is gearing up to make a worldwide announcement tomorrow, and believe it or not, it could involve the PlayStation 3. Analysts (and patient consumers) have been anticipating a PS3 price drop ever since, oh, December 26th of last year, but we've seen absolutely zero evidence to make us believe that one is coming within the next 24 hours. And as Joystiq points out, each Sony region sets its own PS3 price independently. At any rate, we reckon a joint PS2 / PS3 price slashing could be on the table, but we'd highly recommend not getting your hopes up too high. Who knows -- we could be getting all worked up over a new firmware that unlocks HD DVD support.
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March 30th, 2009, 21:42 Posted By: wraggster
Take it for what it's worth, but Smarthouse has it on authority that Sony Computer Entertainment is gearing up to make a worldwide announcement tomorrow, and believe it or not, it could involve the PlayStation 3. Analysts (and patient consumers) have been anticipating a PS3 price drop ever since, oh, December 26th of last year, but we've seen absolutely zero evidence to make us believe that one is coming within the next 24 hours. And as Joystiq points out, each Sony region sets its own PS3 price independently. At any rate, we reckon a joint PS2 / PS3 price slashing could be on the table, but we'd highly recommend not getting your hopes up too high. Who knows -- we could be getting all worked up over a new firmware that unlocks HD DVD support.
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March 30th, 2009, 21:46 Posted By: wraggster
We've nothing to go on but a good man's word, but we're hearing that the permanent retail price of Sony's aged PlayStation 2 console will soon fall below the magical $100 mark. And really, it'd be about time. If you'll recall, Sony last adjusted the price of the PS2 in (surprise!) April of 2006, and if this here tip proves true, the company will select April of 2009 to push the MSRP down to $99.99. The image above comes from a generally trustworthy Kmart pricing system, and while we're certain you'd all love a PS3 price drop to follow suit, we've no reason to believe that one is close enough to touch.
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March 30th, 2009, 21:51 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's Home team has told GamesIndustry.biz that its online service is becoming the “perfect storm†for games publishers looking to interact directly with their consumers.
Three months after launch, and with the first tangiable user details being fed back to partners, publishers are now able to build more unique content for users, and turn that content in revenues.
"Every major publisher is interested in Home. Here you can speak directly to the PlayStation audience on the platform that your product is on," said Jack Buser, director of Home for Sony Computer Entertainment, in an exclusive interview published today.
"You have publishers and brands coming into Home looking to engage with an audience, but they also have the opportunity to generate revenue. It's a model that makes sense for everybody. It's kind of a perfect storm," he said.
Peter Edwards, director of the Home Platform Group at Sony, added that content creators are now looking at the future potential of the service, after a few months of creating standard software for Home.
"As is the way with most platforms, the first round of development is pretty safe. It works," he said.
"But people are getting the hang of how it works, and that's starting to come through in the content. We're just now seeing the next generation of content."
Sony hopes to show the potential of the service with first-party projects – such as the recently announced alternative reality game Xi – but ultimately it's up to publishers and developers to provide the majority of content for Home.
"We're providing some benchmark content to inspire and give ideas to other publishers about what's possible and what they could do," offered Edwards. "Xi is showing you that you can have something far-ranging and a bit outside the box, but ultimately achievable.
"We're not in the business of creating the content for the Home platform. We're creating that initial spark. Other developers and publishers take those examples and build on them," he added.
Edwards described the interaction between users and content creators as a unique opportunity to bond, where developers can cater to different tastes and react quickly to feedback.
"The most important thing is to provide the gaming audience – the PS3 is primarily a gaming audience and I think there's a great temptation to be all things to all men and all women, but actually we have an audience and the best thing we can do is cater to that audience and give it what they want – a social network for gamers that allows them to focus on their passion for gaming.
"Users can fill those gaps between their play sessions within Home. And have more of a bond with developers and publishers, and for developers and publishers to have a bond with them. It's an all around bonding exercise."
Buser added: "We're building a platform that other people can create content for, which is extremely difficult to do. We spent the time to do it right so that today we have something that is a total console differentiator."
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March 30th, 2009, 22:27 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Insomniac is keeping the Ratchet & Clank games coming thick and fast, with the third game on PS3, subtitled A Crack in Time, on its way this autumn.
Here is the game's official debut trailer, following the game's reveal last week. A Crack in Time will, according to the blurb, Conclude the events that began in Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction and Quest for Booty.
"Expect all the laughs and witty banter of a Ratchet and Clank title, as you enjoy all-new space gameplay that gives players the opportunity to engage in space battles, explore the surrounding star system, and discover hidden items and collectables... You'll come head-to-head with a brand-new cast of baddies, and some old favourites, and obliterate them with cool new weapons and abilities," details Sony.
Trailer at CVG
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March 30th, 2009, 22:32 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
All those rumors of a PS3 price drop, like as soon as tomorrow? There's absolutely nothing to them according to Sony, who has contacted us with an official comment on the matter.
"As we have stated previously, we do not have plans for a PS3 price drop, and any rumors to that effect are false and are the result of speculation," the statement from SCEA public relations manager Al De Leon reads. "SCEA remains focused on the long-term momentum of PS3. With the industry's best software lineup this year, combined with our most aggressive marketing campaign to date, we remain confident in our approach and the value we're delivering with PS3."
Sony's reaction to increasing expectations of an imminent PS3 price drop is interesting; it's not the usual "we don't comment on rumors and speculation." By blatantly stating there won't be one, the company may be trying to manage expectations (note that it hasn't denied a possible PS2 price cut). Also, if it were to announce a price drop one day after issuing this clear denial, it would draw considerable investor ire. Then again, if a reduced price for the console isn't announced relatively soon, it risks upsetting not only shareholders, but retailers and publishers as well.
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March 30th, 2009, 23:37 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
System 3 promises to release fresh content for Ferrari Challenge on the PlayStation Network this May.
Inside will be five shiny new Ferraris: 430 Scuderia, 599 GTB Fiorano, 612 Scaglietti Sessanta, 330 P4 and the Enzo Ferrari. We're told the latter regularly fetches over USD 1 million at auction and that it looks nice. And it does looks nice. And that Gizmondo bloke crashed one.
The renowned German racecourse Nüburgring will join those cars and offer up its 28km, 6-minute long circuit. This is often remembered for its long straight that leads into a scary blind bend.
System 3 says the cars and track will be available individually or as part of a DLC pack. Pricing and an exact date are still being worked out.
Ferrari Challenge launched on PlayStation 3 last July, and turned out to be very pretty and competent if a little dry and technical.
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March 31st, 2009, 00:05 Posted By: wraggster
Ys is making a major return on the PSP later this year. We (as in the royal we) have known that much for the last couple of weeks. Today, Falcom at long last shared the specifics, complete with screens and artwork.
As peviously detailed, the classic franchise, which tells the story of red-haired Adol Christin and his exploits in the surroundings of the ancient land of Ys, will hit the Japanese PSP through two titles this year. First up is Ys I&II Chronicles, which arrives in July. This will be followed by Ys Seven in September.
Ys I&II Chronicles is a remake of a remake of the first two Ys games. The original remake which it remakes was released on Japanese Windows machines in 2001 (all of this has nothing to do with Ys Book I&II, which was developed by Hudson for the Turbo Grafx CD).
The remade PSP version adds a number of features. Players have access to four selectable difficulties, ranging from "easy" to "nightmare." Those who love their Ys combat can take part in a Boss Rush Mode which puts you up against a sequence of bosses.
Presentation is also seeing some changes for the PSP, with the ability to select between the Windows version's artwork for character dialog cut-ins or newly drawn PSP artwork. The options are even greater for music, as the game includes the very original PC-8801 tunes, the 2001 Windows version tunes, and all new PSP arrangements. These can be freely switched around as you play.
Despite all the changes, Ys I&II Chronicles will probably be familiar ground for Ys fans. For something completely new, we turn to Ys Seven, an all new entry in the series.
Adol is, of course, the main character once again, only he's now six year's older since his exploits in Ys I&II (yes, RPG heroes do age!). Adol and his friend Dogi travel to the Kingdom of Altago, which serves as the setting for their latest adventure.
Ys Seven is different from past Ys in that it uses a "party-based" battle system. Adol fights alongside two other characters who are controlled by the AI. Falcom hasn't mentioned anything about multiplayer.
Those other characters include Dogi and a new comer, Aisha, who happens to be a princess of the Altigo Kingdom but also happens to be good with a bow and arrow. There will be other playable characters beyond these two, but Falcom isn't talking.
As part of the game's story, though, Falcom has introduced Tia, a girl who sells herbs in Altigo City; Maya, a girl who lost her family in her childhood and went silent due to shock; and Scias, a legendary swordsman. They all sound like pretty nice candidates for battle partners. That includes Maya, who's apparently learned to swing her hands and body around in order to make up for her lack of words.
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March 31st, 2009, 00:11 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Ardatan:
You know, Sony limits our memory in Internet Browser. So we cannot play big flash games and open big web sites.
This mod removes this limitation. And you can use all of the memory that your PSP has.
If your PSP is Fat, the HighMemMod uses all of 32 MB RAM.
If your PSP is Slim, the HighMemMod uses all of 64 MB RAM!!!
That's very interesting, isn't it?
Now the browser loads your pages in very short seconds!
You can play your online flash games fast...
The program is beta so it may be buggy. If you see any problems, please reply this topic
-Copy HtmlMax_Eng to PSP/GAME folder and enjoy...
-Dark-Alex for his ramtestsample...(Large Memory)
-PSPSDK creators...(SDK, DEV and samples)
-JK108 and Lelouch15 for their support and test(They are my testers)
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March 31st, 2009, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from jojojoris
Hello erveybody,
Imagine: You are bored in boring math class. Your teacher is boring and the whole school is boring. You want to play a game on your psp. So you turn on your psp and then it happened. Last time you play on your psp you forget to turn the sound off. You hear the StartUp sound of your psp. The teacher heared it also and you have to gave your psp to the teacher.
To prevent this enormous annoyance you can use my newest homebrew.
It's called "VolDown".
It's a small plugin which turns the vollume down to ZERO. After it had done it it unloads itselfe so is doesn't use any memory after it had one its task.
(I know you can also put earphones in but not everone had a earphone ready)
Step 1.
Copy "VolDown.prx" to ms0:\seplugins\
Step 2.
Add the following line to ms0:\seplugins\vsh.txt:
(you don't have to add this line to game.txt)
Step 3.
Turn off your PSP.
Step 4.
Hold R while you turn your psp on again.
Step 5.
In recovery go to plugins and enable VolDown.prx
Step 6.
Close recovery.
Step 7.
In XMB turn the volume to maximum.
Step 8.
RestartYour PSP.
Step 9.
Confirm that it works.
Step 10.
Jump 3 times in the air and post a comment where you say that this has saved your life.
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March 31st, 2009, 00:16 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from bboyjcm
A plugin that will help you disable/enable your Power Switch whenever you want.
No more accidental shutdowns/sleeps while playing your favourite game!
This is not a BUG-FREE Release....
-Enables/Disables your psp power switch
-Block & Unblocks your psp power switch with the same button combo
-Works In VSH & Game Mode
-Works for both PSP Phat & PSP Slim
-Code Cleaning
-Credits,Readme and Changelog are now included
Some "BUGS":
-Holding the PowerSwitch button for more than 10secs will disable the plugin and shutdown your psp.(Dunno why this happens! This also occurs on the SDK Power Example so i dont think there is smth i can do...
-If you press the power switch while you have it disabled , your psp will shutdown after you disable the power switch block.
-When you are in Block Mode (When your psp power switch is blocked/disabled) you cant Restart/Shutdown/Sleep your psp or start a usb connection.
-When you enter the game mode you need to re-enable the Power Switch Block with the button combo even if you did enable it in the VSH.
-Message ("Power Switch Blockisabled/Enabled") sometimes doesnt show up in game mode.
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March 31st, 2009, 00:27 Posted By: wraggster
JK108 has posted a new release of PSP Tube for the PSP, heres the release details:
OK, I've now released Ultimate PSPTube 2.0. These are the changes:
-Kontraband is now included
-Wank.To is now included
-Fixed YouTube after the videos stopped working
-Fixed a bug in YouTube which caused it to display some searches incorrectly if they had few results
-Fixed a bug in MetaCafe which caused it to only show the first page
-Fixed a bug in Spike which caused it to only show the first page of results
-Fixed StreetFire after it stopped working
-Fixed the description in Current
-Fixed TheTend after the videos stopped working
-Fixed Google Video after the videos stopped working
-Fixed XVideos after the videos stopped working
-Had to remove the high quality feature from YouTube because fmt=6 videos have been removed from the website
-Had to remove TNAFlix because the videos now crash the PSP
-Had to remove Shufuni because the search doesn't work properly and the video URL is more secure
-Had to remove ThatVideoSite because the website no longer appears to exist
-Had to remove Yuvutu because I can no longer obtain the search results
As you can see, I have had to remove many things for various reasons. I have fixed YouTube but the only problem is that videos which have been flagged cannot be viewed due to it requiring you to log in to be able to see the viewing page. This was not an issue before as the script didn't need to download the viewing page. But luckily there are few videos which have been flagged to my knowledge. If I ever find out a way round this problem, I will release an update with it fixed. I also fixed the XVideos script only to find out that some of the longer videos now crash the PSP. I'm sorry if one of the sites you requested has not been included. I may release another update in the future or hopefully finish the version me, darionco and ardatan have been working on. Thanks
Heres the full details:
Ultimate PSPTube 2.0
Scripts & Various Features - JK108
Original Program - SofiyaCat
Main Theme - Psimxc
Optional Theme - Salvy
This is a modification for PSPTube which aims to deliver a fully working video
streamer to the PSP with as little trouble as possible. The original PSPTube was
created by SofiyaCat. All scripts and various other features were created by JK108.
The main theme for Ultimate PSPTube was created by Psimxc. The optional theme was
created by Salvy.
Sites Included
-Google Video
-MySpace Videos
Known Issues
-Videos don't save to favourites for Veoh, Guba and xHamster
-Longer videos in Veoh dont load because they use a format that PSPTube doesn't support
-There are various issues with the quality of the videos for many sites because they use a non supported format
-Thumbnails don't show for MegaVideo and MegaPorn to stop the search from being slow
-Some longer videos in XVideos can crash the PSP
-Videos that have been flagged on YouTube no longer work as they require an account
Delete any old version of Ultimate PSPTube that is already on your PSP and then simply copy the folder
"Ultimate PSPTube" into the directory "PSP/GAME" on your PSP. There should now be the folder
"PSP/GAME/Ultimate PSPTube". Thats all you need to do.
While Not Playing Video:
Select - Changes the selected site which is displayed in the top left corner.
X - Play the selected video.
O - Search for videos on the selected site.
Triangle - Brings up the menu where you can save to favourites, add to playlist etc.
Square - Switches the view. Either search results, video playback or split.
L Trigger - Previous page of results.
R Trigger - Next page of results.
While Playing Video:
O - Stops the video returns to search results.
Square - Switches the view. Either search results, video playback or split.
Triangle - Hides the time display. Press again to hide video playback and then press again to show all.
Select - Change the video playback size.
Start - Pauses the video. Press again to resume.
Left Arrow - Slows down the playback speed.
Right Arrow - Speeds up the playback speed.
Special Searches
Certain sites allow you to perform special searches. Below are the sites that allow special searches and
an explanation of what each special search does. Special searches are not case sensitive.
!popular - Returns the most popular videos as the search results
!viewed - Returns the most viewed videos as the search results
!hd - Returns HD videos as the search results
!featured - Returns the featured videos as the search results
!rising - Returns the most rising videos as the search results
!discussed - Returns the most discussed videos as the search results
!recent - Returns the most recent videos as the search results
!responded - Returns the most responded videos as the search results
!favourited - Returns the top favourited videos as the search results
!rated - Returns the top rated videos as the search results
Some of these special YouTube searches also allow you to determine the time period of the results. You can
do this by adding any of these to the end of the search:
Here are some examples:
!rated alltime - Returns the most rated videos af all time as the search results
!viewed thisweek - Returns the most viewed videos this week as the search results
!popular thismonth - Returns the most popular videos this month as the search results
!favourited today - Returns the most favourited videos today as the search results
!popular - Returns the most popular videos as the search results
!rated - Returns the most rated videos as the search results
!viewed - Returns the most viewed videos as the search results
!rising - Returns the most rising videos as the search results
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March 31st, 2009, 00:31 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita
The coder cobra 77,380 releases a new version of PSP Iver, shell alternative to our XMB with graphics inspired by the popular iPhone, which leads to version 3.00.
Among the most interesting of this release we see the addition of some emulators and the ability to launch PSX games.
Following the changelog of this new release and the link to download.
Changelog v3.00:
Graphics-completely renovated
-New File Browser which allows you to read many types of files and allows editing of folders
-Igames also now allows the execution of PSX games
-iNotes became LUAProg
Agguinto-iEmule, which keeps the running emulators pre-loaded. Includes Nintendo64 emulators, MegaDrive, SNES, Nes, GameGear and PCEngine
-Added Facebook
Added 60-backgrounds for the shell
-E 'can now start Iver PSP when the PSP
Download Here 31MB
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March 31st, 2009, 01:22 Posted By: wraggster

[Avi] sent in his PSP as a status monitor hack. He’s using Lua on the PSP, so you have to install LuaPlayer. The computer side is written in python, so it should be cross platform. Last time we saw a psp as an extra monitor, it had more capabilities, but it was limited to Windows. You’ll find the Lua script as well as the python in the zip file. It’s a nice use for an extra psp.
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March 31st, 2009, 01:28 Posted By: wraggster
Cloud computing seems to be the new "in" thing, nowadays. First OnLive appears at GDC, which forces David Perry to announce his own similar service -- which he was saving for E3 -- and now Sony has trademarked something called "PS Cloud." The trademark was registered "for use with a cloud computing data center management software, communications software, broadcasting services, and a long list of other terms," according to Siliconera.
There are many ways that Sony could be utilizing a cloud computing system, including offering a similar service to OnLive, allowing users to share downloadable games/demos or improving the PSP's remote play functionality. Whatever it is, we imagine it's probably quite a way off and, like many other trademarks or patents, could never even come to fruition at all.
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March 31st, 2009, 01:28 Posted By: wraggster
Cloud computing seems to be the new "in" thing, nowadays. First OnLive appears at GDC, which forces David Perry to announce his own similar service -- which he was saving for E3 -- and now Sony has trademarked something called "PS Cloud." The trademark was registered "for use with a cloud computing data center management software, communications software, broadcasting services, and a long list of other terms," according to Siliconera.
There are many ways that Sony could be utilizing a cloud computing system, including offering a similar service to OnLive, allowing users to share downloadable games/demos or improving the PSP's remote play functionality. Whatever it is, we imagine it's probably quite a way off and, like many other trademarks or patents, could never even come to fruition at all.
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March 31st, 2009, 01:38 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

Transform into metal legends Lars Ulrich, James Hetfield, Kirk Hammett and Robert Trujillo as full body scans and signature moves motion capture allow players to virtually experience the high intensity of a Metallica performance
Follow the path of the metal legends in either single instrument or band career game modes playing as the band to a soundtrack of their greatest hits while also rocking with over 20 additional artists selected by the band
Immerse yourself in themed Battle Mode attacks, such as briefly blacking out your fellow rocker’s note track or modifying the amp overload to include the signature Metallica lightening
The on-screen displays give information about the song being played, and with guest artist songs, information about how the band is tied to Metallica will be displayed along with details such as band history and lyrics
Guitar Hero Metallica is loaded with tons of bonuses throughout the game, such as unlockable venues, commentary, videos and behind the scenes footage, giving all Metallica fans exclusive content to enjoy
“Ride the Lightning†with musical icons Metallica and over 20 other rocking acts in an all new Guitar Hero® experience - Guitar Hero® Metallica®. Enter the world of Lars Ulrich, James Hetfield, Kirk Hammett and Robert Trujillo and experience the intensity and skill of one of the greatest bands of all time. Shred on guitar, rip on drums and wail on the mic to a set list featuring over 45 explosive hits from Metallica’s illustrious career and a wide variety of other legendary artists personally selected by the band, such as Alice In Chains, Foo Fighters and Queen. Fans will be able to rock as Metallica while performing in venues reminiscent of the band’s epic album covers, themes from their music and real world locales.
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March 31st, 2009, 21:23 Posted By: wraggster
GameDaily BIZ just got off the phone with John Koller, Director of Hardware Marketing at Sony Computer Entertainment America, to discuss the news of PS2 dropping down to just $99. And of course, we had to talk about PS3 NOT getting a price drop as well...
BIZ: I think a number of industry pundits were expecting a PS3 price drop today in addition to or instead of the PS2 price cut. With the fiscal year having just ended, we thought Sony might kick off the new year with a bang... So my question is why not PS3 right now? And for the PS2, was this move already pre-planned long ago?
John Koller: So, I'll take the last question first. We do plan price cuts and most major moves well in advance; they're done for a variety of reasons. This particular reason on the PS2 price cut was done really to extend the overall viability and versatility of the platform. We're looking at 70-80 titles launching on PS2 this coming year, and about the same number next year in 2010. PS2 shows very little signs of slowing down, and we wanted to continue to really target that lower income consumer, as well as that lapsed gamer or young family consumer that is still purchasing PS2 and wants some of that evergreen entertainment – the social gaming and sports are what they are particularly gravitating towards. A lot of the development is going in that direction.
"We do look at those as similar consumers. So, yes, we do think the $99 price point could steal some share [from Wii]. From a technological standpoint, the Wii is much closer to the PS2 than it is to the next-gen consoles."
In terms of the PS3, our is on the versatility of the system and the overall value that's inherent to the system. We've been focusing on development of key software franchises, and this year should be the best software year launched yet. On PS3, we look at that as a significant advantage versus Xbox 360. In particular, our first party group has really stepped up with some tremendous franchises, whether they're iterations [of existing properties] or new IP like LittleBigPlanet, MAG, etc. You also look at the continued strength of the Blu-ray format and we're starting to see some cases where movies are helping to sell hardware - Dark Knight certainly did for a time in December. So we're seeing different patterns of growth. Last year was the best sales year ever for PS3 and we are very bullish on the platform this year.
BIZ: Although sales for PS2 have remained quite strong for a nine-year-old platform, PS2 has withered somewhat as this generation of consoles takes hold. What kind of uptick are you anticipating in terms of hardware sales thanks to the $99 price point?
JK: Good question. We can't give specific number, but I can tell you that last year the NPD number was 2.5 million units [sold], so we expect at or north of that number [this year]. And certainly when you're looking at the game pipeline and also what Nielsen reported about PS2 being the most played console in 2008, there's still a lot of viability left. A lot of people tend to think there's only life in next-gen, but in reality there's life in next-gen, in our handheld business and in PS2. We enter the 10th year of its life-cycle in October of this year, and there's really no sign of slowing down. We ended up 'sunsetting' the PSOne because the development spigot kind of dried up, but that's not happening with PS2 right now. With 1,900 games (250 Greatest Hits), there's really a wide variety of game options for that new consumer to the category.
BIZ: PS2 is already the best-selling console ever, so wouldn't Sony rather drive these consumers to convert to the PS3, instead of continuing to propagate the PS2 message?
JK: We don't look at it as an either/or situation – it's really an and. So if you look at when PS2 consumers purchase, that's how we analyze when they'll be ready to move up the loyalty chain to PS3. The PS3 cross-ownership rate with PS2 is about 80 percent, so much of the PS3 installed base is a PS2 consumer or had been at some point. You have to look at when they're purchasing; there's certainly strata of purchasers in the PS2 world. So if someone purchases tomorrow for the price drop, then we believe that's a PS3 owner in the future. It may not be April 2nd, but it will be in the future. By definition, they're a bit of a later adopter, so that's someone that we think will gravitate towards PS3 as we continue along the growth curve... Currently, we're making a big push to grab the PS2 consumer that purchased in the middle part of this decade (maybe 2002-06), because that was an early to mid adopter and someone very interested in the large franchises on PS2 like GTA and Final Fantasy and Gran Turismo and Madden. That consumer is probably ready [to buy a PS3]. We've made a concerted push against that individual. But we don't give up on any of the PS2 consumers – they're PlayStation fans for life and we believe they will eventually purchase a PS3 at some point in time.
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March 31st, 2009, 22:09 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Final Fantasy XIII will use "nearly 100%" of the PlayStation 3's hardware power, Square Enix producer Yoshinori Kitase has claimed.
When asked how much of the PS3's tech muscle FFXIII will make use of, Kitase told Japanese mag Dengeki PlayStation 3, "doesn't the demo use about 50 percent of its power? Of course, I think the retail version will make use of nearly 100 percent."
The producer added that there won't be any disc swap issues on the PS3 version (there's no 360 release planned for Japan) due to Blu-ray and the console's hard drive.
The FFXIII demo is due to ship with the Advent Children Blu-ray release in Japan on April 16. Development on the trial was finished last year, says Kitase.
"The game's development is currently going well," he said of the final game "We are finishing up the tail end of the development."
We wonder if it'll use 100% of the Xbox 360's power too? If it's only 99%, we're definitely buying the PS3 version.
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March 31st, 2009, 22:11 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Although it probably won't come as much surprise to series followers, Namco Bandai has confirmed to Eurogamer that Katamari Damacy creator Keita Takahashi is "not involved" in production of the upcoming PS3 version.
Announced last week in Famitsu, Katamari Damacy Tribute is a 1080p version of the classic roll-everything-up game that made its cultish name on PS2 before limping rather feebly onto Xbox 360 after its creator departed to do other things.
Speaking at GDC last week, Takahashi said that the original Katamari Damacy was a comment on consumerism, and that his current game, the downloadable Noby Noby Boy, was deliberately designed without objectives and with little intention of making money.
"People who are high up were very very angry with me, and sometimes if I look at them they will really glare at me," he said.
We do love Keita Takahashi.
We'll let you know more about Katamari Damacy Tribute when we do. According to Namco, the game's "in good hands".
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March 31st, 2009, 22:49 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
We've received word from a SCEE representative that the PS2 price drop, which was announced today for the US, will also take place in Europe. On the mainland, the PS2 will drop from around €130 to €99, while remaining frozen at around £90 in the UK.
There's no word on when this price cut will take place or why the UK remains immune, but we suggest you keep an eye on your local retailer for more information.
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March 31st, 2009, 23:40 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has issued its strongest statement yet to the growing chorus of gamers, publishers and analysts calling for a price cut on the PS3: "We do not have plans for a PS3 price drop, and any rumors to that effect are false and are the result of speculation." That's the statement the company gave Joystiq today, in an effort to squash buzz that the price drop was coming tomorrow. It's a bit different from the standard "we don't comment on speculation" response, and even clearer than the "we're focused on long-term profitability" line that Sony (NYSE: SNE) has been using in every interview.
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March 31st, 2009, 23:42 Posted By: wraggster
The japanese game magazine "Dengeki PS3" interviewed the Final Fantasy XIII producers.
First a quote translated from the magazine:
Interviewer: How much of the PS3's powers do you think the game will utilize at the end?
Kitase: I think around 50% for the demo version. For the final product (just before it's released), I think it will use around 100% of its powers. It is the same situation with FFVII and FFX where we fully utilized the powers of the PS1 and PS2.
If the newest Final Fantasy title uses 100% of the PS3's power, then it may just be bad coded and not optimized for the PS3 system or the statement is a lie to promote the game. The producers don't specifiy why it (may) use 100%, so it could mean 100% for sound, physic, anything. 100% means it uses 100% CELL power, 100% RAM. If it would be real, it would mean there wont come any better games in the next years. Thats not very logical. Aswell the old FF titles for PS1 and PS2 are surely not the best looking & technical games next to the GOW2 on PS2 for example. At least one good thing about it, if it's real, the XBOX 360 version of it would be very crappy. Else it would mean XBOX360 power == PS3 power.
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March 31st, 2009, 23:53 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita
New update from moscas user of our forum, for his Goblins PSP, multifunction utility for PCs that come with version Goblins PSP will allow you to perform backups of data on your memory stick, load and / or delete the backup of your UMD, launch programs like the RemoteJoy and USBIsoloader, update your Custom Firmware and manage your plugins.
Following the changelog of this release and the link to download.
Changelog v2.4.0.0:
-If you are upgrading from a version lower than v2.0.0.0 you must remove GoblinPSP
-Fixed some bugs in the program organization of the applications, now you can not hold more than 55 applications
-Added the function of regeneration of the organization to File menu (this procedure is used to regenerate the indices in a random way and then reset the various applications in choice)
-Updated some graphics as the initial splash, the copy / download / search for files with the standard icons for Windows XP
-Modified handling Combo selection of some applications (eg Manager Custom Firmware)
-Modified way to search for new updates
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March 31st, 2009, 23:54 Posted By: wraggster
In a press release sent out today, Atlus announced that Class of Heroes, an upcoming first-person dungeon-crawler for the PSP, would be delayed until June 9th, 2009. Apparently, a game-stopping bug was discovered just days before the manufacturing process began. Atlus Manager of PR and Sales Aram Jabbari comments: "We will under no circumstance ship a product with foreknowledge of such an issue, and so we must delay the game to resolve the problem and deliver a final product to our fans that lives up to the high standards we aspire to and that they deserve."
Class of Heroes will hit stores with an MSRP of $39.99.
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April 1st, 2009, 00:31 Posted By: wraggster
Jum has posted an update to his drum app for the PSP:
Released "PXDrum" version 1.1. (This version includes some minor fixes, and executables for PSP, PS3 Ubuntu, Ubuntu Linux and Windows).
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April 1st, 2009, 00:35 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from The Torch:
Hold+ v3.7
Tested on 5.00M33-6
Hold+ is the ultimate companion to the PSP's music player. It adds useful features and gives you TWICE the battery life when used properly.
It does the following when the Hold switch is enabled:
* Switches off the LCD screen and backlight.
* Underclocks the CPU to 60MHz
* The original screen brightness and clock speed are restored when the Hold switch is released.
* Prevents the PSP from going into suspend mode if you accidently push the power switch too far when turning off Hold mode.
* Allows complete operation of the PSP controls with the display turned off.
* Turns off LEDs in hold mode.
* While in hold mode, allows the use of Left, Right, LTrigger, RTrigger, Volume and Start buttons, if you hold the Select button first. Useful to skip songs, pause etc.
Additional Features:
* Enables the 5th brightness level on PSP Slim.
* Increases the vertical scrolling speed of Music player by around 50% (scroll 300 songs in 10 seconds).
Turn on the Hold switch to automatically disable the display and underclock the CPU. Turn off the Hold switch to return the CPU to normal speed and enable the display.
If you push the ANALOG UP button when turning on the Hold switch, it will only lock the keypad like normal hold mode. The display and CPU speed will not be changed, so that you can watch videos etc. with the keypad locked.
If you push the ANALOG UP button when turning off the Hold switch, the display will remain switched off and the CPU will remain underclocked, but you can operate the PSP. To return to normal, push the power switch to the suspend position, or just press the Screen button.
While the PSP is in hold mode, if you first hold down the Select button, you can use the following buttons: Left, Right, LTrigger, RTrigger, Vol+, Vol-, Start.
You can install it in the seplugins folder, and make an entry in VSH.txt. Thus it will be active in the XMB. Its also possible to use it in games by adding it to GAME.txt, but some games may crash etc., if the CPU is underclocked to such a low value.
Optionally, its also possible to install it in your PSP's flash0 so that it will work without a Memory Stick. For this you can use FreePlay's "NewBTCFNedit" and enable it for VSH mode in the all the PSPBT?NF.bin files. Add it before vshmain.prx.
If you want to change the clock speed to your own values, you can use a hex editor to change them. The offsets in the file for v3.7 are
0x1234 - CPU
0x1238 - Bus (Should be half the CPU speed or less)
The values should be entered in hexadecimal. The default value for CPU is 3C (60 MHz in decimal) and the default value for Bus is 1E (30 MHz in decimal).
Note that simply using any arbitrary value will not work. You will have to test and see which values for CPU and Bus speed work.
Thanks to adrahil for helping with preventing the suspend mode.
Thanks to Booster for the SysCon Hook sample, based on which Hold+ v3.0 was updated.
Originally Posted by Changelog
Changelog v3.7
Optimized Code.
Proper fixed to prevent any chance of accidental suspend when coming out of hold mode due to pushing switch too far.
LEDs do not blink every 30 seconds anymore.
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